
Dear Jiyeon,
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Jiyeon’s POV

After leaving Sehun’s apartment, I sat at the park near my house alone. I couldn’t go back too soon or Taehyung might notice my swollen puffy eyes. It’s so cold, and my body shivered to recall Sehun’s behavior just now. Yes he could be so cold at times; he was like that since high school. But being aggressive like that really wasn’t him. I kept thinking, and thinking, but I couldn’t find the answer. There must be a reason why he acted that way. I must have done something, and it got something to do with Myungsoo.

I checked my wristwatch and noticed it’s almost midnight. It means I’ve been staying here for more than an hour. I don’t think I could bear the coldness any longer, so finally I strolled over to my house just a few meters away from the park. I think it’s fine now. Taehyung must have gone to sleep. It’s already late. I tiptoed to the front yard and closed the gate painstakingly, afraid that it’d produce sound and wake Taehyung up. When I turned around to get the door, my heart skipped a beat to see Taehyung is standing there staring at me suspiciously while caressing Wang in his arms.

“Did you just see ghost noona?” He asked steadily, as if he did nothing wrong after giving me a shock.

“Why you haven’t slept yet?” I asked him back.

“I was waiting for you of course. You usually texted me if you’re gonna be late or even if you’re not coming back at all. But I didn’t receive any text of course I got worried. Where were you noona? I called Chunji hyung but he said you weren’t there. You lied to me?” He put Wang down and crossed his arm. He loves nagging lately.

“I was at the park.” I lied timidly, again.

“For that long? You think I would believe it? And you cried didn’t you?” He gazed into my eyes.

“No I did not. The wind was quite strong at the park just now. My eyes hurt. Now nagging kid, will you excuse me because I’m sooo sleepy right now.”

Without giving him time to add anything, I dashed upstairs. I avoided him very well right? I don’t have time to argue with him. I’m already too much burdened by Sehun at this moment. Without bothering to change, I threw my body onto the bed and stared at the ceiling blankly. I held my wrists that are slightly hurting due to Sehun’s tight grip when he lost control. Red marks are clearly showing. But no matter how much it hurts, I saw more pains in Sehun’s eyes. It makes me think that I’m really a bad girlfriend. He didn’t even trust me at all. I took out my phone and scrolled through the text messages I sent him. The texts were left in vain, no response at all. Then I reached the older texts before the incident happened. He was so cute, with those cheesy lines that made me cringed. But now I missed the cheesy lines. I missed the loving Sehun that cared about me more than himself. I wanted to be there for him when he’s hurting, but turned out he’s hurting because of me.

I viewed the call log that remained unchanged since a few days ago. Usually it’d be filled with Sehun’s contact number, calling me like thrice a day just to tell me how he missed me, how his day was so bland without me around, how he wanted me to quit my job and stayed by him each seconds. Just because I missed a call, and apparently I was with Myungsoo things went crazy. As my eyes trailed to the call list, I noticed something went missing. I couldn’t find Sehun’s miscall from that night. I recalled the date and looked through the call log once again, but I still couldn’t find any.

There’s only an answered call from that date, and when the realization hit me there, I tried to restrain myself from losing my mind. I couldn’t believe I was that dumb. I didn’t even notice there’s no miscall notification coming in when I was back home. It took me a few days to finally realize what really happened. But how? He took my phone before I even managed to answer. Or I actually unknowingly answered it when the screen brushed against my fingers while Myungsoo snatched my phone?

I checked the call log again and noticed the call duration was approximately a minute and half. I thought we talked longer than that. Did Sehun actually hear everything? If that so, I don’t find any reason why he should be this upset. I chose him over Myungsoo didn’t I? I need to talk to Sehun now. There must be something else. I don’t think I can’t bear this any longer. We need to fix it all. I couldn’t connect to his phone number before; maybe his home number is available. I dialed the home number and waited for the answer, and my heart raced in awe when I realized he picked up the call. Why am I scared? He’s my boyfriend, he’s still the same Sehun. There’s no voice coming from the other side, but I did hear a slight breathing sound.

“H-hello, Sehun.”




Sehun’s POV

I gazed down to my palm where it holds a small sophisticated looking blue box. I smiled widely, imagining Jiyeon’s expression when she sees this. I’m really serious this time. I’m gonna propose. I don’t mind if it’ll take a bit longer until the marriage happens, I just wanna show her how serious I am about our relationship. I know she will agree. I believe she loves me although she never said those three words to me. I bought Tiffany & Co.’s Lucida ring as her engagement ring. I opened the box and stared at the pretty diamond ring. This will match her slender beautiful finger really well, for sure.

