Chapter 21

Cuteness Overload
Chapter 21

It was Saturday and Kyuhyun didn’t know what to do. He was happy Changmin’s parents accepted and treated him like he was their son. But this, this wasn’t something Kyuhyun signed up for. He couldn’t refuse because it was impolite but he was scared too.

Being a ghost, Kyuhyun never thought to be invited to a vampire family gathering. It was called the feast.  From the name, Kyuhyun could guess it included bunch of starving vampires and lots of blood drinking. The proof was Changmin couldn’t help smiling from the morning.

“You see, they have a big blood fountain like chocolate fountain, the kind we can dip fruits into. Imagine it’s blood! How delicious it will be!” Changmin declared as Kyuhyun gave a weak nod. The vampire frowned as he finally noticed that Kyuhyun had been down from the morning.

“What’s wrong Kyu?” Changmin asked as the ghost gave a weak shake,” Come on, you can tell me…Umm, I’m sorry if I was being too excited…I didn’t mean to ignore you.”

“I know, Minnie ah,” Kyuhyun spoke as he pinched Changmin’s cheek. The vampire pouted and it made Kyuhyun smiled. He ran before Changmin could catch him and they ended up chasing each other inside their room. Kyuhyun had been sharing Changmin’s bedroom since the moment he was bound to him.

“Got you!” Changmin laughed as he managed to push Kyuhyun on the bed and got on top of him,” Now spill it out! Why are you being like this, Kyu?”

“…I’m scared…” Kyuhyun finally said as Chagmin was lost at word.

“…Why?” was the only word the five years old vampire could say.

“…We’re going to your kind party,” Kyuhyun said,” I know you and your parents are good vampire but what about the others? Will they accept me as easy as you or your parents? I think they’ll bite me off before anything else…”

“But you won’t bleed out or die,” Changmin stated the fact but inside his heart, he could imagine how troubled Kyuhyun had to feel. But he wanted Kyuhyun to know his world. Changmin wanted to share everything with Kyuhyun.

“I know!” Changmin suddenly said,” You just need to stay next to me all the time so I can protect you!”

Kyuhyun was left speechless. Okay, maybe his imagination was too much. All he could think of was other vampires were starving kind that would only care for blood. Changmin and his family was the only vampire he could trust.

What could five years old vampire do in front of bunch of adult vampire that wanted to devour him? But then again, he knew Changmin would protect him no matter what happened. It sent relief all over the ghost.

“…Okay,” Kyuhyun finally said as Changmin smile. Soon enough the sun set and they got ready. Kyuhyun got into the car as he sat next to Changmin. They shared light conversation as Changmin’s mother couldn’t stop pitching their cheeks. Kyuhyun swore his cheeks would be tomato red if he wasn’t a ghost.

As they reached their destination, which turned out to be a super expensive and big hotel-at least in Kyuhyun’s eyes-, they’re greeted politely. Kyuhyun felt like they’re treated like higher existence than the others and he was curious why.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Kyu,” Changmin suddenly spoke,” My family is a branch family of old pure blood vampire. We’re like the boss of vampire, hehehe…”

Changmin was smacked softly by his father as the adult vampire explained the truth. They’re indeed pure blood but they’re not the boss, they’re a lot of higher pure blood above them. Kyuhyun listened as Changmin’s father told Changmin to remember their family history and stuff. It fascinated Kyuhyun but he was pulled by the vampire boy away.

“Come on, we should get away while father at it,” Changmin whispered as they ran, leaving Changmin’s parents,” He won’t stop and we will miss a lot of fun…”

Kyuhyun followed Changmin as he felt his worries vanished into thin air. He smiled and laughed as he watched the vampire boy devoured any food he saw. Kyuhyun ate some; the one wasn’t made of blood. Well, he could eat anything but the blood taste wasn’t the ghost’s favorite.


Kyuhyun could see few vampire kids pointed at him as they laughed. Then, suddenly they looked shocked and ran away. It took him few seconds to realize the cause of their retreat. Changmin was the reason; pure blood.

“Don’t mind them,” Changmin said as he connected his hands with Kyuhyun,” Don’t leave my side, okay?”

Kyuhyun nodded as he felt his heart skipped a beat, well, if he had heartbeat. So he followed Changmin everywhere. They played on the balcony and greeted some of Changmin’s family. The pure blood seemed to be okay accepting Kyuhyun as Changmin’s playmate or whatever they thought he was. Or maybe it was only a mask, but Kyuhyun didn’t care.

