Chapter 18

My Secret Crush



Gosh! I can’t take it anymore. She’s killing me with her cuteness and the way she act with Kiseop. I thought she already know about me. Maybe you’re over reacting Eli.

”Um, oppa. When are you sending me home?” she asked.

“I don’t want to send you back. I want you to stay here forever!” Kiseop said while hugging her. she laugh.

“Aigoo oppa. I have to go home. Or else, my mom would miss me. And I would die because I missed my mom so much. Do you want me to die? If you do, then lock me in…” Kiseop cut her out.

“Araso! I won’t let you stay here anymore. I don’t want you to die. Already pack your bags?” she nodded. Then he asked her to bring her bag outside and put in the car since we’re going to have lunch now. She did exactly what Kiseop said. Grab her bag, put it in the car and waited there to go for lunch.

I entered the car and it was an unlucky move since I have to sit next to her. She looked at me, smiling. I take my seat next to her. Kiseop is sitting on the other side, next to ______. I have to pretend AGAIN that I don’t feel anything.

We went to a restaurant which U-Kiss used to go to. The best jajangmyeon in the history of jajangmyeon. (a/n: jajangmyeon is a Korean cuisine on noodles and black bean paste)

“Annyeongha… Oh! Soohyun oppa and U-Kiss. Long time didn’t see you all,” the girl whom we call Ju Hyun greets us. We nodded and she leads us to our table. After taking our seats, we make our order.

“______-ah, I want you to promise something. Can you?” Kiseop said which make all of us turn our head towards him.

“What is the promise? Stay in your dorm is the only thing I think I couldn’t do,” ______ reply and chuckle. Kiseop shook his head.

“Promise me that you will not love any other person except for me,” he said that while holding ______’s hands. I gasped! WHAT?! I look at Kiseop. He’s being serious. I turn to see _____ reaction.

She turns her face towards me. Our eyes met. It’s like she already have an answer for that.

“Oppa, I can’t promise you now. But if no one get my heart, then it belongs to you,” she said while smiling insincerely. She look at me back and I quickly look the other way and talk to AJ. Again pretending that I didn’t care.

I lost my appetite after hearing what Kiseop asked and what she replied. I want to get your heart but how? You don’t even know me. You couldn’t remember all those good times we had together. You don’t know how much I suffer trying to block my mind from remembering every little thing about you.

“Eli, aren’t you going to eat that? It’s getting cold and besides, aren’t you the one who always order 2 bowls of jajangmyeon?” Soohyun hyung said. He notice me.

“No hyung. I don’t feel like eating. I’m going outside, getting some fresh air. Hurry up and eat,” I said and got up. I push the chair in and walk outside. I can’t help myself from preventing my tears from falling. I don’t want to show them that I’m not strong.

I sat at the end of the stairs leading to the restaurant. I can’t cry my heart out because there’s a lot of people walking back and forth in front of me. Besides, I’m an idol and I don’t want my fans to see me crying.

_____ POV

why did Kiseop have to ask that question? I don’t feel like eating. I know that someone already kept my heart years ago. Just he didn’t say anything to me yet. And if I keep on waiting, I might not hear the words from him.

“No hyung. I don’t feel like eating. I’m going outside, getting some fresh air. Hurry up and eat,” he said. He got up and walk outside. He’s killing me with that kind of action. I know he’s hurt the same way I was. I look at my food.

“Yah! Eat up or you’re going to have stomach ache,” Kiseop said. I stare at him while he was eating. He’s taking care of me really well. I couldn’t choose between the two boys. One who is my first ever love and two, a person who cared a lot about me and willing to do anything. GOD! Why did you give me a test that even I can’t handle? Please give me a sign.

We finish eating and I went out first to check on Eli. He’s sitting there alone listening to his music. I tapped his shoulder.

“What?” he said.

“Are you okay? I thought you might be hungry,” I said. He just shook his head and look in front. He’s not talking to me. Then, I felt someone wrap his arm around my waist. Eli stood up and turn around. He was shock. I turn to the person and saw Kiseop. I know why is he shock.

