NITL: Universe

Babbles of Prince B and Mr. Park

NITL: Universe
Explaining to others that the universe has a hole is difficult.
a/n: In case anybody forgot, NITL is the Not Intended/TheLetter cross!over drabble series. This is PART 3



Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun tried to figure out how to eat the gigantic cupcake. It was weird and Luhan was next to him by the counter, muttering under his breath, just as confused as the giant.

“What’s wrong with him? And why did he dye his hair…”

“He’s…” How could he explain it? Chanyeol couldn’t. “It’s difficult to explain. He’s not…Baekhyun.”

“But he looks like him…”

“I know! That’s the weird thing, but I think he’s not.”

Luhan glanced a him. “Are you two okay?”

“I’m not crazy.”

“I mean--”

“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun called out, a bit too loudly that other people turned to look at him. “How do you eat this thing!?”

Inwardly groaning, Chanyeol gave Luhan a look before going over to the brunet who was holding the cupcake above his head. “You should put it down on the table.”

“Okay. Now what?” Baekhyun asked after following the instructions. “Can’t I eat this with a fork?”

“You don’t eat cupcakes with a fork!” Chanyeol said, taking the cupcake and peeling off the thin paper wrapping. “You’re supposed to just go for it.”

“Go for it?”

“Yeah. Just put it in your mouth.”

“But it’s huge!” Then after a second, Baekhyun cocked his head, eyes on the cupcake. “Actually, you’re right! I should just go for it! It’s not like I haven’t put other things in my mouth that’re just as big.”

Before Chanyeol could comment, Baekhyun leaned forward and the tip of the frosting design off the cupcake despite the fact that the giant was still holding it in his hand. It was hard to think of anything else other than the fact that it was intentionally ual.

“The first rule of everything is to the tip.”

Chanyeol almost dropped the cupcake. Usually, he’d probably get , but it was weird. For some reason, he missed his prude of a boyfriend.



“So, how’re you going to get me home?”

Chanyeol looked up at him, frowning. For some reason, he found this blond version of his fiance to be more annoying. Maybe not entirely but the only thing this Baekhyun wanted to do was bake, which was also weird for Kyungsoo. No one in the house knew of what to make of the news. Sehun had even asked if Baekhyun was just being weird again, but it wasn’t easy trying to explain that this blond Baekhyun wasn’t the same as the one who’d usually do cartwheels in the living room in the middle of the afternoon.

“I don’t know. I haven’t exactly figured out the science behind all that, yet,” Chanyeol mumbled, a bit annoyed as he kept his eyes fixated on the book about theoretical dimensions. He never thought he’d dabble in ‘science fiction’ but hell. He was kind of desperate.

“Can’t you just, I don’t know. Recreate the storm or something?”

“That’s a stupid idea.” Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “There’s no technology in this era that’d allow us to do something of that caliber.”

“But you’re over there reading about dimensions!”

“Yes, because you came from one of these ‘dimensions’!”

“So then just rip a hole in the time warp or--I don’t know? Do magic? A rain dance, maybe?”

Frowning, Chanyeol set the book down. “Yeah, why don't I just go outside, draw some circles, and pray that my dumb fiance comes back.”

Taken aback, Baekhyun crossed his arms. “Dumb?” he said incredulously. “I don’t know who your fiance is, but I don’t think it’s nice of you to call him that.”

“Believe me, I’m not saying anything he hasn’t heard before.”



“So, let me get this straight.” Sehun pointed at Baekhyun who stared at him with smile on his face. “This guy is Baekhyun… but he’s not from this world Baekhyun.”

“Yep!” Baekhyun piped.

Sehun paused. “Well… You are dressed more… colorful.”

Looking down, Baekhyun frowned. He was wearing the new clothes that Chanyeol bought him, nothing too fancy. In his opinion, he wasn’t that colorful. “In my defense, my fiance says I’m spunky with clothing, but it’s whatever! I stay home most of the time anyways so if I’m not wearing clothes, I’m usually just .”

Chanyeol crossed his arms. “See, my Baekhyun would never admit in public that he likes being . Something happened to the universe of something. Must’ve been the storm.”

“You’re crazy--”

“Actually, he’s not!” Baekhyun said, defending the giant. “There’s an explanation to everything in the universe. Did you know that light travels so fast and so far, the stars we see in the sky are probably already dead? That the light we see is already millions and millions of years old? And if nothing travels faster than light and light is already millions of years old, who knows what types of extraterrestrial civilizations and universes have all seen the same light--”

Cover the brunet’s mouth, Chanyeol sighed. “This one likes to talk about science.”

“I understood nothing,” Sehun muttered. Glancing at his watch, he checked the time. “We’ll have to talk about this later. The board of directors are coming in twenty minutes for the meeting.”

“Alright, then--”

Baekhyun broke free from the hand that silenced him. “What’s the meeting about? You said you were in Pharmaceuticals? Can I come? I have a friend who’s into medicine. My fiance’s into engineering, but he’s also a really cool business man like you!”

Sehun burst out laughing, throwing his head back. “He thinks you’re cool!”

“Shut up before I fire you,” Chanyeol threatened rolling his eyes before he put a hand on Baekhyun’s back, trying to make him take a seat on the couch in his office. “Listen, I’ll be right back. This’ll be quick. Don’t go anywhere.”

“I like your office and all, but whoever designed this space didn't have entertainment in mind. I'm already bored!”

“I’ll have Sunny come by and talk to you or something.”

“Oooh, who’s Sunny?” Baekhyun cooed, giving him a sly look. “Is she your…mistress?”

Sehun looked over at his friend. “Damn, Yeol.”

"Can you ing--"

“Oh, I love office romance!” Baekhyun said, putting his hands on his heart. But then he abruptly crossed his arms and pouted. “But I hate infidelity!”

Chanyeol groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Maybe in another universe, Baek, but not this one. Got it? Now stay right here.”


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Chapter 9: That's ed up wtf
Chapter 30: Hope you'll continue this story . It's so unique!
Chapter 27: I just love this concept
Chapter 26: Awww 😙
Osekop12 #5
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 11: why is this sooo cuuuuuuuuuuttttteeeeeee ?
Chapter 5: Please I want more of this
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 32: Hahaha baekhoon playing it right
Chapter 23: Perhaps i need this fic to happen hahahaha excitinf
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 31: Hahaha Baekkie loves bad boy