I'm So Sorry That Happened

Can We Go Back To the Way It Was

Hi everyone! Did I just do a double update you may ask? Yes, I did. I had to much fun writing the past chapters, and I'm really proud of how this one came out. Thank you to all the people who continue to support this story! You guys are awesome! Here's the next chapter! c:

Taehyung POV

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Jungkook! Happy Birthday to you!" everyone sang as Jungkook blew the candles. 

"Make a wish!" a random girl shouted out.

"I already did, Jimin-ah!" he shouted back.

"What was it then?" Jungkook just started to blush and told everyone it didn't matter. We all went into the living room to watch some superhero movies for the next 5 hours. It was around midnight, where I saw that there were about 10 people left at the party. We were watching The Avengers for the second time when Jungkook came up with an idea.

"Let's play truth or dare! Everyone, gather around in a circle," Jungkook directed as the last people around came and formed a circle. "Ok, I'll start! Tae Tae, truth or dare?" Great, this kid really hates me. I began to play out my options. If I chose truth, they could ask me something really embarrassing. If I chose dare, they could be very, very jacked up. I decided to choose the wise option.

"Truth," I replied as I heard an 'aw' go around in the room.

"Is it true that you're gay?" he asked, which everyone oo'ed at, except for Jimin.

"Um, no," I replied quite bluntly.

"Oh, ok, your turn," Jungkook replied as he looked bored.

"Um, Jimin, truth or dare?" I asked, knowing no one else to ask. Wait! This can be my chance to ask him what happened to him. 

"Dare," he replied as he looked at me for a response.

"I dare you to come upstairs with me," I replied, silencing the room.

"WHAT! BUT YOU JUST SAID-" Jungkook yelled, glaring between Jimin and me.

"Um....ok then," Jimin spoke, sounding a little unsure.

"Um, you! You can go ahead and start!" I exclaimed to a random guy.

"My name's Jackson! Not-" 

"No one cares, bye!" I ended as I dragged Jimin up the stairs and into a random bedroom. When we entered, the lights we out, but you can see that the moon shined through the windows, lighting up the room. I led him towards the bed as I turned around to face him.

"Um, you're not going to have with me, right?" he asked, sounding very uncomfortable. I nearly gagged at that statement.

"No! NEVER! EVER EVER! OH MY GOD JIMIN!" I screamed as I tried to think of innocent things. "No! I did not. I will never ever do that with you!"

"Good," Jimin sighed as he turned to look at me. "Then why are we here?"

"Tell me what happened between Jungkook and you," I replied bluntly. "Well, if you want to, but you don't have to," I assured as I saw him look down. The room fell silent for about 5 minutes before I heard a sigh escape past his lips.

"Alright, it's gonna be long, so if you want, make yourself comfortable," Jimin warned as he laid down on the bed before grabbing one of the pillows by the headboard. I grabbed a pillow as well and sat criss-cross on the bed. "Well, I kinda used to have a crush on Jungkook-"

"WHAT!" I exclaimed as I punched his arm by accident. He gave me a glare before going back to his story.

"It all happened 2 years ago...."

Jimin POV

I was walking down the hall of the high school buildings, looking for a familiar figure. I'm really going to do it! I'm going to confess to Jungkook! After this whole year, I've waited for this moment. I'm glad Jin and Namjoon convinced me to do it today, on Valentine's Day! That's why I bought him some red roses and a box of chocolate truffles. I went around the corner to spot the person of my interest, Jungkook, leaning against some lockers with his friends. I started to run towards them, catching Jungkook looking at me when I got closer.

"Jimin, what do you want?" he asked bluntly, slightly bringing down my confidence. No! You can do it Park Jimin! 

"I-I want to-to talk to yo-you," I stuttered out, feeling like an idiot. "Just the two of us."

"Well, ok then," Jungkook replied as I led him towards my locker where his gifts were. I started to make small talk with him, trying to calm down my beating heart. When we finally arrived, I looked over at him with a shy smile. 

