Christmas 2016 Drabbles

Babbles of Prince B and Mr. Park

Christmas 2016 Drabbles

length: varies
rating: pg
a/n: Merry Christmas! This isn't a significant update but I wanted to give you all something, even if it's short. So, because Charles always asks when I'm going to write a story about him or "Hey, can you put this in a story?", I decided that these 2 drabbles are going to be based on real life events (cough-cough exactly-like-cough) that happened between him and I, except with Chanbaek.
Fun fact: Charles' baseball jersey number was 14 (Freshman year HS) then 24. I'm his 4th girlfriend. His Birthday is on June 24, and mine is on June 4th. We celebrate a "birthday" together because 24+4 = 28 / 2 = 14. Therefore, our birthday together is June 14, which is 614, Chanbaek's # heheh.... Anyways, I think that's cool and if you don't believe in fate then idk fam :) Enjoy!


Christmas 2015

Baekhyun felt his phone buzz and looked down. Park Chanyeol had sent him something over Snapchat. For a second, his heart stopped just from seeing the name come across his phone screen. Questions ran through his head. What did Chanyeol want? Why did he send him a snap? Did that mean that he was thinking about him? Impossible. That was just stupid. Sure, they were friends, but nothing like that (sadly).

He wasn't aware he was holding his breath until he exhaled. Gathering upthe nerve to finally unlock his phone, Baekhyun opened the app. Part of him wanted to know what Chanyeol had sent, yet another part of him wanted to NEVER open it, partly due to the fact that he wanted to keep it as a memory--as stupid as that sounded. However, the curiosity won the best of him and Baekhyun pressed on the snap, ready to analyze everything in the message or picture before it disappeared in 10 seconds.

When the photo came up, Baekhyun felt a bit of disappointment. It was a generic "Merry Christmas" photo of Chanyeol posing with one of his young cousins. He certainly looked handsome and cute (ugh), but it wasn't like Baekhyun could screenshot it without looking like a creep. After the snap ended, he thought about replying for a while. A simple "Merry Christmas!" message would've sufficed, but then again, they weren't THAT close...

Besides, he thought, Chanyeol probably send that snap to multiple people. It wasn't as if he only sent it to him, so there was no pressure to respond. Deciding on that, Baekhyun put his phone away.

February-March 2016

"How am I scary?"

Snorting, Baekhyun glanced over at his boyfriend. "You just are."

Chanyeol frowned. "I actual take offense to that. I'm not scary. I don't do anything that's scary."

"You wanna know why I barely texted you when we were friends? Or why I'd never send snapchats to you but I'd send them to everyone else?"

"Let me guess. Cause I'm scary?"

"Kinda... That time you sent me a snapchat during Christmas with your little cousin?" Baekhyun said, sparking the old memory. "I didn't reply to that cause you were scary."


"Also, it seemed like you sent that to everyone so I didn't bother replying," the brunet said, shrugging. Chanyeol looked astounded. "What?"

"So that's why you didn't reply?" The giant rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You know, now that I think about it, you never reply to any of my snaps. You just open them."

"I mean, I don't reply to everyone."

"Not even me, I guess. Cause I'm scary," Chanyeol said, laughing as he teased. "But anyways, am I still scary now?"

Baekhyun glanced at him and rolled his eyes. "Not really. I used to think you were cool, too."

"Am I not cool anymore?" Chanyeol gave him the boo-boo lip. "Aw..."

"I'm kidding. You're still kinda cool."

"Only kinda..."

Placing a kiss on the giant's puckered lips, Baekhyun hummed. "Anyways, I wub you. Wah wah wah."

Chanyeol returned the gesture with a smile. "Wah wah wah."

Random February Text Messages

On the train on his way home for the weekend, Baekhyun felt red. And excited. Still, he felt somewhat red.

[ Chanyeol 6:03pm ] Where my gym partner at tho?

[ Baekhyun 6:04pm] .....Having a cheat day.

[ Chanyeol 6:06pm ] Fake.
[ Chanyeol 6:06pm ] All good have a good time

[ Baekhyun 6:08pm ] Ah--ok like you're not going home this weekend for a cheat day too
[ Baekhyun 6:08pm ] I see you
[ Baekhyun 6:09pm ] But anyways, thankss

[ Chanyeol 6:10pm ] I mean i got a treadmill and some weights haha so your argument is invalid
[ Chanyeol 6:11pm ] And denada

[ Baekhyun 6:15pm ] I have a treadmill and weights at home too, fam but ok, let's assume I'm poor and fat at home too
[ Baekhyun 6:15pm ] I C U

[ Chanyeol 6:16pm ] Oh I didn't know mb haha you better use them then! Remember...Trust

[ Baekhyun 6:16pm ] Uh huh

Chanyeol sent him a photo. From the looks of it, it was taken at the gym. Baekhyun snorted.

