Vacations and Sleepovers

Can We Go Back To the Way It Was

Jungkook POV

"We're going on vacation!" Mrs. Park exclaimed as everyone was gathering around in the dining room. 

"When?" Jimin asked, looking very confused.

"Tomorrow! So we'll all be leaving for the trip early in the morning!" my mom added.

"Where are we exactly going?" I asked while looking at the ground. I knew if I looked up, I would just be staring at Jimin as he would give me one of those scary glares.

"Jeju Island!" my dad and Mr. Park answered simultaneously.

"But, shouldn't we be saving for a house?" I asked.

"We've been planning this vacation before the house got burned down so we already used some money. But since that event, we've been saving our money so we can at least afford an apartment," my mother assured me as she was rubbing my back. It seemed that Jimin became bored as he walked up the steps into his room while the other adults continued talking. I was about to go up as well until Mrs. Park told me to do something.

"Jungkookie, use some of Jimin's clothes since your whole wardrobe was in your old house," she spoke as I gave her a nod and went upstairs. I stopped in front of Jimin's door, my hand raised up against the door, but not knocking on it. I was to nervous too. I didn't want to get rejected again by him, it already hurt the first time. Gathering all the courage I gained in the 5 minutes I stood outside his door, I knocked on it loud enough do get a 'Come in' from the other side. I pulled open the door to see Jimin on the phone talking to someone. When he looked up, he realized it was me and gave me a glare.

"Hold on Taehyung," he spoke as he put the phone down and stared at me. "What do you want?" he asked bitterly as I tried not to forget about Mrs. Park's offer and run back to the guest room. 

"Your mom wanted me to borrow some of your clothes during the vacation..," I muttered as he glared harder at me which I questioned is that even possible. He got up and went to his closet to open it and look around to find some clothes for me. 

"I don't know if some of them will fit you since I'm smaller than you," he began.

"Just give me your bigger sizes, and I'll wear those," I answered as he began to throw some clothes at me.

"There," he ended as he went back to his phone. 

"Jimin," I whispered before he picked up his phone. He frozed when I said his voice and went silent. "Can we please talk about this situation ...and us.."

"You already know my answer. And there is no us so get that idea out of your head," he replied angrily.

"Jimin, I'm not an idiot to know that you still like me."

"Jungkook, please just leave," he muttered as he stayed frozen.


"Leave me alone, Jungkook!" he exclaimed, causing me to flinch and fled the room. I went inside the guest room and slid against the door when I closed it. Then I just released all the emotions I've been feeling the past month. I began to cry against his clothes because I just wish he would listen to me and accept me again. I wish that I could go back in time and just fix things...

Taehyung POV

As soon as I got home from school, I called Jiminnie to see if he wanted to do something over the weekend. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number which he answered on the second ring. "Hey Tae, what's up!" he chirped from the other line.

"Nothing, I just wondered if you wanted to hang out this weekend! We can torture my siblings or go to the park and feed the pigeons!" I suggested as he laughed.

"Well, I can't-" he began until I heard a door open in his room. "Hold on Taehyung," he spoke as he probably muted himself to take care of something. About 5 minutes later he came back on the phone, but seeming less happy compared to when he answered the phone. "Sorry, I had to take care of something. I can't hang out this weekend, I'm going on a stupid vacation with mine and Jungkook's family tomorrow," he answered as I sighed.

"Aww," I whined through the phone. "Jiminnie, are you ok?" I asked as he sighed himself.

"I'm just confused about some things," he replied.

"Is it about Jungkook?" 

"The one and only," he muttered. "I'm just so confused about this whole situation. I don't know if I should believe him when he says he likes me. It's just, I still can't get over what happened in middle school, and I don't want to be hurt again," he confessed.

"Jiminnie, if I was in that situation, I would have no idea what to do," I admitted. "But, I would just let things happen because you never know, thing may fall right into place the way you want them to be!" I exclaimed, earning a chuckle on the other end of the call.

"Thanks Tae, that really helped," he replied happily.

"Yeah! And don't dwell on the past and let it effect your future either!"

"Woah Tae Tae, when have you become some deep philosophical person?"

"Philopopsicle? Yeah! Popsicles!" I exclaimed happily until I heard a slap over the line and got worried. "Jiminnie! What happened?"

"Oh, I'm just facepalming at your stupidity. I shouldn't of even thought you were deep nor knew the word philosophical."

"Shut up! I'm smart! I just don't use big words like that!" I defended, earning another laugh. "Well, I'm glad you feel better!"

"Thanks again Tae! I gotta go now, I have to be somewhat restful for this trip tomorrow. Bye!" he ended as I replied back to him, ending the call. 

