Kisses, Drugs, and Money

Can We Go Back To the Way It Was

Hi everyone! I'm glad you all liked the last chapter! I will try to update fast, but with school and laziness, that will be a problem. But I shall overcome! Somehow..Anyways! Have y'all seen the newest VIXX comeback? It was so beautiful!!! OMG! I wanted to cry! 

Taehyung POV

For the past few weeks, since I've joined the Miscellaneous Club, Jin has either ignored me or 'harassed' me, based on what Jimin's description of harassment is. I always come into the room to see him shirtless and texting someone in a corner. I would try to start up a conversation, he would ignore me, I would ask for help on my homework, and then he would eventually give in. Today should have been no different, but as soon as I got in, I knew today would be off. When I entered the club room, I saw that half of his body was hanging off the chair while he was holding a beer. He looked up at me and stumbled towards my direction. "He-Hey Ta-Tae! Ho-How are yo-you?" he hiccuped as he slung an arm around me. I brought him to a chair to set him down and took the beer out of his hands.

"Jin, you're drunk," I stated as I threw his beer away. 

"Yah! Tha-that was my la-last one!" he whined as he made a pouty face. I just ignored him as I began to do my homework. The room was at peace for a while. I was doing my homework while Jin kept falling off the chairs and laughing. I was almost done with Physics when Jin went and sat next to me. He sat his hand on my thigh while the other one was on my cheek. 

"Um..Ji-Jin what are you do-doing?" I stuttered as he rubbed my thigh in circles. 

"You're blushing a lot," Jin muttered as he came closer to my face. He captured my lips into a slow, soft kiss. Even though his action completely stunned me, I felt my body stiffen up and not want to move at all. His lips were very soft and smoothe against mine, but I can taste the beer on them. We stayed still for a while until I came back to my senses, shoved him off, and gathered all my things. He began to laugh at me and went to open the door. "Bye bye Tae-ah, I had a lot of fun!" he exclaimed as I ran out the room. I ran into the nearest room, which happened to be a bathroom once I smelled toilet water. There was also another foreign scent that I smelled, but I just couldn't think of it. I went to the nearest sink, thinking I was the only one in the bathroom, and washed my face over and over again until I couldn't feel Jin on my lips.

"Why is your face so red," a familiar voice groaned as I turned my head quickly to meet a guy sitting down in the corner. 

"Hoseok!" I exclaimed as I wiped my face with a towel.

"The one and only," he replied as he stood up.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I went over to him. He just nodded towards me as he sat right there on the spot. He patted the area next to him and I soon joined him on the ground.

"I should be asking you the same thing," he replied back. "I'm here to smoke, how about you?"

"That's what that funny smell was, I thought someone puked," I joked as I scratched my head, wondering if I should really answer. "Well, someone was just confusing me, that's all."

"Jin, right?" he stated. I became flustered by that comment as I went to hide my possibly blushing face. "I guess I was right. He usually has that blushing effect on people. But don't you go falling in love with him, he will just stomp on your heart and throw it in a dumpster."

"Has he done that to you?" I asked, trying to avoid the idea of me even liking Jin.

"No, but I know what it feels like to begin to fall in love with someone," Hoseok answered as he looked at the floor. I'm guessing I brought up some bad memories since he didn't respond for the next few minutes. I was gonna change the subject until he slapped my back and laughed. "But that's all in the past now! I wanted to tell you something though, two things to be exact. I wanted to apologize before when we were in the detention room. And that other time in the hallway, I shouldn't of treated you like that and I am really sorry for that," he apologized as he looked straight at me.

"It's fine, you probably didn't have the best of days back then," I grinned as I slapped his back.

"Another thing, do you have $50 that I can borrow?" he asked like it was the most normal thing ever.

"$50! I BARELY HAVE $3 DOLLARS!" I yelled as I jumped up from that.

"Calm down, it was just a simple question-"

"SIMPLE QUESTION! DO I LOOK LIKE A BANK TO YOU!" I interrupted him, still going on my rant. He got up quickly and covered my mouth with his hand.

