Chapter twenty eight


-.... SUN HEE POV ...-

"Wh-what .... is this? "
I looked across the room with my eyes but the darkness prevented me from capturing any detail. Where the hell am I? And why am I chained to the wall?!
I tried to move my body but the weight of the chains didn’t allow me to take any steps. And also because my body was lifted from the ground. I also had a strange feeling on my back as if I had something stuck.
My head had an iron safe but it could turn enough to look at the strange weight. What I saw was completely unexpected.
"W-wings!? I have wings!? "
A pair of large, elegant  wings stood behind my body. They were not like those of Taemin. Quite the contrary. They were even bigger and white as newly fallen snow. This was rather strange. Last time I checked, I was human.
I felt a great desire and curiosity to shake them a little. I sent messages to my brain and shaked them as if I had them since ever because they moved around immediately, emitting soft sounds of the air strike on its smooth surface.
I wanted to touch them and compare their softness to Taemin’s soft wings. But more than that, I wonder why I have them. Is it because I still have half the DNA of a shinigami? But the wings are white! And Taemin has black wings .... So what went wrong?
"T-Taemin... I'm scared ...."
Even without me wanting, I to start shedding that already known so salty and clear liquid that every time it started to appear, it left permanent marks on my skin and made my eyes burn, making it almost impossible to open them.
And worst of all is that, when they began to run, only Taemin gcould make them stop. But Taemin was not here .... Neither here nor anywhere ... He just disappeared ...
"Taemin !!!"
I may be selfish but he’s mine. Nothing and nobody could take him. I needed him more than anyone else. I suffered for him more than anyone, and yet, in a flash, he was gone.
My wings began struggling violently against my chains, a tang of smoke began to circulate through the small space that kept me stuck.
My body was moving wildly, banging against the wall, trying to help the wings to release me.
My desire to destroy everything around me was stronger than me. I wanted to escape.
With one last pleading, my body fell down on his knees, while my lungs restore normal breathing. My heart was beeting really fast, maybe to have enough pressure to get to my new wings.
Quickly the panic began to settle on me. Now free from the chains, I was still stuck in that cold, dark cell.
With the low visible light of the cell was an old, rusty black and gray marble perhaps sink with a small tap that poured drops of water from time to time and an opaque glass that only showed half of my reflection.
I watched it for a few minutes, feeling my anger gradually decreasing.
I approached the mirror and noticed my condition.

My hair originally shiny and in perfect curls was now unkempt and dirty, disorganized falling on my shoulders. My white dress that previously was perfectly accent on me was now up to the knees ripped, his beautiful white now corrupted with gray, black and brown. No longer do it regularly falls to my knees, it was now showing some flaws in the fabric that showed my knees or my legs.
I stopped analyzing my body and moved to my face, picking up one of the biggest scares of my life.
My face was also dirty and covered in messy hair that hid half of my face. My eyes were surrounded by a soft red and my pupils that were earlier light green, were now so deep and dark that made my green eyes look like they were fluorescent green.
The cell’s door began to issue or deliver, I don’t know, footsteps, making me shoot all my senses in his direction, though still unknown.
The door opened brutally, and my eyes doubled in size, getting my body back in a panic, my wings open up to scare. What resulted, by the way.
"A-A-ANGEL !!!!!!! "
The guard fell to the ground, dropping his gun that he had in hand. His eyes showed fear and terror at its maximum level.
What does he mean? Me? An angel?
I turned my whole body in his direction and walked by slow and regular steps. I should be very scary because the guard backed as much as he could to the wall that prevented him from going further.
His vocal cords emited moans of fear and terror making me smile wickedly. I liked this reaction, as strange as it looks.
The guard did not remove hiseyes from mine as he d the ground in search of his gun. When he managed to grab it, he pointed it in my direction.
"A-ANGEL !!!!!!"
Both hands that held the gun were shaking so much that I did not know if he would shoot to kill me or would simply shoot dry.
The weapon issued a click, letting me know that she was now unlocked and ready to fire.
I took one of my arms to my face, preparing me for the pain of the shot coming. The sound I expected rang, but nothing more. Nothing had touched me.

I removed my arm slowly and looked, without any reaction, to the motionless body of the guard. Apparently the panic was such that the guard fired a shot in his own head.
I walked toward the body and kicked the gun away from his hands, looking forward for the blood falling from his punctured skull. The sound of blood falling on the stone floor beat the sound of falling water in the sink and for some reason, I liked that.
I walked towards the exit light now visible, and gently explored by the door and looked at everything around me. Details were not the best but they were not the worst. At least I could see where I would go.
Despite the fear I felt it inside my expression never been changed from a cool and calm but at the same time sinister and terrifying look.
My fear turned out to be useless compared to my will to fight.
"Who's there!?"
I turned the corner slowly, as if dragging a heavy weight with each step I took, I stumbled over a guard who had a similar reaction with the other.
"A-A-ANGEL!! Call the army! "
He also pledged a gun, pointing it towards me. But this time it didn’t feel the need to protect myself. Something told me that nothing was going to happen.
A split second before the gun issue that monotone and spoiled sound of the shot, both my wings covered my whole body, protecting me from all the bullets.
After the small and insignificant impact in my wings back, they got back to their former glory, on the sides of my body. My expression never changed or moved for a second. I don’t know why my body was so relaxed and carefree, but I really didn’t want to know.
The guard left the gun hit the ground, realizing that any of his efforts would be useless against me and started running, trying to avoid that scenario. Of course he could not escape and expand bandy words. It would simply be a hassle.
My body rose from the ground as it moved at his own will against the guard, now fallen on the floor with both arms covering his face. Although, having them there or not is insignificant to me.
"Grab your gun soldier."
The guard did as my hoarse and soft voice commanded him and took his gun, unlocking it.
"Now, surrender your soul to hell."
The familiar shooting sound sounded between the two walls beside me, and then poured a deafening silence.
With my way now free, my body landed on the floor again and continued to drive myself to the next hallway where nothing awaited for me this time.
The more I stood by the door, the closest I was to the sound of guns. After all, what was going on outside?
When I finally got the air becoming cooler, I found the exit. My body found the light of day mixed with an orange tonality which I had already got used to.