By the way, I’m on my way to her house. There’s only a corner left then I’ll arrive at her home. I walked faster, being impatience. Oh! I should call her first. What if she was asleep after a tiring working day? I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up, while humming a song to myself. I almost jumped in happiness when she finally picked up the call. Anyone can tell I’m so happy at this moment. But before I could even talk, I heard someone else’s voice; no it’s Myungsoo’s voice. My steps automatically halted, confused.

“Sehun can wait. This won’t take more than five minutes.” I heard hyung said. They’re together?

Somehow I’m hoping I was wrong, but then Jiyeon talked, “Why are you being like this oppa? Are you okay?” So they’re indeed together at this moment.

“I’m not- I’m not okay.”

 “Tell me then.”

I could feel chills all over my body to hear the conversation. Myungsoo aren’t going to tell Jiyeon his feeling right? He’s my friend, no, he’s like my own brother. He won’t do something that might hurt me right? I trust him. He knows Jiyeon and I are together. Myungsoo is a nice guy. I know he won’t do anything damaging. I believe in him entirely.

“I’m so sorry Jiyeon. I know this is wrong because you and Sehun are now together but I can’t keep it for myself. It’s killing me slowly from inside. I need to tell you this.” No, he won’t say it.

“What do you mean?”

“I like you. No, to be honest I love you.”

He actually said it? I couldn’t believe my ears. My fingers almost losing their grips on the phone, but I need to know Jiyeon’s answer. My heart is slightly hurting that my trust on Myungsoo hyung was broken. Now I believe in Jiyeon more than Myungsoo. We’ve been sharing the loves for quite some times. Maybe she used to like Myungsoo so much back then, but past is past.

“Why are you being like this oppa?”

“I’m serious. I just knew from Joon that you liked me ever since middle school. But I’m too dumb to realize your feeling. I hate myself, because it’s too late. But then Jiyeon, are you sure there’s nothing left for me?”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s not even a slight feeling for me anymore? You and Sehun are really gonna get married? He’s been talking about marriage a few times.”

“Well about the marriage, he seems serious about that. Even though I myself still can’t bring myself to believe him entirely, we’re together now oppa. But why are you being so late? When I was crazy over you, you didn’t even see it. Why now?”

So Jiyeon really didn’t believe in me entirely up until now. I guess I was really a bad guy in her eyes back then although we’re real close friends. And what did she mean by Myungsoo being too late? Why did she sound so regretful? Is she hoping for Myungsoo to confess earlier so she wouldn’t have to be with me? My heart is pounding hardly as if it’ll stop beating any soon for overworking.

“I guess I was blind back then. Tell me Jiyeon, do you love me?”

I can feel my heart is raging to hear his question. I can’t believe Myungsoo is this dumb! Jiyeon is my girlfriend. What did he think he’s doing by asking that kind of question? Did he take me lightly, thinking that Jiyeon is with me just because sympathy? I clenched my fist in anger. I know Jiyeon won’t say that she loves Myungsoo. I believe in Jiyeon. I don’t wanna doubt someone I love. I don’t hear any answer from Jiyeon. I know I can trust Jiyeon. Please just leave Jiyeon. Please don’t say anything and just leave.

 “I love you.” What?

I can’t hear anything more because only a loud roar from my heart came out. I can feel my face is becoming hot, as anger took over me. I feel like a loser. I can’t feel my heart anymore. I cut the call and ran to Jiyeon’s house a few meters in front. This must be misunderstanding. I still wanted to believe in Jiyeon not matter what. I couldn’t see Myungsoo’s car near here, so does this mean they’re somewhere else? I rang the bell impatiently. When I heard someone got the door, I was hoping that it’s Jiyeon standing there, greeting me with her smile. But the hope cruelly crashed when it’s Taehyung standing in front of me looking confused.

“Sehun hyung? Noona wasn’t at home. She’s

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Currently working on Dear Jiyeon, Wedding Edition (bonus chapter) It will be posted by this weekend~♡


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Chapter 32: The feels, I can't. <3
syaziana97 #2
Chapter 32: omona!!!!....its so romantic.....I love it..
Babbie #3
Chapter 32: Wow..this incredible fic is...amazing...and deserves a lot of upvotes ! Good job.thank you for this piece of gem.
Babbie #4
Chapter 27: Sry jiyeon in this chap
Babbie #5
Chapter 22: Drowning here
Babbie #6
Chapter 19: Awww soo sweet
Babbie #7
Chapter 19: Y would taehyung ring his own home's door bell
Babbie #8
Chapter 18: Sigh...I had hoped Krystal would grow up by now...
Babbie #9
Chapter 15: R we gonna see Kai and DO now too? Hahahha
Babbie #10
Chapter 14: 5 years!! Alright.... I wasn't expecting myungsoo there hahaha. I don't think authornim will be reading comments now that this is completely long ago but I'd like to recommend Ed Sheehan - matches here when sehun is looking at the pics..