The greatness love

Dragon, you are my husband ???
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One of the chapters I wanted to write the most when I had planned the plot of this story. I'll take a rest from this story. Next, I'll try to finish my short stories, like " Bleeding love" or " Let me go", " The hole of time", I took so long time to complete it. Hope to see you soon ! Thank you so much !

“ Ji Ri, do you like chocolate cake ?”

“ Yes, aunt, I like it, with cherries on it.”

“ A cake with a Panda’s face ?”

“ Yeah, I like it. I like it.”

“ I know.”

Seungri relied on the door and looked at the two persons in the kitchen with the gentle eyes. Behind him, Kwon Ji Yong stood there but his eyes concentrated on Seungri.

“ Why do you bring her back to our….your house ?”

Seungri only glanced at him then turned back to look at the kitchen again.

“ You don’t need to know. You only need to know, she’s Ji Ri’s mother.”

Kwon Ji Yong suddenly felt discomfort. Looking at his two old….partners now became too suspicious with each other, wasn’t easy at all. Especially, Seungri has never seen him with that kind of eyes those days….

“ After all, Kwon Ji Yong, you’re thesource of all things, aren’t you ?”

And Seungri’s voice to him was colder and colder, Ji Yong felt like, the distance between him and Seungri was also wider and wider. No good, no good at all, maybe just in one moment,Seungri and he will be nothing to each other….. his heart and mind screamed to him like that. Ji Yong couldn’t understand himself anymore, because he has never felt like this, even when “ she” left him that year….


“ Let me stay here for a while so I can held a birthday’s party for Ji Ri.”

“ Ji Ri’s birthday….his true birthday ?”

“ Yes, the day I gave birth to him. Every year, on that day, I always make a cake, light candles and wish for Ji Ri all the best. Every year, I secretly came to this school, only took a look at him, to see how he was and left…. But this year….maybe the last time….so I want to held it with Ji Ri. I know that I’m so selfish to suggest like this, time’s running out so I have no choice.”

“ When ?”

“ At the end of this month, two more weeks.”

“ Alright, let’s go.”

“ You want me to go where ?”

“ My house. You’re going to be here till Ji Ri’s birthday.”

“ You really accept my favor ??? Thank you, but I’ll stay at the hotel. I have no right to come to your house.”

“ You talk too much, you waste your time. I ask you again, do you want to stay near Ji Ri ?”

“…..I want ! I really want !”


The woman remembered the conversation between her and Seungri. Right in that day, Seungri took her home and told Ji Ri that she’s Seungri’s cousin. It was her beg. She begged Seungri that don’t tell Ji Ri anything. Just let her be just a strange aunt to Ji Ri, she didn’t want to affect Ji Ri’s life, just let her be a person who comes and leaves doesn’t have any meaning….

When Seungri heard her appeal, he simply just said to her.

“ Ji Ri is a very smart boy, you should know.”

She and Ji Ri has stay together for two weeks. Ji Ri has already had good feeling for her so he accept the strange auntie very fast. She could take Ji Ri to school, she could pick him up, she could cook for him and she could tell Ji Ri bedtime stories and watch his sleeping face….Every little things about Ji Ri, she all colleted them carefully and tried to remember it clearly. Because in her last days, she’ll use those memories to move on and when she leaves this life, she believes, she’ll go with a smile on her face. Ji Ri,you’re Mom’s everything….

“ Auntie, what’re you thinking ?”

The woman waked up from her thought and saw the worry eyes of her little angel. She carried him up and pinched his nose.

“ No, I just think, when we should take the cake out of the oven.”

Ji Ri giggled and used his hand to wipe out the flour on her face. The woman took Ji Ri’s hand and kissed it.

“ Do you know what’s today, Ji Ri ?”

“ Auntie, I don’t know.”

“ It’s the day an angel came to this life, a little angel. So we make cake to celebrate. We’re going to light candles too. Let make a wish too. What’s your wish, Ji Ri ?”

“ I have so many wishes. Let’s see, new toys, new sweets….and I’ll wish for Papa and Daddy too. Ah, I also wish for auntie. What’s your wish ?”

The woman gently hugged Ji Ri and smiled.

“ My wish has already achieved. So, Ji Ri ah, all my best wishes, I give all to you. Live happily, can you….”

She spoke so softly so Ji Ri couldn’t hear clearly. But Ji Ri could feel, auntie gave him something very important….

At that night, when Ji Ri was sleeping, the wowan still sat near him, she gently touched Ji Ri’s face, his hair, his lips, his eyes….

“…Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye

Till we meet again

Until then…goodbye…”

Ji Ri ah, Mom can’t tell y

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Chapter 24: Love it.... ♥️♥️
100 thumbss
Chapter 20: Authornim youre so bad for making me crying like this 😭😭😭
pandari_1212 #3
Chapter 20: In crying
Befun21 #4
Chapter 24: Thank you for this amazing story ,I wish u write the one about nyongtory
Chapter 23: Love it!!!! ♥♥♡♡♥♥
Dedenurhayati #6
Chapter 12: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
21seha11 #7
Chapter 20: I crying (TT__TT) .. This chapter so touching while my player sing IF YOU...
Chapter 24: Actually i dont really like kids, but having that lil evil just, aaa i really wanna have that(?) Lil evil in my house!! Kkkk authornim! Its totally an awesome story, i really enjoy it, good job authornim! Thank youuu
Chapter 21: finally happy ending.. their vows are soo... unique but it serves Ji right.. hahaha.. really love this fanfic though...thanks authornim.. i enjoyed reading it very much.
Chapter 20: OMG... i almost cry out of this scene... I'm happy for Ri to be welcomed back home.. with his lovely family... so touch..