“Come on! Let send my princess back home, safely,” he said while pulling me towards the car. Eli just stand there and looking at the ground. ELI! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST SAY THE WORDS?!

The whole journey to my house was awkward between me and Eli. He didn’t say a word and I didn’t say a word to him. Only Kiseop was the one talking. Other members too, but not as much as he did.

“Yah _____-ah, how about we go out this Saturday? You, me and the others,” Kiseop asked me. Saturday? Isn’t that my birthday?

“I’m not sure. I have to ask my mom. Besides, I’ve already make plans with my friends,” I said. As much as I want to celebrate my birthday with him, but I have friends whos been in every single happy and sad moment with me in my life. I can’t just ditch them. I turn to Eli. He’s still ignoring me and listening to the music.

We arrived at my house and I saw my mom’s car outside. And also a lorry. A big one! I step out of the car as soon as Kiseop walked out. I stare at the things in the lorry. My closet? My double-decker bed? What is going on here? I ran inside and hit my brother.

“Ooofff! Sorry didn’t see you there. And what is happening?” I asked him after apologize.

“Oh, we’re moving to aunt’s house. Since she have a huge mansion, so she invited us there. And you’re going to a private school with Jessica and Jason,” he said. My jaws drop! MOVING??!!

“Why didn’t you tell me?!” I said to him, more to yell.

“You’re in U-Kiss dorm and besides, we don’t want to ruin your time with U-Kiss,” he said calmly like he doesn’t have any feelings. U-Kiss? Oh ya, they’re still outside. I ran outside and saw Kiseop sad face. OH NO!

“_____-ah, you’re moving?” he asked. I slightly nodded.

“Why? Can’t you just stay here? Where are you going to study? Where are you going to stay?” he asked. I saw tears are building up in his eyes. I hugged Kiseop.

“Kiseop-ah, trust me. I won’t forget you guys anymore. No more,” I said while looking at Eli. He’s looking at me. I know he knows that,that was meant for him.

“Okay. But promise me that you will come back to Seoul often. Or we’re going to Incheon to visit you. Araso?” he said wiping his tears away. I smile and nodded.

“_____ dear, help me with this bags,” my mom said.

“Ne mom! I’ll be there,” I said. But before I could walk, someone grab my wrist. In my mind was Kiseop, but when I turn around, I saw Eli.

“Hey, how about we help you?” he said smiling. I nodded. In my heart, I just pray that my mom or brother won’t recognize him. They help me to put in the bags inside my mom’s car. Then my small bag caught my eyes. It’s a bag I got from him.

“Hey, do you want to know? This bag I got from someone special back in DC,” I said while showing off the bag to them.

“Someone special? Is it more special that me?” Kiseop said. I chuckle because he was funny due to jealousy.

“Yup. He’s my first mate and my more adorable oppa,” I said that while my eyes are looking at Eli. He just look down to the grass.

“Hey something is in the bag. Looks like a letter,” Dongho said. WHAT?! They can’t read it. Or Kiseop and Eli will have a world war! I quickly grab the bag before Dongho could take the letter.

“What the…? Is it wrong or private?” he asked. I said private and he apologize. I sigh and so did Eli.

“Oh kids, come here. Have a drink first after you help me carrying the bags,” my mom said. We entered the house and the house are superbly clean except for the furniture. My mom wants to leave it there because she thinks that one day, we’ll be coming here back.

“You look familiar. But I can’t remember who,” my mom said while pointing at Eli. MOM! Don’t remember! Please!

“Maybe someone who looks like you,” she said. I sigh.

“Why are you sighing? You’re not that tired you know,” my brother said. I pinch his hands which make him shut his mouth up.

“Ahjumma, I think we better head back to the dorm. Besides, we have a schedule tonight,” Soohyun said and stood up. My mom nodded and she walk them to the door. Together with my brother and I. but I walked them until the gate.

“I guess this is goodbye. You’re the best biology project partner ever,” Dongho said. I hugged him.

“I bet you won’t find anyone better than me,” I smirked. He laughed. Then I hugged Hoon, AJ, Soohyun, Kevin, Kiseop and lastly Eli.

