Chapter nineteen



"Oh ... so your boyfriend broke up with you?"
I sighed and nodded looking at the view out front. He had sat on the bench beside me and I told him what had happened. I actually felt happy for his presence..
"And are you okay?"      "I'll be ..."
He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. My heart skipped a beat when he smiled. It must be the most beautiful smiles I've ever seen in my entire life.
"Are you sure you're not a shinigami?"     "Why do you ask?"      "You know …shinigami’s are quite attractive and you ... well .... you are very atractive Jonghyun."
He laughed nervously but I always kept my composure, looking at him with my brown eyes that many people said they were like the eyes of a cat.
"That was a compliment?"
I sat even closer to him, putting my my mouth a millimeter away from his ear.
"You bet ~"
His body started to tense up only with my words. He walked away very quickly and began to breathe evily.
"T-thankyou ...."
I laughed and told him to sit next to me again. He approached slowly, and when they were close enough I kissed his cheek.
"W-w-why d-did you do t-that!!?"
He rose from the bank , making his hand cover the piece of skin that my my lips had touched.
"What .... you didn’t  like it?"
He swallowed  dry and tried to look away to another place except my eyes. Oh god he was so cuuuuute!
"I-it’s not that ...."       "So? ~"
I got up, which made him back up more and fall with his on the floor.

"Oh no!"
I ran to him and knelt beside him.
"Jonghyun are you okay?"        "I fell in my !! Of course I’m not!"
I laughed and helped him get up and dusting the clothes that he did everything for me not to touch. Well, tough luck~~ I wanted to touch his …
"What?! Why are you running away from me! Oh no  ... do not tell me you're homophobic!" "What? Of course not .... it's just …”     "It's just what!? I thought you wanted to be my friend ...."       "And I want to but ...."       "But What?"     "If you let me finish my lines I may be able to explain myself! “

I laughed and nodded, as as I sat on the bench. His face was red and he couldn’t look me in the eyes. His guy is just so y and cute at the same time…
"It's just that ... you're really attractive and .... it's weird ..."        "That means ...."
I approached him again and pressed my lips to his ear in a seductive way.
".... You want to be more than my friend? "
I was expecting him to fall again but I think this time he froze.
I laughed and walked away from him, catching the book that was sitting on the bench.
"You want some coffee?"
He always nodded without looking up from me personally that I liked.
I took his hand intrelançando our fingers at each other.
He blushed a lot and started to walk to the cafe where I used to have breakfast every day.
We sat in my usual table and the waitress approached us with a pad and pencil in hand.
"Key is the usual?"     "Yes please ~"
She smiled at me and I smiled back.
Jonghyun's face was p-r-i-c-e-l-e-s-s!
"And you?"          "Same as him."
She wrote it down in her block and smiled, then disappeared through the doors of the kitchen.
"You know the maid?"       "I come here every day so yeah ~"     "Hm ..."
I noticed the questions he was  containing and laughed.
"Don’t worry ~ it is not my thing. I'm in another wave."
He looked at me, clearly not realizing what I had said. I laughed again. y, cute and now innocent… oh my…
"I'm gay Jonghyun ~ thought you knew by now but I guess you are more innocent than I thought ~"        "I-I am not innocent! Just didn’t  realize that ...... Damn! You like to mess with me don’t you? "

I laughed again and looked out the window, ignoring the obvious question. It was the first time a guy made ​​me laugh with just a look or a blush. And to be honest it was the first time I laughed in front of someone.
The maid went back to catching up with a slice of coffee cake and a cup of strong coffee and walked away.
"She's trying to seduce you Key…"
His words almost made me spit coffee. His voice was cold and serious what scared me for a few seconds.
"Why do you say that?"     "Whenever she pass by our table she laughs like an idiot and she’s always watching you through the kitchen window."       "Jealous?"
It was his turn almost spit his coffee.
"Damn ..."        "What!? Are you really jealous!?"
He blushed as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.
I smiled and laid my head in my hand, looking at his perfect and beautiful brown eyes.
"Jonghyun .... You know, you have beautiful eyes ~"
Again he blushed but tried to disguise this time. His blush was starting to become very ert in my mind….  

"Shut up and eat."
I laughed and started to eat my piece of cake, but always watching every move he made.  Jonghyun was the perfect guy. He was not very tall, in fact, I was a little taller than him. Muscular, funny, talented, strong, y and everything I could want.
And besides, it was enough to be the top male and for me the first time below.
If you know what I mean~


This Key is putting me nuts!
Whenever he comes near me I just want to grab him and kiss him in those red, soft and y and.... OH GOD! Kim Jonghyun! Control yourself!
And to make things worse, whenever he whispers in my hear my junior comes to life! This is very embarrassing!
Oh god.... I'm becoming .... g-gay?!