"Jungkook, I've been meaning to tell you something this past year," I began as I struggled to open my locker from my shaking hands. He just nodded, asking me to continue what I was saying. When I finally opened the locker, I brought out the roses and chocolates and handed them to him. He started to blush the same color as the roses as he looked at me. "I really like you Jeon Jungkook, you don't have to accept my feelings, but I just wanted to let them out instead of keeping them to myself," I ended, waiting for his response.

"Jimin, I have no idea what to say," he muttered as we both jumped from the laughter behind him. I looked over to see that his friends were behind a corner of lockers, potentially hearing the whole thing. "I gotta go, thanks for the flowers and chocolates! I'll really think about this, I promise," he rushed out as he went to his friends. The feeling I had wasn't of embarrassment, but of relief after letting my feels out instead of bottling them in. 

The next day

I came up the staircase that led to the school's big doors. I was feeling really happy, after finally confessing my feelings to Jungkook. Something I did notice were that people were either staring at me, or laughing at me, but who cares! I opened the door and that's when my nightmare began. On almost every locker and wall was a poster of my school picture with the words ' of the Year goes to...PARK JIMIN!' with a lot of drawings surrounding my face. After processing all of this, I saw Jungkook and his friends laughing near the entrance. His friends noticed me and started to laugh really loud, along with the rest of the students that noticed my presence. Jungkook looked at me and faced down like he was ashamed of knowing me. I stormed over to him and made the biggest glare I could.

"If you didn't like me! You didn't have to go out your way to do all of this!" I growled out. I felt my face heat up when I noticed that everyone was looking at us.

"But I didn't do it," he muttered, not trying to have people hear him except me.

"Then who else would do this?" I asked, lowering my voice to the same volume as him.

"I gotta go Jimin," he ended as he walked away with his friends, while the rest of the students were laughing at me.

Taehyung POV

When Jimin ended, I heard him start to sob into his hands from remembering that awful incident. "Jimin, I'm so sorry that that happened to you," I spoke softly as I held him in an embrace, rubbing his back. He started to let out his emotions and cried into my chest, causing me to hold him tighter. After hearing him sob for about 10 minutes, he started to sniffle as he looked up at me. 

"The sick thing is, is that I still liked him after that," he muttered softly, letting out a sarcastic laugh. "Since junior year, I started to avoid him, which almost worked until you came along. But I started to move on, I think," he ended as he looked down.

"Jimin, you don't deserve that at all, I can understand why you always hate being around him now," I responded angrily. "I can't believe he would do that to you."

"It's fine now when I started to avoid him, I felt happier. Then you came and I felt like my old self. So, thank you Taehyung for coming back into our lives again," he chirped up, giving me his famous eye smile. 

"You're so corny," I replied as I took his cheeks and started pinching them. While I was doing that, he tried to get me off, to his failure, and we just ended up laying back down on the bed. "Well, I got one story down, 5 more to go!" 

"You're acting like this is some drama," he retorted as he punched my arm.

"But it is Jimin, it is!" I exclaimed as I hopped off the bed and ran out the room, hearing him dash after me yelling 'You can't just leave me!'.

It's been a month since Jimin told me what happened to him and his birthday was coming up soon. What shall I get my friend you ask? Well, everything he likes is either expensive or more expensive! We were sitting in Physics when the teacher started to hand back our tests. I felt really confident on this one, so I should get a good grade! The teacher came between Jimin and my desk as he gave us our tests back. I flipped over the sheet, expecting a 100% when I saw a 68% on it with a bunch of x's all throughout the pages.

"What! I think he's been mistaken! Jiminnie, what did you get?" I asked, wanting to know if he got the same grade as me.

"I got a 75%, what about you?" he asked, causing me to slam my head on the desk. 

"68%," I muttered lowly, earning a 'what did you say' from Jimin. I just gave him my paper as he looked over it. He gave me a sympathetic look and rubbed my back.

"Maybe next time," he assured. 