“This is another goodbye,” he whispered to my ears. I nodded, pretending that I didn’t know what he was talking about.

“Bye oppa! Thank you so much for taking care of me for the pass 3 days. I really had fun there,” I said. But when they’re going towards their car, Jessica came and shout.

“Oppa! Why are you going so fast? You didn’t wait for me,” she said. Aigoo! It’s a good thing she’s my friend and I can’t tell her the truth that I found out.

“We have to go, dear. Schedule waiting,” AJ said while pinching her cheeks. I can see she’s blushing because of AJ.

“Hey guys,” Jason said as soon as he reach my house. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

“Yah! Jason! Let her go!” I release the hug and look at Kiseop. He’s cute when he’s mad.

“Oppa, he’s my best friend. Don’t be mad,” I said. He nodded but ending giving Jason a death glare. Jason walk towards the car and talks to someone.

Jason POV

So that Kiseop guy has a heart for ______? No one can take her from me. Including him and Eli!

“So dude! I’m all alone with her in Incheon. Any advice? Since I’ve heard that you’re doctor of love in U-Kiss?” I said to Eli. He look at me with a shock look.

“What? Did think that I might be the reason they’re moving? Think again Eli. I told you, she’s going to be mine and forever mine!” I said. I held my hand out towards all the members just to make sure ______ is not suspicious. Lastly, of course my arch enemy, Ellison Kim.

“Hope you can spare tissues for Kiseop too. Since he’s going to be heartbroken too,” I smirked and walk away, taking Jessica away too. They close the door and zoomed off.

“Hey Jason! Did you see? Kiseop and ______ are like couple now. See what did I told you? I bet those two will be couple sooner,” Jessica said. Those words make my blood raise.

“Jess! Just shut up, okay?!” I yelled at her. She blinked her eyes a few times before she ran towards ______. Oh gosh! I can’t believe I yelled at her again after I broke with Lucy.

“Jess, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean too,” I said while holding her shoulder. She remove my hand and just hugged ______. I saw _______ lips saying I-got-this. She’s my lifesaver. No one can hurt her. Even lay a finger on her. They have to face me first!

“Kids, come on. We’re leaving,” _____ mom’s yelled from inside the house. She walked inside the house with Jessica, leaving me all alone outside. I followed them and entered the house.

“Okay ______. Look around if there’s anything you want to bring over there,” she nodded and wonder around. Jessica just look at me with a death glare like you’re- so –dead!. I swallow my saliva. She’s creepy sometimes. I saw _______ came out with a picture frame.

“Mom, I’m bringing this with me. I kind of missing him already,” she said. Missing him? Who is the ‘him’? It couldn’t be Eli. Since she left all of his picture back in DC in a box, which I already throw.

“Oh! You’ve found it. I kept it save under your bed because I know one day you’ll miss Ellison. Okay come one! Let’s go. Your aunt will be screaming if we’re late a minute,” did she just say Ellison?! I thought I’ve thrown everything away?! How the heck did her mother found one?

“Come on Jason and stop with the shock face, will you?” she said which make me realize that I was not in reality just now. I have to get those picture and never let her come back to Seoul ever again!

Gosh! Jason is so mean! selfish much!!! *you're the one create him like that... duh?*
hehe! so how was this one??? fun?? no?? 
well, ______ found out about it and the picture that she saw in Eli's bedroom was the same picture she's going to bring to her aunt house...
who's going to be heartbroken? Eli? Kiseop? or Jason?
tell me, araso??

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love ya!

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jessicawangsa #1
Chapter 32: omo Eli so sweet <3
please..update...poor's okay i'm still here kiseop...............

Cait_K #3
Please update soon :) I can't wait!! :)
they're together but... kiseop.... i feel so sorry for him now....
Love triangle :-O yay Eli! Aww Kiseoppie :-(
i feel for you eli ;____;
update please!
Kirimi #8
Neeeh~ Kansahamnida unnie ^^
jessica loves jason! yay! update please!
Can't wait for the next chapter ^^