[ Baekhyun 6:18pm ] Nice pic did you get that from google images
[ Baekhyun 6:18pm ] LMaoooo I'm funny
[ Baekhyun 6:19pm ] Good to know you had the motivation to go today

[ Chanyeol 6:22pm ] Omg im so done witchu
[ Chanyeol 6:22pm ] Don't even lol

[ Baekhyun 6:37pm ] Alright well my phones dying and you're at the gym, so focus on that cause I gotta charge my phone \( • • )/~
[ Baekhyun 6:37pm] Later, Yeol

- / / later / / -

[ Chanyeol 10:03pm ] Later
[ Chanyeol 10:03pm ] Late response haha
[ Chanyeol 10:07pm ] My bad forgive me haha

[ Baekhyun 10:08pm ] Remember what I said about how you always try to pick up dead conversations where they left off last?

[ Chanyeol 10:08pm ] :-(

[ Baekhyun 10:08pm ] Let it die, Chanyeol

[ Chanyeol 10:09pm ] NOO LOL
[ Chanyeol 10:09pm ] I can't!
[ Chanyeol 10:09pm ] I won't
[ Chanyeol 10:09pm ] Fine, bye

[ Baekhyun 10:13pm ] There there
[ Baekhyun 10:13pm ] How's Seoul

[ Chanyeol 10:14pm ] No you killed me

[ Baekhyun 10:15pm ] I'm trying to revive you tho
[ Baekhyun 10:15pm ] Did you see me swoop in with that new conversation topic
[ Baekhyun 10:15pm ] Conversation skills love
[ Baekhyun 10:15pm ] *lol

[ Chanyeol 10:20pm ] Revive me?? Lol you swooped in and picked up my dead body then dropped me and let me to rot

[ Baekhyun 10:22pm ] I don't understand why you have to be so negative all the time
[ Baekhyun 10:22pm ] :-(

[ Chanyeol 10:23pm ] Smh im kidding haha
[ Chanyeol 10:24pm ] Take a joke
[ Chanyeol 10:24pm ] Why do you always assume I'm negative I'm happy I swear
[ Chanyeol 10:26pm ] <--- I'm a happy poop

[ Baekhyun 10:27pm ] I was being sarcastic

[ Chanyeol 10:28pm ] That tone thru text tho i cant tell haha

[ Baekhyun 10:28pm ] But yes I know you're a happy piece of *poop emoji*
[ Baekhyun 10:28pm ] Maybe you just can't read text lol soggy bread texter

[ Chanyeol 10:34pm ] WTF *bread emoji* <---is this how you see me???? Haha
[ Chanyeol 10:34pm ] My dough turned into beautiful bread
[ Chanyeol 10:37pm ] Okay gimme a minute lol i need to gather myself i have no idea what i'm saying rn

On the other end of the conversation, Chanyeol, flustered and nervous all the at same time, realized he was beginning to text nonsense. He was trying too hard to be cool, and honestly, it wasn't like him. Texting crushes was honestly so nerve wrecking.

Getting the Disclaimer for Using the Text Messages (Meta)

[ On the phone ]

Baekhyun: Hey, Yeol, can I use your old text messages?


Baekhyun: Can I use your old text messages? Technically, they're yours because you wrote them to me

Chanyeol: Which ones...

Baekhyun: Any of them!

Chanyeol: No...

Baekhyun: Why?

Chanyeol: I don't trust you.

Baekhyun: Well, not the embarrassing ones!

Chanyeol: What--no! What do you need them for?

Baekhyun: I'm writing something and I need to use them.

Chanyeol: Baekhyun--

Baekhyun: Okay, thanks!

Chanyeol: Wait, I didn't say yes yet! What do you need them for, again?

Baekhyun: I'm writing drabbles.

Chanyeol: What are drabbles?

Baekhyun: They're like sketches but for writing

Chanyeol: Oh...Okay, but what texts are you talking about?

Baekhyun: The ones where you're talking about how you're soggy bread

Chanyeol: Oooh my god, Baekhyun--

Baekhyun: Pleaaase

Chanyeol: Ugh, fine... I want to read it though.

Baekhyun: Okay! I'm releasing it in like 20 minutes.

Chanyeol: Already?

Baekhyun: Yeah, they're just drabbles anyways. I already wrote the beginning. Listen, "Because Chanyeol always asks when I'm going to write a story about him or "Hey, can you put this in a story?", I decided that these 2 drabbles are going to be based on real life events..."

Chanyeol: Bakehyun, please

Baekhyun: So, can I?

Chanyeol: Okay, fine... So you're releasing it in 20 minutes?

Baekhyun: Yeah, you can read it later.

Chanyeol:...Fine. Good-night, then. I'll talk to you tomorrow

Baekhyun: Okay!

Chanyeol: Wah wah wah

Baekhyun: Wah

Chanyeol: Love you. Have fun

Baekhyun: Thanks :-) Good-night

Chanyeol: Nite

- Baekhyun proceeds to post his drabbles and wish his followers/readers/s a merry christmas and happy new year -

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Chapter 9: That's ed up wtf
Chapter 30: Hope you'll continue this story . It's so unique!
Chapter 27: I just love this concept
Chapter 26: Awww 😙
Osekop12 #5
Congrats on the feature!!
Chapter 11: why is this sooo cuuuuuuuuuuttttteeeeeee ?
Chapter 5: Please I want more of this
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 32: Hahaha baekhoon playing it right
Chapter 23: Perhaps i need this fic to happen hahahaha excitinf
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 31: Hahaha Baekkie loves bad boy