"No, I want a better grade!" I exclaimed as the bell rang. We stood up as the teach called the both of us to his desk. We walked slowly, unsure of what he would tell us. He neatly put his papers together as he sat down on his chair.

"Jimin, V, you both need to improve your grades. Especially your's, Jimin. I know you want to go to a really good dance academy after high school, so I'm gonna push you until I see you get better grades. Taehyung, I know you're not the brightest, but you need to bring your grades up as well. If you both need a tutor, I can find you both one," he began as he looked between the both of us. Jimin looked uncomfortable while I felt insulted for being called 'not the brightest'. I rose my hand up, causing him to look at me strangely.

"I can help him! And he can help me! We can help each other!" I exclaimed as I grabbed Jimin's hand and brought it up. 

"Um, I don't think that's a smart idea..," he muttered. 

"I can help," someone spoke from behind us. 

"Oh yeah! Jungkook can help you guys!" he explained happily. I turned around to see a smirking Jungkook come walking up to us.

"I would love to help," he said with an evil grin.

"I would rather have Suga help me," Jimin cut in.

"Does that kid even come here anymore?" the teacher asked while Jimin shrugged. 

"Namjoon! Can I study with him?" Jimin pleaded while Jungkook looked irritated.

"I'm right here you know! I am technically a sophomore, but I'm skipped and I can be possibly graduating with you all!" Jungkook bragged on, trying to convince us.

"It's settled, Jungkook is your new tutor, bye," he ended as he got up and left before Jimin and I can disagree. 

"I can help you guys this weekend, maybe around 5," Jungkook spoke.

"I'm good," Jimin replied as he walked out the room. I followed behind as we left Jungkook in the classroom. 

"So, who is going to tutor us?" I asked as he headed towards the cafeteria. 

"I'm gonna try to ask Namjoon if I can even find him," he ended as we got in line.

"Jimin, blue or black?" I asked.

"What...?" he questioned.

"Blue or black?" I asked again.

"Blue I guess," he replied. 

"Homemade or artificial?"


"Good, well, let's eat now!" I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand and dragged him into the cafeteria.

"Wait! Why did you ask me those questions?" he asked.

"None of your business!" I ended as we got in line. Now, I have an idea on what to get him for his birthday. Hehehe.

I hope you all enjoyed! Sorry for the little angst in there! I was really sad when writing it :c. Anyways, 1/6 of them confessed, what are the other's stories like! Have a nice day! c

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Chapter 25: Hope you have not forgot about this story >n<
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 25: Wow. I love it!! Pls update soon. Im begging you.
Dataslash #3
Chapter 25: Yay your back (*^o^*) I thought this story was never Ganna be updated again( ´_ゝ`) lol but please take your time in writing :) ~ I'll stick through to the end
Chapter 25: I'm so glad you're alive! I've missed this fanfic, and I look forward to the upcoming chapters. ❤️ (:
Chapter 25: glad to hear from you and im looking forward to new chapters (: ~❤
Cruelity #6
Chapter 24: Wow it's really awesome! I just found it and I'm really exited about the whole story. Like I'm probably one of the biggest Jikook Shippers ever. And I love drama. Well and this aspects together = This story is sooo awesome.
How Jimin and Jungkook found together is so sweet, and yeah a little bit soo cheesy but i love it this way... [My perspective xD]
also Jin and Taes 'What-ever-their-status-is-right-know'.I really hope they talk it out. Or make it out. Whatever I would be happy.
Finally about Yoongi and Hopie -> They are both trying to protect their loved one. This is soo ing cute. And well Jackson is a . [Well maybe he has a reason but still]

I don't know if you broke the story up or you are just taking a break [for like 5 Months xD *sarcasmus*]but I think you have you reasons, so I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your FanFiction! Thank you for posting it!
~ Cruel
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 24: update pleaseeeee
vanillahobie #8
Chapter 24: Please Update asapㅠㅠ
seohyunnie_snsd #9
Chapter 24: Update plsss xD
kookielicious3 #10
Chapter 24: Please Update, I Really Enjoy This Fanfic !