But I Thought We Were Friends?

Can We Go Back To the Way It Was

Jimin POV

I woke up by the light that shined into our room from the huge window that was beside our bed. Speaking of our, I turned around to meet nothing by messy sheets next to me. I felt kind of lonely for some reason, but I shrugged off the feeling and picked up my phone to see that my eomma messaged me:

From: Eomma

We're downstairs in a little cafe towards the front. That's where we'll be eating breakfast.

After reading the message, I got some clothes out from the drawers and went to wash up in the bathroom. About 20 minutes later, I came out of the bathroom and left the room all together with our room key. I went into the elevator and waited patiently until it opened the doors to the ground level. I began to walk to the front to find the cafe. I noticed that there were a lot of cafes towards the front and that my eomma isn't the most descriptive person either. I was almost at the entrance of the hotel before seeing my family and the Jeons' sitting at a table near the entrance of the cafe they were in. I strolled over to them with a pouty face. "Eomma!" I greeted and whined at the same time.

"Jimin! Aw my baby! Why such a sad face?" she asked with a smile.

"You're not good at giving directions," I pouted as all the adults laughed. 

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry," she apologized as she went to drink her drink, "anyways, Jungkook wanted you to meet him outside." I looked at them oddly as I went outside to look for Jungkook. 

"I wonder what he wants," I muttered as I looked for the exist of the cafe. The outside of the cafe was very beautiful with a waterfall pouring in the background. Each table had a little umbrella in the center to block out any sunlight and to create shaded areas. I looked over to the left to see Jungkook eating pancakes with another set of pancakes right in front of him. I walked over to him and sat down when I grabbed his attention.

"Good morning Jimin," Jungkook greeted "and I ordered you chocolate chip pancakes by the way." I looked at him curiously before I began to eat. "Jimin hyung, I want to talk to you," he began, causing heat to rise up on my face. This was probably the first time since middle school he's called me that. "I-I...uh," he stuttered which was very adorable-. STOP THINKING LIKE THIS JIMIN. "I love your smile!" he blurted out. That complement made me very confused and probably a blushing mess. "I like your cheeks," he continued. "I like your personality, voice, kindness towards everyone, patience, and determination," he ended as he looked down blushing.

"Wh-Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked as he looked up from the ground to me slowly.

"Because you told me to tell you reasons as to why I liked you, Jimin hyung," he spoke softly. I looked at him surprisingly as I looked down at my plate. "Jimin hyung, please listen to me. I really like you, and I understand if you turn me down again. I just wanted to get this off my chest. I also-"

"How long have you liked me?" I asked quietly. I noticed that my question surprised him, but seconds later he went back to a neutral face to answer me.

"Since I came to high school basically," he answered. It went silent as we were both thinking or wondering who would talk first.  "Jimin hyung, will you give me another chance?" he begged as he looked straight at me. I didn't know how to respond to that. I was happy, hurt, and confused all at the same time. Do I forgive him and move on? I didn't know. I was so out of it that I didn't notice streams of tears flowing down my face, and Jungkook wiping them away with his thumb. "Please, don't cry! I'm sorry if I tried to push you into something you didn't want to do! I'm really sorry-"

"Wi-Will you hu-hurt me again," I stuttered as more tears fell down my face. I hated looking so weak, especially in front of Jungkook. But at the same time, I felt calm as he was trying to comfort me.

"No, I'll try not to," he soothed as he held my cheeks. He then put an arm on my shoulder, but kept one still on one of my cheeks. He looked into my eyes, and I felt like we were having a staring contest with each other. He slowly slid his eyes from my eyes, nose, and then lips, which lingered there for a while. Slowly, he began to lean his face towards mine. I didn't know what to do. Do I shove him away? Do I runaway? But at the same time, do I want this? I've wanted this for a long time, right? Before I could decide if this was right or not, he closed the distance between us with his small, soft lips. It took me a while to respond back to him since I was still in shock. The kiss was slow, but perfect at the same time. Seconds later, he pulled back enough that our foreheads began to touch. "Jimin hyung, your blushing!" he pointed out as I made a pouty face.

