Chapter 19

My Secret Crush


I have to be separated with my oppa for a while. Besides, Seoul is not that far from Incheon. They can come there or I can go back to Seoul.

“Hey _____, how was your sleepover at U-Kiss dorm? I bet you had a lot of fun right?” Jessica asked. I nodded.

“I even went to Lotte world and the mall with them. but they ended up being caught by the fans. Even Kevin and Dongho who dressed like a girl got caught. But lucky Eli, he escaped the crowd and we went to Han River and ate cotton candy. It was the best non-date ever!” I said. Jessica got excited somehow.

“Aw! That is really sweet of him. But I bet you want to go on a date like that with Ellison oppa right? Talking about him, I kind of missing him right now,” she said. Should I tell her? maybe not now.

“I know. I missed him too. I wished that the non date I had with Eli was with the real him,”

“What? Real him? What do you mean by that?” Jessica said in confusion. I chuckle and just shook my head. I turn to Jason who’s being silent since we entered the car. I elbowed him litely.

“What?” he said. What happen to him?

“What’s wrong with you? You look… uhm… depressed. What happen to you?” I asked.

“Nothing, just don’t have mood to talk,” no mood to talk? Do we need mood to talk?

“Dude! What happened to you? Seriously! You know you can talk to me about anything. I can help you know,” I said while smirking.

“You know how you could help? By shutting your mouth up, talking about U-Kiss and Eli!” he said, no yell at my face. I’m speechless. My best friend for 8 years suddenly said that to me, like it’s a crime talking about them. or maybe he already know about Eli?

I tried to stop my tears from falling but I can’t. I want to switch places.

“Jess, can I switch places with you?” I asked Jessica. She nodded but how are we suppose to move in a moving car?

“Mom, can you stop for a while?” I said. My mom drove to the side of the road.

“Why dear? Do you need anything?” she asked. Maybe she didn’t hear what Jason said. I just shook my head while Jessica went out from the car. I followed her. Then she entered the car and I followed her again. I don’t want to sit next to Jason for the rest of the trip.

“Um, ______, are you mad at me? I’m so sorry,” Jason said. I just pluck in my earphones and listen to the music, totally ignoring him. Suddenly, I receive a text.

To: ______
From: Kiseop oppa

Hey! What are you doing now? It’s so lonely when you’re not around. I’m missing you already. Seriously! I hate being separated with you.. T_T

I chuckle  after reading his text. He’s so cute and funny at the same time. Kiseop-ah, you don’t know how much I want to be there. Looking at the guy of my life. But I can’t choose between you and him.

To: Kiseop oppa
From: ______

I missed you guys too, but I have to go with my family. You think you’re the only one lonely? I have to face Jason who just yelled at my face! Urgh! I hate him so much now! Hey can’t talk long. Send my regard to the other oppa. Bye!

I don’t really want to talk to him now. But I did tell him about Jason. He’ll probably freaking out right now. Hehe! A guy that can never hide his feelings.

Kiseop POV

WHAT?! Jason just yelled at ______’s face. I know that the kid can never be trusted.

“Hey guys! What am I suppose to do when some guy disturb my girl?” I asked the others. All of their faces are having the same reaction.

“What are you trying to say? I seriously don’t get it,” AJ said. I sigh.

“Jason yelled at _____! I can’t help but want to hit him with my bare hands,” I said while clenching my fist.

“What?! Jason did what?!” Eli start yelling. Whoa! What’s with him?

“What happen to you? I thought she’s my girl,” I said, snapping him back to reality.

“Um… she’s our sister right? So as brothers we’re supposed to be concern about her,” he replied. Why do I have a feeling that he’s talking more than a brother? Kiseop, she’s yours. She promised, remembered?

“You guys still haven’t answered my question yet, you know?” I repeat myself. They all just shook their heads. Leaving me clueless. I guess I can’t do anything about it since she’s in Incheon and I’m in Seoul.

“Kiseop-ah, don’t worry. She has her brother and mother to protect her from Jason. You’re not her boyfriend you know,” Hoon said. I turn around at him and gave him a glare.

“What did you say?!” I said while giving him another glare. He shook his head and went to his room. Hehe! It works! I should have done that years ago. I went in the kitchen and saw Eli daydreaming. I wonder what is he dreaming about.

“Yo! Eli! What are you thinking about?” I asked him while grabbing a can of soda.

“Kiseop-ah, do you really like ______?” he answered me with a question. I nodded and sit next to him.

“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid if your heart is broken. Just saying,” he said which make me almost spit my drink.

“What?! What makes you said that?” I asked him. He just move his shoulder up and down which makes me curious. Then he walked away leaving me with more questions. First, why does he care so much about _____? Second, why is he asking me that question? Stop thinking Kiseop! Your head might burst!


Why did I asked him that question? I bet he’s going to ask me more questions now. Jason, you’re so over the limit. I can handle when you said you’re going to get which maybe you are, but yelling at her?! that’s too much.

I punch the wall imagining that was his face and smirk. Felt better. How I wish I could see his face bruising due the punch.

“YAH! Do you know I’m trying to do my homework?! _____ went home without helping me and you’re destroying my mood,” Dongho yelled as soon as he enters my room.

“Mianhe maknae-ah. I j-just… don’t know what’s getting into me,” I said preventing my tears to come out.

“Hyung, you know you can talk to me and the others. That’s what a group for. Helping each other,” he said. As much as I want too, but I can’t. I have to keep this a secret.