"If you don't calm down right now, I will get one of my gang members to come beat you up. Now, would you like to stay quiet or get beaten up?" he whispered as he took his hand away. I instantly became silent, not wanting to get beaten up by his gang members or anyone at all. "I just wanted to know if you had any money because I have to have $50 by the end of the day. If I don't have it, then let's just say I'm screwed," he began as I stared at him.

"Wait what will happen?" I asked right as he was gonna explain, the bell decided to ring.

"Maybe another time, nice chatting with you! If you need any weed, you can always come to me because I need money!" he exclaimed as he left the bathroom.

"How was your morning?" Jimin asked as we decided to eat on the grass for lunch. We even set up a nice picnic like lunch where Jimin made the food and I brought the drinks and snacks.

"Um, how was yours?" I answered with a question. He looked up at me with a frown.

"Did something happen to you? Do I need to beat someone up?" Jimin spat with many more questions. I rose my hands up in front of me, trying to calm him down.

"It's Jin," I began, causing Jimin to drop his food and sit right next to me.

"What did that bastard do this time-"

"Jimin, you can back off of your boyfriend already, no one, especiallly me, wants to see that," a voice began as they came from behind us. I knew who it was as soon as Jimin's concerned face went to a scowl in just a few seconds. "Hi Tae Tae, can I join you all?" Jungkook asked as he sat across from Jimin and I.

"You're already here so why not!" I answered, getting a hit by Jimin.

"What are you all talking about?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed one of Jimin's sandwiches.

"None of your business," Jimin retorted as he whispered in my ear that we'll talk about the Jin thing later. Jungkook began to pout as he scooted towards me.

"See, this is why I like Taehyung better! He is actually nice to me and cares about me," Jungkook bragged as he clung to my arm. "By the way, Hyung, do you want to go see this one horror movie that just came out with me?"

"Sure, that sounds fun!" I commented back, earning another punch from Jimin.

"Don't fall into the enemy's trap," he whispered in my ear, causing me to laugh really loud.

"Ok, that's a date then!" Jungkook shouted as he grabbed another sandwich and left.

"Wait what. I didn't agree to that-" I began.

"See, this is what you get for trying to be nice," Jimin stated as he went back to eating. I'm sure that the 'date' won't be that bad...

I hope you all enjoyed! I promise the next chapter will be a little bit longer if this one seemed short to you all! Next chapter will have more Suga/Namjoon/Hoseok business in it! And sorry if the kiss scene was corny, it was my first attempt at doing one, ever. But anyways, I hope everyone has a nice day! 


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Chapter 25: Hope you have not forgot about this story >n<
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 25: Wow. I love it!! Pls update soon. Im begging you.
Dataslash #3
Chapter 25: Yay your back (*^o^*) I thought this story was never Ganna be updated again( ´_ゝ`) lol but please take your time in writing :) ~ I'll stick through to the end
Chapter 25: I'm so glad you're alive! I've missed this fanfic, and I look forward to the upcoming chapters. ❤️ (:
Chapter 25: glad to hear from you and im looking forward to new chapters (: ~❤
Cruelity #6
Chapter 24: Wow it's really awesome! I just found it and I'm really exited about the whole story. Like I'm probably one of the biggest Jikook Shippers ever. And I love drama. Well and this aspects together = This story is sooo awesome.
How Jimin and Jungkook found together is so sweet, and yeah a little bit soo cheesy but i love it this way... [My perspective xD]
also Jin and Taes 'What-ever-their-status-is-right-know'.I really hope they talk it out. Or make it out. Whatever I would be happy.
Finally about Yoongi and Hopie -> They are both trying to protect their loved one. This is soo ing cute. And well Jackson is a . [Well maybe he has a reason but still]

I don't know if you broke the story up or you are just taking a break [for like 5 Months xD *sarcasmus*]but I think you have you reasons, so I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your FanFiction! Thank you for posting it!
~ Cruel
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 24: update pleaseeeee
vanillahobie #8
Chapter 24: Please Update asapㅠㅠ
seohyunnie_snsd #9
Chapter 24: Update plsss xD
kookielicious3 #10
Chapter 24: Please Update, I Really Enjoy This Fanfic !