Chapter twenty one



"Jonghyun! JONGHYUN!!!!! Jonghyun !!!!!! DON’T DO THIS TO ME!!! .... Jonghyun !!!!!!!"
My cries of despair  warned the  doctors that came right into in my direction.
"Sir, please move away."
Three doctors held me with their arms and tried to get me out of Jonghyun’s body.
"NO!! Get off me!! Jonghyun! Get off !!!!!"
The doctors were able to separate myself from him and then, immediately, took the reanimation machine, sending shocks through his body, causing him to jump on the bed.
"JONGHYUNN !!!!!!!!"
The doctors sat me on a chair outside the room where I was left alone  to cry violently as cries of pain left my lips.
Two nurses approached me, but soon moved away when mydespair turned to anger.
I picked one of them and shook her violently by the shoulders.
The nurse tried to calm me down and asked me to sit down while she went to get something hot.
I threw my body against the wall, slowly sliding to reach the ground.
I pressed my knees to my chest and cryed violently again.
"Jonghyun .... Jonghyun ...."
My cries and moans were heard throughout the hall and I think everyone in the hospital now knew  Jonghyun’s name.
But I wasn’t worried about that.

The love of my life may be dead right now and may have I lost him forever!
Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder, making me jump from the cold and now wet floor.
"Mr. Kim?"      "Y-yes ...."      "We were able to stabilize your friend. He’s okay now."
I got off the ground and tightly hugged the man for 2 seconds before ran into the room where the new machine was singing Jonghyun’s beautiful heart beating.
I approached his bed and grabbed his hand that was slowly and gradually gaining color.
"You scared me to death ..."
Suddenly his hand squeezed mine but only for a few seconds.
"OH GOD! Jonghyun if you hear me squeeze my hand."
"J-Jonghyun .... oh my god ...."
I hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead again and again.
"Jonghyun ...."
I started crying again but this time of happiness.
"Does it hurt somewhere? If it does squeeze my hand."
"My god .... I can’t believe this ... I'll call a doctor!"
I dropped his hand gently and ran into the hallway.
"I need a doctor! NOW !!!!"
The same doctor approached me and, following my orders, entered the room.
I ran to the edge of Jonghyun’s bed and took his hand in my again.
"Jonghyun here's the doctor. Squeeze my hand okay?"
"See !?!!?"     "This is truly impressive Mr. Kim .... please squeeze the other hand for me."
"Now the left foot."
"Now the right foot."
The doctor took the book block and began to target each detail.
"Well .. At this rate Mr. Kim must open his eyes in less than two hours."     "Thank you doctor ... I don’t know how to thank you ..."        "No need to thank me. It's my job."
The doctor smiled at me and left the room, closing the door. I was so thankful that words could not describe it. I could only cry to show it.
I sat back at the edge of Jonghyun’s bed and got back into his hand.
I little bit later, I fell asleep.



My eyes began to struggle mightily with the blinding light of the hospital room.
When it was used to it, more or less, I tried to sit up in bed but something stopped me.
I looked at my lap and I came across a beautiful Key sleeping on my chest.
I smiled and his hair gently.
His lips were swollen and red just like his eyes, but he still remained a work of art.
He was asleep holding my hand while his other hand was resting on top of my chest.
I squeezed his hand once but he didn’t move.
I pressed it twice and he wrinkled his nose which made me smile.
I started to squeeze his hands many times until he finally yawned and rubbed his eyes without opening them.
"What Jonghyun? Are you hungry?"
I had to be strong not to burst out laughing like crazy.
"Hmmm .... Thirsty?"
"So what do you want?"     "That you look at me."
He shot his head towards me and I his face.
"J-Jonghyun ..."           "Good morning Key"
I smiled and slowly he smiled back at me.
"Idiot ...."          "God! I just woke up and you’re already insulting me?"   "You shouldn’t have followed me!"        "But I was worried. Of course I would follow ..."
A tear escaped his eye and I wiped it quickly with my hand.
"It's my fault Jonghyun ... I wasn’t there for you… Maybe we shouldn’t have met ..." "What? Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me."
He looked back at me and wiped the tears with his sleeve.
"Jonghyun I lo...."
"Can I?"          "Y-yeah doctor ...."
The Key dropped my hand and walked away from the bed to make room for the doctor to examine me.
"Well .. it seems fine. When the wounds are healed you can go home Mr. Kim."     "Thank you doctor."
The doctor smiled at me and then left the room, closing the door.
"This is good news right Jonghyun?"    "Yes .. but what were you gonna say?"    "Nothing ... forget it... thank goodness you're okay ..."
I smiled and he smiled at me.
I have to do something about these feelings.
How do I fell towards Key?!
Friendship developed a little more?
But we are both men.... This is wrong ...
"To love another man is a mistake ...."       "Sorry, what did you said? I didn’t heard."     "I-is nothing ... I was just thinking out loud ..."           "Oh .."
He sat more comfortably in his chair and looked out the window.
It was perfectly visible the beautiful jaw line, perfect nose, red lips and without a single imperfection.
"Why do you have to be so perfect?"
He looked at me and tilted his head to the side expressing confusion.