Suddenly, a classical music beautifully played across the room and Kyuhyun loved it so much. He pulled Changmin into dancing floor without realizing it as he danced. Changmin was speechless to see Kyuhyun like that and he did his best to follow. At least until he stepped on Kyuhyun’s feet.

“Yaaa, Shim Changmin,” Kyuhyun pouted as he pointed on Changmin’s feet that was stepping on his.

“I…I can’t dance,” Changmin admitted as he blushed away. It was so adorable and Kyuhyun wanted to give him a kiss so bad, if only he wasn’t in the middle of vampire sea.

“Don’t worry,” Kyuhyun smiled,” Just follow my lead.”

Changmin gave a light nod as he did follow the ghost. He stepped on Kyuhyun’s feet twice more before he got the step, but Kyuhyun wasn’t mad at him. Kyuhyun taught his every step with care and patient; it made Changmin felt so warm all of the sudden.

And so they danced. Even though it was children dance, people around them were awed by their innocent and cute dance. Kyuhyun decided he loved this whatever-vampire gathering was as long as he got to dance with his vampire.

Changmin was feeling as happy as Kyuhyun before he suddenly sensed something bad. He pulled Kyuhyun down until both of them were on the floor as a plate passed above them. Kyuhyun was so surprised as his dance got stopped all of the sudden.

Before Kyuhyun could ask what was wrong, Changmin got up as he walked toward few boys they met before. They’re the one trying to harm Kyuhyun with the plate. All of the attention was on Changmin as the room fell in silence and the music stopped. Kyuhyun was so scared.

“…Please, forgive them!” the boys’ parents begged as they kneeled in front of Changmin. Kyuhyun was left speechless.

“They tried to hurt someone dear to me and they have to pay for it,” Changmin spoke in tone Kyuhyun didn’t recognize, it’s elegant and sounded older than the vampire’s normal voice,” They’re banned from this feast…”

Then, the boys and their parents excused themselves and everything went back to normal, like such accident didn’t happen. Kyuhyun was still sitting on the floor when Changmin got back. The vampire bent down as he pinched Kyuhyun’s cheek.

“Stop that face and be thankful I’m the vampire you’re stuck with,” Changmin said playfully,” I’m after all is Great Lord Voldermin, who’s powerful and might----“

Changmin couldn’t finish his speech as he was patted on the head hard enough by his father. His parents were proud of him of what he did but his father was complaining how Changmin left in the middle of his speech. It made Kyuhyun smiled again.

With Changmin’s mother’s help, Kyuhyun got up. She made sure Kyuhyun wasn’t hurt before return to her husband and took him away, leaving Changmin and Kyuhyun. She gave a wink to Kyuhyun before disappearing into the crowd.

Well, they still had some time to spend before they should go home so yeah, Kyuhyun decided he wanted to dance more. So he pulled the stunned vampire as he kissed him on the cheek and danced. Changmin regained his sense and as the song ended, Changmin planted a kiss on Kyuhyun’s lips, marking him to everyone else to see. That’s how their first feast went.

P.S. So that's how The Great Lord Voldermin is born LOL...Anyway...I somehow managed to update 2 fics today since I didn't update yesterday...I'll move into Wicked after this, probably tomorrow will post update...I need sleep...

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foodgame #1
Chapter 32: So cute >.< smile a lot!!! Love love love
ChangKyu is adorable
E-Bizzle #2
Chapter 31: This is an amazing and sweet and cute~ story!!!!!! I loved it so much!

Also, is it just me or is there another chapter 28???
starrylantern #3
Chapter 28: I think you got Kyuhyunnie's name wrong :O It's Cho Kyuhyun, not Choi :)
Chapter 12: Aigooo~ Jaeeee! You're so adorable! (≧▽≦)
Chapter 1: I decided to re-read this fic again. and here I am. xD
tsubakisworld #6
Chapter 33: This Story is so cute I cant even ^///^ and now it's time for adult stuff... kkkk xD
wishyy #7
Chapter 33: Thanks so much for writing and updating this story.
Really had a great time reading as i'm always in love with chibi dbsk and you're fic is so cute ^^
Hope to see your fic soon ♡
Chapter 33: Can't believe this has ended. Are you planning on writing another yunjae yoosu changkyu chibi fanfic?
Chapter 33: I kinda want to see them in high school when they're finding out more about themselves and more about their feelings for each other. I want to see when they exactly started dating, their first real date, to their first time all the way to the proposal. Keep up the good work and I hope to see more.
criz2587 #10
Chapter 33: Love it hope u keep writing the grown up yunjae