"I wonder how that trip is going to be like!" I imagined before I remembered who I was talking about. "I hope they come back all put together and not in pieces.." I went to my bed and jumped on it. I then began to jump on it multiple times before I heard a 'KNOCK IT OFF TAEHYUNG' downstairs from my eomma. I began to lay on my bed, thinking of something to do. "Hm...what can I do?" I muttered as I looked around. I can't really clean my room because I already did that. I can't watch Attack on Titan because Jimin will kill me if I went ahead and watched the next episode without him. I don't really want to play or torture my siblings, it gets boring sometimes when all they do is scream away with fear...I may do that as a last option. I love seeing their scared little faces! I rolled the around the bed, trying to think of anything else to do when an idea popped up in my head. 'Maybe Jin and I can do something!' I thought as I brought my phone out again. I started to go through my contacts until I realized...I didn't have his number. "Dammit!" I pouted angrily as I tossed my phone aside. "Maybe he'll call me! Of course he would! We're like the best of buddies!" I exclaimed as I layed in bed waiting for Jin to text me.

6:00 p.m.

"Jin will call me! I know it!" I spoke as I layed around, waiting for him to text or call me.

7:00 p.m.

"Maybe he's doing something, I wouldn't expect him to text me as soon as he got home. I just know he will text me eventually when he's ready!" I cheered myself up as I went downstairs to eat dinner.

8:30 p.m.

"Ugh, when is he going to text me! I'm so bored- OOO STRAWBERRIES!" I exclaimed when my mother entered the living room with strawberries. 

"Don't eat them all Taehyung, you also have siblings," she warned as she set it down.

"Yeah, demonic ones," I muttered as I grabbed a stawberry.

9:45 p.m.

"Taehyung oppa! Give me my teddy bear back!" Taeyeon cried as I raised the teddy bear a good amount of feet higher than her. She attempted at jumping up and down for it, which ended up being a fail. "Taehyung oppa! Please!" While she continued to beg, I glared at my phone, wondering why Jin hasn't texted me yet. 'Why is that guy not texting me! I'm so bored, can't he sense it!' I thought as I tossed the teddy bear to my sister, growing bored of torturing her. 

"Maybe I should somehow communicate with him!" I exclaimed as I rubbed my hands on the temples of my head. "Help me communicate with my friend fellow aliens," I muttered over and over again. I looked over at my phone to see if it even worked. What met me was a blank screen that just displayed the time every so on. "UGH! WHY WON'T HE CALL!" I screamed.

"TAEHYUNG!" my mother screamed from another room.


"SHUT UP BEFORE I MAKE YOU SLEEP FOREVER!" she threatened, which scared me less. 

"Sorry Eomma," I apologized as I went upstairs to sleep since I couldn't think of anything else to do.

"Crap..," someone muttered as I was waking up. 'That happened to be the best nap of my life'-.... I looked over to my right to see Jin playing on his phone. 

"How did you get in here?" I asked as Jin noticed I woke up.

"I walked through that door," he answered as he pointed to my bedroom door.

"NO! I mean, how did you know where I was?"

"Your mom told me where your room was."


"Google Earth," he smirked as he went back to his phone.


"That's a secret," he continued on with that little smirk of his.


"OK! I GET IT!" Jin exclaimed, causing me to go silent. "I didn't really agree to any of that but...I I mean...well..I don't really have anything else to do...," he muttered. Before he could say anything else I jumped on him and gave him a hug.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST NIGHT EVER!" I exclaimed as I hugged Jin tighter.

"This is going to be a long night..," he muttered as I dragged him to our first activity of the night.

Y'all, I at updates ;-;. I'M SO SORRY! School has been a and now I've gotten allergies from spring and UGH! So much man, but since the end of the school year is coming to a close, I will be updating a lot quicker once it ends. JUST 2 MORE WEEKS IS WHAT I KEEP TELLING MYSELF! ASDFGHJKL! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! 

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Chapter 25: Hope you have not forgot about this story >n<
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 25: Wow. I love it!! Pls update soon. Im begging you.
Dataslash #3
Chapter 25: Yay your back (*^o^*) I thought this story was never Ganna be updated again( ´_ゝ`) lol but please take your time in writing :) ~ I'll stick through to the end
Chapter 25: I'm so glad you're alive! I've missed this fanfic, and I look forward to the upcoming chapters. ❤️ (:
Chapter 25: glad to hear from you and im looking forward to new chapters (: ~❤
Cruelity #6
Chapter 24: Wow it's really awesome! I just found it and I'm really exited about the whole story. Like I'm probably one of the biggest Jikook Shippers ever. And I love drama. Well and this aspects together = This story is sooo awesome.
How Jimin and Jungkook found together is so sweet, and yeah a little bit soo cheesy but i love it this way... [My perspective xD]
also Jin and Taes 'What-ever-their-status-is-right-know'.I really hope they talk it out. Or make it out. Whatever I would be happy.
Finally about Yoongi and Hopie -> They are both trying to protect their loved one. This is soo ing cute. And well Jackson is a . [Well maybe he has a reason but still]

I don't know if you broke the story up or you are just taking a break [for like 5 Months xD *sarcasmus*]but I think you have you reasons, so I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your FanFiction! Thank you for posting it!
~ Cruel
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 24: update pleaseeeee
vanillahobie #8
Chapter 24: Please Update asapㅠㅠ
seohyunnie_snsd #9
Chapter 24: Update plsss xD
kookielicious3 #10
Chapter 24: Please Update, I Really Enjoy This Fanfic !