Chapter two


-....SUN HEE POV...-


"Okay students,  you can go ~"

I rose from my seat and started arranging everything on the table inside the folder.

"Hey ~ Sun Hee want to come to a new cafe that opened with us?"

I looked out the window and noticed it had started raining.

I looked again at the group of girls and faked a smile.

"Sorry .... but I already have plans. Next time okay?"

They were disappointed but smiled at me.

"Okay ~ hee sun see you tomorrow!"      "See you tomorrow ...."

They left the room and I also left moments later.

" .... it had to rain when I'm still in school?!Couldn’t it wait until I get home ?!!?"

I sighed again touching a column on the front gate of the school.

I took out my phone and dialed Minho’s number.

"Hey troll….look is raining, come pick me up!"

"What? Why do i have to pick you up?"

"Because you are my brother and if you don’t I will tell mom."

"Well… sorry shorty.... but I'm waiting for my turn in a job interview so I can’t.”

"But it's raining!"

"Sorry about that! Run to the bus stop! Bye!"

"You son of a .... bye ..."

I disconnected the call and put my phone back in my backpack to avoid the phone getting wet.

"Okay.... 1 ..... 2 ..... 3!"

I started to run at full speed by the school field.

I turned right and speeded down the street.

"Gosh .... with all this rain I don’t know where the bus stop is!"

I leaned against the wall of an apartment to take breath and look around me to see if it was going the right way.

"Ah! That way!"

I started running again.

I stopped by the roadside to see if I could cross safely and started to run again.

But when I was almost in the other side a horn of a car began to sound.

I looked behind me and saw two lights catching up with me.

I raised both my hand in front of my eyes because the light was hurting me.


And then….everything went black.



"Hm ..... 23 souls already! Now the chicken!"

I started walking towards the usual restaurant when suddenly began to rain heavily.

"!!! Now my hair will be ruined!"

I started running and I took shelter under a ledge of a cafe.

I looked around and the only thing I saw was an electricity pole.

Suddenly something caught my attention.

"A human? But what the hell is she doing? Decided to run in the rain!?"

My eyes continued to follow every move of the girl until it stopped in front of a treadmill.

"You’re going to cross with this fog?! You're digging your own grave ...."

With that said, she started running down the road.

But then stopped.

She putted her hands on her face and the in next second she was projected in the air.

"OW !!!!"

The body hit the pavement again making a big 'Pock'.

I changed to the form of shinigami, (which means I became invisible to humans) and ran toward the body.

The kneed beside her and pulled her head onto my lap.

"Hey! Wake up!"

I gave her small cracks on the cheeks while waving the body in my harms.


"Hey!! Open your eyes!"

* Wait .... why I'm doing this!? It is only human! But .... I ordered a change of routine right? Is this my chance?!? *

I looked again at the body that was barely breathing in my arms and chiseled it.

* Oh well ... I have nothing to lose right? *

I approached her face opening slightly.

Approached it from my mouth and blew a blue and white substance inside it.

When i was satisfied with the amount of soul, I closed  her ​​mouth and transformed myself back into my human form.

"Somebody call an ambulance !!!!!!!!"

Some people left the cafe and immediately called an ambulance when they saw the girl in my harms.

Some time later an ambulance was treating her.

I approached and touched a paramedic, making him notice me.

"She'll be all right?"

* Of course it will .... I just want to look worried *

"I do not know yet .... she needs medical care."

I nodded and let them work.

Minutes later the ambulance disappeared down the fog.

-....SUN HEE POV...-

* My head hurts ...... my legs hurt ..... my arms hurt...... my lungs hurt .... my nose hurts.... my eyes hurt .... my mouth hurts ... my eyebrows hurt .... even my nails hurt! *


"Oh, you’re awake?"

* No stupid. Do I have my eyes open?! No, so I’m not! *

"Hey! Do not call me stupid did you hear me!?"

* What the hell....? I'm pretty sure that was a thought ....*

"It was. But I can read you thoughts you know? Since I am your master."

* Ah!? After all it was me who had an accident or was this guy?? *

"Hey, I'm not kidding! *

* Go die far away… let me alone for god sakes!! *

"No, I won’t. Aren’t you curious to know who I am?"

* Nope. *

"Not even a little bit?!"

*No! So leave me alone! *

" Open your ing eyes!!"


* I don’t what to.*

"Will you make me hurt you?"

 * Get the hell away from me!!*

"Okay! You are asked for it!"

A strong wave of pain ran through my body which made me open my eyes and scream in pain.

"AHA! You opened your eyes! See??!"

I looked around completely terrified until my eyes stop a guy with red hair, hazelnut brown eyes, black clothes and lips as red as fire.

"W-Who are you?"           "What you mean 'who are you' ??! I'm your master!"          "My master?! I don't have a 'master'!!"           "Well, now you do. I saved your precious life so now i'm the owner of your body and soul."       "H-how?"    "It's easy ~ gave you a little of my devil soul, removing a little of your mortal soul."          "D-devil?"         "Yes!"       "Y-you're not human!?"      "Nope ~"          "So ... what are you?"            "I'm a shinigami, a death god."


Heeeeeeey~~ second chapter here!!! :D Now the fun will beggin~~ See you in the next chapter!!!!


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~