Chapter 2


I forgot to mention something. Please pretend TeenTop, INFINITE, and A Pink are all seniors and they are all the same age as you, except for Ricky, Changjo, Sungjong, Ha Young, Nam Joo. They are going to be your dongsaengs. They are younger than you by a year, which makes them a junior.


Your P.O.V: 

Before the school bell rings at 8 AM, Teen Top and I  did some catching up and told each other our summer vacation stories. They kept making me laugh and such.

Around 7:50, I decided to go to my first class so I wouldn't be late. 

"Hey, guys. I think I'm going to my class first. I don't want to be late and it seems like it's pretty far, so I'll go right now" I said. 

"Aww, Noona, please stay with us a little longer" Ricky said with his puppy eyes.

"Miahne, we'll hang out during lunch right?" I said.

"Arasso. See you at lunch noona!" Ricky said and hugged you. 

"Wait. ~~~" L.Joe called out my name.

"Ne?" you said as you turned around facing him.

"What's your 1st period?"

"Right now, I think I have history with Mr. Sung"

"Chincha? We're in the same class. Let's walk together" 

"Oh okay. Kaja. See you later oppas!" 

You and L.Joe walked together up to the second floor where your history teacher was. Then you see someone that made your heart pound. It was L. It was the usual, he was surrounded by a bunch of girls. But he was shooing them away. You stood there staring at him... Then L.Joe stops walking and turns around and asks,"~~~, Gwenchana?" 

You didn't respond. He looks over to who you're looking at. You were still looking at L.


I was walking and talking about how we're finally seniors when I heard silence and no one was walking next to me. I looked back and saw ~~~~ gaze somewhere. I walked back to her and said, "~~~~. Gwenchana?" 

And I followed her gaze to L surrounded by a bunch of girls. Same old, same old. I looked at her again, and her eyes were glimmering when she looked at him. It sort of made me feel disappointed. I'm not sure if she likes him yet, but this was one thing that gave me a hint. 

I stopped looking and stared at the ground trying so hard to not be sad. I then I took ~~~~ wrists and broke the silence, "~~~, Kaja. We don't want to be late right?" 

"Oh right. Miahne" she said when she finally stopped staring. 

When we were walking past L and the whole drama, we heard someone. "Hey ~~~~" L said. WAIT WHA- HOW DID L AND ~~~ KNOW EACH OTHER? .-. WHAT IS THIS. I'M SO CONFUSED. 


"Hey ~~~~" L said. L SAID. L SAID HI TO ME. OMG. 

"Oh, annyeonghaesayo L!" I said and bowed down. 

"No need to be so formal" he said.

He was still surrounded by girls and the girls just glared at you.  

"Ah. Ne. I got to get to class. Annyeong L" I said and walked away with L.Joe.

I was all smiley and happy now.  


I saw ~~~ get all cheery and happy when L was talking to her. But how come she doesn't feel this way when I'm around her? Maybe it's just one-sided love. 

We kept walking till we reached our 1st period classroom. Room A-102. We both chose to sit near the window. We sat next to each other and started talking again. History on the first day of class was easy. We had minimum day too. We were signing some papers and getting our text books, when finally-

*RING RING* The school bell rang. 

It was time to head to our second period. I waited for ~~~ to finish packing up and walked together out the door. 

"Yah. You didn't have to wait for me. I mean we don't even have the same classes besides History. Right?" ~~~ said.

"I always walk you to class. Did you forget that I'm your best friend?" I teased.

"Haha. I didn't forget, but it seems our next classes are far apart."she said while comparing our schedules. 

"Hmm. Yeah. I'll just see you later. Kay?" 

"Yeah. I'm going now. Bye, L.Joe" 

"Bye ~~~" *Hope you walk safely" 


I turned around and started walking. While I was looking at the map direction, I bumped someone or I meant to say SOMEONES. It was INFINITE. I didn't know their names very well, but I knew they were handsome, and that they were kingkas. I only knew L was part of INFINITE but I didn't know the rest of their names. When I bumped into them, I dropped my textbook and my belongings. I went to the floor and started picking everything up. After that I stood up to apologize.

"Miahne. For bumping into you guys. I was lookin-" I said but was cut off.

"Never bump into us again" the guy who looked like the leader said.

"Oh Miahne-" I said but they walked away without listening.

How rude of them to not even say sorry for not even watching where they walk too. So it's both of our faults. I never met people like that before, well except for  A Pink.