I sighed and tried to get up.
"You can’t Jonghyun!"
He ran to me and pushed me gently down again.
His hand touched my chest and I'm pretty sure he felt my heart beating a thousand hours because he blushed madly.
"Key? When did you discover that you were .... in another wave?"    "Well … when I met Yoseob ..."          "And you are on another wave ....with other guys too?"      "No. A person who realizes that he’s gay because he appreciates other guys is looking for a boyfriend. But a person who realizes that he is gay because he loves a certain young man so he’s gay for this guy ... not the other guys."         "Being gay is complicated!"
He laughed and sat down in my bed.
"But I don’t regret having loved him ...."        "I see ..."      "And you? Boyfriend?"
I gestured 'no' and looked at the ceiling.
"You know ... if you want me to go you just have to say it ..."   "OF COURSE I DON’T WANT YOU TO LEAVE!"       "O-okay ..."     "I mean ... please stay (?) "
He laughed and nodded gently.


The angel smiled and approached me, landing his hand on my shoulder.
"I think you have made a decision?"
I nodded heavily as more tears began to come off from my eyes.
"I want to go back ... ... I have to know how I feel about him .... I'm not ready to die ...." "I see ~ Jonghyun, this is the best choice! Heaven can wait for you."
I nodded and smiled at him wiping tears.
The angel came towards me and took my hand.
"The answer is in your heart Jonghyun. ... Do not follow the logic, follow only your heart ...."
I nodded back and smiled again.
He smiled back and dropped my hand.
Suddenly my body was surrounded by crystal light that made me cover my eyes with my arm to ward off the light.
And then I heard the beating of my heart.




"Listen Key ... I have to tell you something ..."
He looked at me and came closer to me, making my heart sing loudly in the monitor.
I took his hand and it, without ever making eye contact with Key’s eyes.
"A certain person told me to follow my heart and not the logic .... and the answer was in my heart .... and I think I've found it ...."      "What are you talking about Jonghyun?"
I finally took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.
"I know what I feel for you."
He blinked several times and swallowed dry, looking back at me.
I took him in his other hand and took them both to my lips, kissing the surface of the hands.
"I love you Key ... even if that’s wrong .... what I feel for you is love. I know that we know not much about each other and we’re practically strangers... but I love you ... so .... be mine? "
He took a hand, using it to cover his mouth.
Tears began to appear again in his beautiful and perfect brown eyes.
"Yes ... oh my god yes Jonghyun! Of course!"
I smiled and laughed nervously.
He also laughed and hugged me tightly.
He started crying on my chest and I pressed him unconsciously closer against me.
"Those are tears of happiness right?"
He laughed and slapped me gently on the arm.
"Idiot .... Of course they are ~"
I laughed too and his hair as I kissed his cheek again and again and again.
"I'll be a good boyfriend okay? I promise to go slow."       "Thank you Jonghyun ..."
I smiled.
Strange as it seemed .... yes, this was right. Completely right.


The joy I feel is such that just tears come to describe it.
This incident served to prove to me that I don’t only love him, as I want more him than anything in the world. And I need him more than anything in the world.
.... And now here I am, in the arms of the man that will make me happy forever.
For the first time in my life I don’t have to lead a relationship ...

I love to be holded and not be the one to hold.
I love being kissed and not the one who kisses.
I love to say ‘I love you too’ instead of saing ‘I love you’ first.
It all makes sense.
If all that I came down to this .... I do not regret anything that I did.
"Are you happy?"
I looked at him and smiled.
"I am now ~"


Eheheh you thought I had killed Jjong oppa?? Ehehe wroooong!! This couple has a lot more to go trough eheheh I'll update again so wait paciently okay? :D


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~