No. ... It can be .... I'm only half .... WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING!?!?
"Jonghyun? Can you hear me?"       "What! .... Oh .... I'm sorry."
He laughed softly and sighed.
"I was saying that we better go? "      "Ah .... yeah ..."
I got up and searched for my wallet in my pants.
"It’s okay~ I pay this time."
Key turned away from me and went past a few people, paying and some seconds next, taking my hand into his.
We left the cafe and started walking in one randome direction.
I didn’t  want to know where we were going ... just wanted to know if  Key was beside me.
"I hear that you draw?"       "Yes .. you can say I do ~"     "And you're good?"    "Well, I don’t like to brag but I have some kind of gift ~"
He smiled and started to pack our hands in the air. I smiled too and noticed the movement that our hands made.
"Can you draw people?"     "It's simple ~ why?"     "Whould you like to draw me?"
I stood frozen in the middle of the street looking  at him dumbly.
"O-o-o-okay ..."
He approached one of my ears and stared touching me seductively.
"... or dressed?"
My eyes tripled in size and started I to sweat. A lot.
"D-d-d-d-d-d-d-dressed ....”
He laughed and walked away from me for a moment and I don’t  know why, it disappointed me.
"Whatever ~"
He continued walking and it took a while to realize that I was still standing. I ran after him and unwittingly gave him my hand which made him blush. Suddenly a mobile phone started ringing loudly, almost making me die of fear. God I was so focused on Key that a mobile phone almost killed me… 

I took my mobile phone from my pocket but mine was kiet.
"It's not mine."
He took his mobile phone from his pocket and stayed silent while the voice talked to him..
The voice on the other side of the phone was inaudible so I tried to analyze Key’s facial expressions . But his face was cold and hard during the entire conversation on the cellphone.
I mean .... the voice talked .... he just heard.
He closed the phone without saying a word and looked at the floor as he search for words.
"Jonghyun I have to go ... please go straight home okay?"
Before I could answer he had already started to runaway from me.


* What the hell this guys want now ....*
Before I could hear Jonghyun’s answer, I started to run as fast as I could facing a huge building. Maybe 20 or 25 floors. All coated glass together with elegantly expensive and  monotone furniture.
I swallowed the knot in my throat and entered, without asking for information. Maybe all those girl in the recession already know who I am and what I'm doing here.
I checked to see if anyone was following me and I carried on walking into the elevator and pushed the number 15.
The door closed and I started to feel observed. Of course, I ignored my senses and decided to handle it without excitations.
I got out of the elevator and went through some people that might have been there on holiday or so. But in the gang’s world you never know.
I was watching the numbers of all the rooms until I saw the one.
666 .... ironic isn’t it? 666 is the number of the devil.
I knocked at the door with a certain rhythm and the door opened, pulling my body inside without warning.
Already inside, I saw about 15 men dressed in black around a red chair as blood where their master was sitting comfortably while smoking.
"Kibum ~ So, have my money? ~"     "Why should I have?"      "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
* Gosh… what a nasty, old and ugly man ...*
"Do not play with my patience Kibum ~ Now .... my money."      "I told you I don’t have him.. It's not my problem so ..."
I turned to leave me but I was brutally interrupted by two gross-hills.
"Tsk. ..."
I punched the first and then the second.
Very soon the old man rose to his feet, dropping the cigarette to the ground, sending a guard to step it up.
"Where you think you’re going Kibum? My money first and then, maybe, you’ll leave here alive ..."
One of the guards grabbed my arms and forced them to stay still behind my back. I can be a shinigami but I'm only level 4 .... which means that brute force is in the next level .... so I have the strength of a ing human ...
Suddenly there was a big tumble on the edge of the door.
* Oh my god no .... oh please no….make it a lie ....*
"Go see what that was guard."
The guard nodded and opened the door, causing the body that was listening to our conversation, fall helplessly on the floor.
"Aw ...."

My eyestripled in size and I tried violently to free myself  from the arms of the man that was arresting my moviments while calling Jonghyun’s name wihtout stoping..
One of the guards took him brutally and threw it back into the ground, holding his hands behind his back.
"Awwww !!!!"          "Jonghyun!! Let him go! This has nothing to do with him!"
The old man approached him and kicked him in the stomach causing him to groan with pain.
"STOP! Let him go!"         "I'm afraid I can not do it .... your buddy heard enough."
 Jonghyun came to complain of pain when the man pulled his hair making him show his face.
"I-I’m sorry…K-key….”
And then he fainted.


Trilpe update!!!!! Banzai!! XP hope you like it jongkey fans and....SHINee fans (?) I should just....shut up and write, right?  eheheh okay then :D next update coming soon!!


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~