Chapter twenty five



I opened the last door of the hallway where my room was and let him go first.
His curious eyes traveled the room, stopping in some details in question, making me smile to myself.
For one supposed evil devil  he was actually very friendly and kind.
A bit clumsy, because he tripped at least four times up the stairs, and he blushes a lot to, making me smile but others making me embarrassed.
"It's beautiful .... ..."          "This room is not used a lot of time ... is supposed to have visites but don’t have any. "
We both laughed for a few seconds, until the familiar silence fell upon us.
I put his suitcase at the foot of the large cabinet of dark and dense wood and I sat on the windowsill, looking at the landscape now turning gray and gloomy.
Of course it was normal rainfall in the winter but for some reason these clouds seem more threatening than these times.
I got so engrossed in the view beyond the cold glass that I didn’t  notice the body approaching me, also looking at the landscape.
"O-oh no ..."
I looked surprised and a little scared back and I came across with Onew standing staring at the clouds that crowded out there more and more making the landscape even darker.
"Is something wrong Onew?"         "I-I hate s-storms ..."
His gaze never left the window to find my eyes, leaving me to look at himwithout having to look away because of my embarrassment.
The darkness of the storm was reflected in the room dimmed and white painted wooden furniture, making the room too dark.
Onew's hair reflected the light that left the only cracks of the clouds as his body trembled.
The first thunder sounded in a huge and terrifying  sound, making our bodies shuddering in fear.
My gaze shot to Onew’s body who was now lying on the floor, curled into a ball as if it were an invisible shield against what happened out there, tears open the transparent way through his closed eyes closed with all the strength he could while both his trembling hands held tightly to his ears, preventing the sound from the back to scare him.
I don’t know if it was instinct or if I thought about it but, the next second I was on the floor next to him, hugging him tightly against my chest trying to calm his terrified body.
"Shhh .... it’s okay .... I'm here ... don’t cry ...."
His arms encircled my neck sheepishly, pulling our two bodies  closer.
"M-minho ...."
I picked up his body, tooking him down the hall to get to my room where I landed him gently on the bed.
His look of terror crossed with mine and I suddently forgot of what I was doing.
I smiled at him, trying to calm him, and his hair, closing all the curtains of my windows to prevent Onew from being startled with the light of those thunders.
I ran immediately to the bed where I opened all the blankets and lay Onew, tucking it the best I could.

I smiled at him again and cleaned any trace of tears that could be still there and began to prepare myself to leave.
"You can sleep here. I don’t mind. If you need anything call okay? "     " Y-you’re g-going to l-l-leave me?! '"         " You want me to stay? "
He nodded furiously and made room in bed for another body, avoiding any eye contact with me.
I went to bed, lying down on my back too.
 I looked at Onew and I couldn’t help to freeze noticing on the closeness of our faces . I could feel his hot breath in my face, making my body tremble silently.
"C-can I…hug you? "
I looked at him for a second, completely embarrassed and I swear, if it was not my manhood I was blushing like a girl!
I nodded slowly, never cutting off the connection between our eyes.
I opened my arms and his small frame touched mine calmly like he was scared, even though he asked me to do it.
My head landed on top of his, while his whole body was practically glued to me, not that I had anything against it. Quite the contrary. That body was welcome.
"I-I’m sorry ...."      " Don’t apologize Onew ... everyone has their fears. "   " W-what is yours? " " .... I think that nothing scares me... "               " Really? "
I nodded with my head still stuck to his and smiled, knowing he could not see.
"Wow .."   A soft laugh escaped my lips, making my chest tremble slightly.
I felt a hand touch my chest and looked at Onew, who had his hand resting gently on top of it.
"Is something wrong?"        "N-no ...."
The thunder ceased for a few minutes, leaving both our bodies try to find sleep. The problem is that when they returned, they returned in force.
I held Onew in my arms with strengh but at the same time carefully, trying to get his uncontrollable tears dry up and his heart beat slow down.
"Onew .... don’t cry ..."

I wiped his face again while holding his hand in mine, trying to calm him down more.
"You don’t need to be afraid Onew .... I'm here, nothing will happen to you."
He nodded softly as small scared moans escaped his mouth slightly open.


Stupid storm .... WHY NOW?!
I feel so stupid for being so scared .... But what can I do?! I really fear this crap .... And I cann’t avoid to fell fear ....
This is why I hate the mortals world.... In my world there are these storms .... not so scary. Are all storms here like this one?
But it doesn’t matter now. What matters is what I'm doing figures of a girl in front of Sun Hee's brother! And why the hell does that bother me much, anyway?!
But it also doesn’t matter. The problem here is that I'm lying with a man, who happens to be very attractive, hugging his chest and crying like there was no tomorrow!
Good! My day couldn’t get better .... I just want to eat my chicken and go to sleep .......
"Onew?"         "Hm ...?"          " How old are you? "" 2,001,002 years ...         "" A-ahm ... "                   " Oh sorry!... I have 20 years in the mortal world ... who happens to be this one ...."
He laughed softly, sending back those charming and relaxing vibrations through my body. The way of how his body shook as his deep chuckle was issued left me completely amazed. I want to know why ...
"Why did you come to this world?"        "Mine wasn’t safe ..."      "What do you mean ‘wasn’t safe’?"         "I-I am being chased... ..."     "Why? "         " I-I did nothing wrong .... I swear ...."
Minho hugged me harder when my crying increased volume and new tears formed in my already tired and puffy eyes.
"Shhh .... I'm not going to judge .... Onew you can tell me. "
I nodded and lay down in a position where he could look at me and I could look at him. Talk to someone without looking into the eyes of this person is just rude. At least that's what I think.
"You’ve already heard about Taemin right?"       "Y-yes ... yes actually ...."     " He's my best friend .... is like a brother to me ... ... and he broke the rules by falling in love with your sister .... our master was furious and ordered the entire shinigami army looking for us ... "
I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes with my sleeves and took a deep breath to continue to speak without my voice led me to a sweep and break up, making me look weak.
"I-I ... I helped him to flee and hide and they know it ...."      " O-oh ...."

Okay, now I could NOT look him in the eyes. It was obvious that Minho was disappointed and perhaps afraid to let me stay now that I told him everything. But if I can’t stay here .... where am I going to go?! I wish I could read his thoughts ....
"It's okay now. Here you are safe. "
His arms encircled my body again, making me wince at his words. Did I hear right?! H-he'll let me stay?!?
"M-minho ...?"           " Yes? "      " T-that means I can stay? "       " Of course! I won’t let anyone hurt you. "
Again his words had taken my breath away completely. Why he was being like that towards me? So nice .... I could have shut my mouth at this moment, but of course I had to make all this clear.
The room was silent for a few seconds. I mean, not in absolute silence because the echo of the rain powerfully falling outside circulatedthe house, sometimes even making us deaf. But I couldn’t control my expectations in his response. This was definitely making me uneasy .... I don’t  know why!
"Because .... Onew what’s your ual orientation? "

Hey! New update here! Hope you enjoy it and comment. And also, school is starting soon so my updates will be a little more slow...but i will update! dont worry


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~