“Ani Dongho-ah, I can’t tell you yet. When the time suits, then I’ll tell you and the others,” I said while ruffle his hair. He nodded and walk away. I close the door, lean towards it and slide down. I seriously can’t do anything if my mind is all thinking about her. I stood up and walk towards my bed and grab her picture.

The frame is unlock. I turned it and there’s a note. I flipped it. ( i would love if you readers listen to this when reading this part. Infinite- can you smile)

Dear Eli,

why didn’t you tell me that you’re the person I missed my whole life? I would love it if you told me. But now my heart belongs to someone else. Someone I thought you wouldn’t like me to love. Maybe in your mind is Jason. Nah! He belongs with Jessica. Yes, the person I’m talking about is Kiseop. He treats me well and I know that he’s sincere doing it. I’ve been waiting for you to appear again in my life, but you just keep on disappearing. I can’t find you anywhere until I felt like you’re not coming back even to take a glance at me. But then when I came to your dorm and moved in for 3 days, I saw this picture frame which took me a long time just to turn it around. And I can’t believe the guy that I missed my whole life is not the same guy like he used to be. Remember the time when we’re at the playground? I fell down from the swing and I hurt my leg. It’s bleeding and you scolded me for swinging so high. Then you piggy back me home telling me jokes just to make me feel the pain less. I wanted that guy so badly since he’s taking care of me really well.

I guess that guy can never come back since he has a lot of hearts to take care of. It’s okay Eli. I understand. Just to make things clear, I’m now going to let you go and giving Kiseop your spot in my heart. This is another goodbye… can you smile? smile for me

                                                                                                - your secret crush-

The paper flew from my hand when I lost grip. The playground which makes everything clear for me that she’s the one who kidnap my heart.


“Oppa! See? I’m flying up, up and high. Higher than the birds,” little _____ said. Little Eli just sit on the next swing watching her. He smiled.

“Yah! ______-ah, don’t swing it higher. You might fall,” he said, being concern of little _____ safety.

“I will not fall because I’m a bird. See?” she said while letting go of the swing and fell down from a high place. Little Eli got shoot up from his place and get to little _____. She’s crying.

“See what I told you? You don’t want to listen! See?!” he said while pointing at  little ______’s knee. She look at her knee and cry louder. Little Eli got panic and asked her not to cry anymore. But that didn’t work since she cried harder.

“Araso, araso. Get onto my back. I’ll send you home,” little Eli said. Little _____ smile widely and hopped on his back but then winced a little due to the pain. But she felt warmth more than pain.

“Oppa, tell me jokes. I’m bored!” she said as cute as she can. Little Eli just chuckle which make him receive a slap on his back from little _____.

“AW! What was that for?! I can drop you, you know?” he said while pretending to drop her by letting his hands go.

“Oppa, I’m injured. So, good people like you bring injured people like me home,” she said. Again, he chuckle and smile.

“Okay I got a joke. My friend told me yesterday. A girl came home and said to her mom that she had two classmates that look alike. So her mom told her that they’re probably twins. The next day, the girl came home running and excited and said,"Guess what? They are not only twins, they're brothers!" little Eli said but there’s no reaction of laughter.

“That’s not funny at all. My teacher told this to me this morning. “Doctor, doctor! My son swallowed my pen. What am I supposed to do now?” “Use a pencil first until I get there,” she said while laughing. Little Eli laugh too.

“And here’s another one. “Doctor, doctor, I’ve got wind. Can you give me something?” “Yes! Here’s a kite,” again the kids burst out laughter. They keep on telling jokes until they didn’t realize that they’ve reach little _____’s house. Little Eli ring the doorbell and little Jay opened the door. Little Eli told everything and both of them apply ointment on her knee.

“There. Everything is okay now. Thanks Eli for bringing my babo dongsaeng back home,” Jay said while smacking little _____ head lightly.

“Yah! I’m not babo you know?! And don’t smack my head. Then I’ll be less clever,” little _____ complain. Both of her brothers laughed.

“Then the nickname ‘babo’ suits you well,” little Eli said, teasing her. little _____ stuck her tongue out.

“Okay, I’ve got to go now. Say hi to your parents for me. And miss babo, next time listen to me,” little Eli said which make little _____ angry and got her yelling.

“Kyoung Jae-ah, I think you better go before this girl exploded,” little Jay said while giggling. Little Eli nodded and walk out of the house. He can hear little _____ yelling and screaming while footsteps running upstairs.

*end of flashback*

I missed those times. Spending the whole evening with her makes me feel happy. But I guess I was too late. She gave my place to Kiseop and I bet Kiseop can take care of her better than I did. I have to get her out from my heart since there’s absolutely no spot for me in her heart anymore. Thank you God for telling my heart to read this note. Then I turn to the note and kept it back in the picture frame. Just waiting to be thrown away.

*sob sob*
i cried while writing this down... i don't know why i wrote this but my hands just typed it in...
eli-ah, don't cry... trust me! *since i'm the author*

so people? you guys cried too?? *gives tissues out*
don't cry...
hope you liked this chappie!!!

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jessicawangsa #1
Chapter 32: omo Eli so sweet <3
please..update...poor's okay i'm still here kiseop...............

Cait_K #3
Please update soon :) I can't wait!! :)
they're together but... kiseop.... i feel so sorry for him now....
Love triangle :-O yay Eli! Aww Kiseoppie :-(
i feel for you eli ;____;
update please!
Kirimi #8
Neeeh~ Kansahamnida unnie ^^
jessica loves jason! yay! update please!
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^