"Soldiers, I hope you areready to die in this battle! If not, your problem! Now, who will win? "       " The Shinigami world, My Lord! "
My ears were putting a prank on me right? .... Battle? What battle? And then I started to realize it ... That is why those guards I feared so much. There comes a battle between the mortal world and the shinigami world. And the angels protect our world.
The army aligned perfectly lifted its wings, flying through the sky in a direction unknown to me. My eyes doubled in size, realizing at once what was going on. They were going to attack. At this very moment.
"What do I do now?"
The answer was right in front of me. In the middle of the battlefield where the army was assembled earlier. Where thousands of black and red flags were raised, further glorifying the field.
"You will fight."
My body turned violently towards the new voice, and for a moment I thought it was another guard. But it was a blonde boy , with green eyes like mine, white wings like me, dressed in a beautiful white suit and with a small but brilliant silver shield in his left hand.
"W-Who are you?"      "My name really matters? You don’t want to know why I'm here before that kind of information? "             " I know why you're here. "
The angel smiled at me and raised his hand gently, giving birth to a shield like his. He handed it to me and withdrew his hand, looking into my eyes.
"We, angels, will not fight."      "So why do I have to fight? I'm an angel right? "       " Yes, you are. And for being who you are you are going to fight. "       " I don’t understand ... why me? "
The angel knelt in front of me, bending his chest on his hand while his head was lowered. I looked at him half puzzled, without realizing what he meant.
"We only have a Leader."        "Leader?"      "Welcome back to the kingdom, My lady."


"Onew?"        "Yes?"       "You can open the door now please?"         "No."         "Why not? “          " B-because I'm ! "           " I don’t really have a problem with that. "           " HEY! "
I laughed gently and pulled back a little, giving him way to open the door. The door opened as planned and Onew's head appeared, looking around him and finally looking up at me.
"You haven’t answerd me Onew."        "It’s embarrassing-...."        " You think so? I'm gay. “       "D-don’t say it so casually ... "            "Why not? It's true. "
He sighed and went completely out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He put back the door, without looking at me which made me uncomfortable. I advanced towards him, taking a hand to his chin, causing him to finally look at me.
"Answer now."                  "You want to know?"
I nodded, always with my hand firmly placed on his face. What the hell could he say that was so embarrassing? I mean, I only discovered that I’m gay when I saw him. Wait wait wait ... what the hell does that mean?
"I don’t know! There you go! I said it! I don’t know what my ual orientation is ...."              "How come you don’t know!? You never had a girlfriend? A boyfriend? At least have someone like you? "               " N-no ... that's why I didn’t wanted to tell ... it's embarrassing ... "
I looked at him completely surprised, not knowing what to say. How could he not know? How did he ever loved someone? At least know if you like girls or boys ... or both .... It is possible a person not know? Well ... he, for example.

"S-say something Minho ..."           "I don’t know what to say ..."      "I-I’m sorry if I disappoint you ..."             "You didn’t dissapoint me in any way."
He looked at me surprised but gradually gave me a shy smile. Well, I cann’t do anything about his uality .... I'll have to wait and see.
"We can go back to bed now? I'm really full of sleep. "
He waved to me, walking in a brisk pace to my room. He lay back in my bed and opened the way for my body. I lay down too, staring at the ceiling, wrapped in thoughts.
"Minho?"               "Hm?"             "Have you ever loved a boy so you can come to the conclusion that you’re gay?"
I gestured 'no' which made him nod his head slowly and gently laied it abain, he also looking at the ceiling. Indeed he had some reason ... I never loved any man, so how am I so sure that I am gay? ... But I never noticed an unconscious need to make it clear that he also 'enjoyed' boys.
It's just that .... When Onew walked into my house I felt intriged ... Not only mentally and physically. He is quite capable of revealing sensations in my body like nobody else ever did. The fact that he is a death god doesn’t disturb me at all, despite knowing he could easily kill me at any time.
But for some reason, my whole body refused that idea completely. I also know that barely I saw him, I knew I could trust him, however it seems weird.
"Onew .... I would like to know more about you ..."
The answer which I expected never came, leaving me slightly curious.
I looked nervously in his direction, revealing Onew’s body still, his breathing even and quiet, eyes closed gently.
I smiled to myself and very gently kissed his forehead, holding him carefully not to wake him.
"Sleep tight ..."
Also, my eyes began to feel increasingly tired, forcing me to close them. Moments later I was unconscious and I also, finally got to sleep in peace.


Okay... 2 more chapters to go! Excited!? I am! Wait paciently for my next update kay? hope you like it and if you do, let me know!


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~