I head to my second period which was Calculus. I had advanced math ever since I was in middle school. I was smart and received some small awards and certificates as well.

I walked in my class, and there they were. The girls I despise the most. A Pink. Not all the members were there, but 4 of them were here. The other 3 are juniors. 

I walked in and sat at the back of the room near the windows. I ignored them and they didn't seem to notice me because they were talking about the kingkas. Same old,same old.

Class began and class ended quick.

They finally noticed I was in their class, when I was still sitting in my chair and packing up.

As I was putting my stuff away, 4 shadows approached me. 

"Hello there ~~~." Chrong, the leader of A Pink, said. 

I ignore them and continue packing up.


I ignore them and they knock down my bag from my desk which dropped everything.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR IGNORING US" Then they walk out the door laughing. 

I sighed and bent down to pick up all my stuff. Then I saw my textbook under my face and another person's hand. 

It was L.  I was so shocked and ecstatic at the same time. 

"Oh Gomawo, L. But I can pick up everything" I said.

"Gwenchena. That's what friends do for friends right?"


"We're friends right?" 

"Ne!" I said. *I hope we can be more than that soon*

We finished packing up and walked to brunch. Since it was minimum day, we don't really have Lunch, because it was earlier and shorter. 

"Thank you, L for helping me" I politely said.

"No problem. Well I have to go meet with my friends. See ya later" he said with a tiny salute.

"Bye" I said while waving.


"Noona!" Ricky said and attacked me in a hug" 

"Yah. I told you we'll see each other a lunch right?"

"Ne, but I already miss you" 

"Aha. How was your day as a junior?" I said and we both let go. Ricky told me how everything went while we walked over to the TeenTop table.

"Annyeong Oppas and Changjo" I said.

"Yah. Noona. I want to be called Oppa" Chanjo said and pouted.

"Well too bad. You're younger than me!" I said proudly like I proved a point.

Everyone laughed. 

"So how did your day go, ~~~?" Chunji oppa asked.

"Pretty good so far, just A Pink threw my stuff to the ground"

"BWOH?! I'm going to punch those bit-" L.Joe said as he curled up his hands into a ball and stood up.

"Ahh. Gwenchana. I dont want to make things worse" I said a little startled.

"Hey guys. Are we hanging out today?" C.A.P oppa said.

"Of course. Let's go to ~~~'s parent's restaurant" Chunji oppa said.

"YES! We love Mr. and Mrs. Kim's noodles and kimchi" Niel oppa said. 

"Ne. Let's go there" L.Joe said.

Narrator's POV:

After brunch, everyone headed to their classes. ~~~ headed to her Chemistry class. L.Joe headed to his Calculus class. And the rest had History. 

After that class, they all had P.E together. They changed into their clothes. And all went to the gym. They had a mini conversation before the class started.

Guess what? INFINITE and A Pink are also in the same P.E class as all of them.

Everyone got to do whatever they want because it was just the first day and it was introductions and stuff like that.

Teen Top and ~~~ had a friendly game of volleyball. INFINITE sat on the bleachers and watched everyone. 

"Hey. Isn't that the girl who bumped into us before?" Hoya said.

"Yeah. She's pretty good at volleyball" Dongwoo said.

"Whoa. Is she friends with TeenTop?" Sunggyu said.

"She probably is" Sungjong said, "I don't know but I think she's as pretty as me" 

Sungyeol was the only one not caring about you and just closed his eyes while his head was on L's lap.

"She's so unique. I think I might have to play with her" L said.

*There goes L again. Playing with girls is his specialty* Sungyeol thought.

Class finally ended. They went to dress and leave school.

Teen Top and ~~~ all headed to Mr. and Mrs.Kim's Instant Kimchi & Noodles restaurant. 

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Chapter 30: please update please please
byungbyungJoey #2
i love your story my favorite chapter is #8 i love what Sungyeol says! Anyway keep on updating!
Ilove_boyfriend #4
Oh sound so good!!! Please update soon..
Omg, I finished reading all the chapters you had up so far in 2 hours. It would've been faster, but I was doing other things too, LOL.
I think ~~~~~ and Sungyeol are a perfect match too. And what is Myungsoo doing?! Ugh.
I just hope Sungyeol shows his true self soon.
ailisu #6
aww!!! XD
sunggyu & hye ri :3

lol myungsoo~ stop flirting haha
iheartinfinite257 #7
please update the next chapter please hurry and can you please update longer next time??? i just can't wait sorry if i just tried to force you hhehehhe... i just can't wait please update longer chapter thanks...