"Yah! Don't shout! I don't people to notice," I scolded as he giggled.

"Now look whose shouting. And yeah, I'm sure people won't notice you blushing, but I'm sure that they noticed us kissing," he teased, causing me to blush more. 

"Leave me alone," I threatened, or tried to. He just began to laugh at me which didn't make me feel any better.

"Aw, you're so cute," he commented which made me feel really hot.

"Stop that!" I shrieked, causing him to laugh again.

"Jimin hyung," Jungkook began with a smile, "will you be mine?"

Taehyung POV

Ever since I ditched Hoseok hyung and Yoongi hyung to go see Jin hyung, I've been hanging out with him a lot more. I don't know how to describe it, but I feel really happy and excited whenever I'm with him. When we're just walking at the mall, playing at the arcade, or even just hanging out at his house, I feel so happy. Jin hyung just always satisfied my boredom with his 'I don't like anyone' attitude. But for some reason I've been feeling weird whenever I'm around him. The weird feelings I've been getting lately have caused some weird things to happen to my body. First off, my stomach always feels weird whenever I'm around him. Like am I going to puke or something? Second, I always start to sweat around him now which confuses me alot because I'm not doing any exercise at all. Lastly, my heart would begin to speed up which worries me because I usually think I'm having a heart attack or something.

Today, we both were going to hang out at his house. I was currently standing right in front of the door, knocking multiple times. Seconds later, he answered with an irritable glare. "What the hell? Have you ever heard of being patient?" he spat out along with a glare.

"Sorry! I just got a little bit to excited," I apologized as I entered in his huge living room. Every time I come into his house, more like mansion, I am always amazed by it. He has many paintings on the walls and vases filled with different types of flowers in a corner of the room. I was so amazed by one of the paintings on the wall that I didn't notice that Jin hyung was poking me repeatedly.

"Yah! Pay attention to me! I hope you didn't just come here for those paintings and not me," he snapped as I laughed at him.

"Jin hyung, are you really jealous of paintings?" I asked as he looked away angrily. "And I thought I was the childish one."

"Don't push my buttons Taehyung," he threatened as he headed to the kitchen. I followed after him like a lost puppy because no matter how many times I came here, I always get lost in this maze of a house. We entered the kitchen minutes later after walking down a few hallways. His kitchen always blinded me because everything in there was white, save for the exception of his island and stove. The lights didn't help either because it made the room even brighter. "What do you want for lunch?" he asked as he looked at me. All of a sudden, I started feeling weird sensations in my stomach. Symptom #1.

"Uh...anything is fine!" I replied hesitantly as he looked at me confused. 

"Are you okay?" he asked as he stepped towards me. I began to walk backwards as he advanced forwards.

"I-I'm fine," I stuttered as I backed into a wall. He advanced more until we were only centimeters apart. He brought his hand up to my forehead, which felt like I was already sweating for some reason. Symptom #2. 

"You're a little hot," he commented as I felt heat creep up my cheeks, forgetting that he was talking about my temperature. "Do you have some fever or something?"

"I d-don't think s-so. I-I'll be f-fine," I stuttered again. He looked over me again before walking away with a shrug.

"Weirdo," he muttered as he went through the cabinets.

"I'm not," I defended as I sat at the island.

"Are so," he teased back as he started to get ingredients together. The kitchen became silent for about an hour, the only noise being the food getting cooked in the stove. Right before I was tempted to eat the fake fruit infront of me from hunger, Jin hyung set a bowl of food in front of me from behind. "I made Malgeunguk," he announced as he sat next to me with his own bowl and passed down a pair of chopsticks to me. I broke them easily as I began to eat the food, which exploded onto my taste buds.

"This is so good!" I exclaimed as I stuffed larger pieces into my mouth. It didn't even last 5 minutes before I completely slaughtered the dish.

"You must of really liked it," he teased as he set his bowl away from him. 

"Yes! Thank you! It's really good!" I complemented as I turned to see him staring at me. My heart began to speed up really quickly for some reason as he stared longer at me. Symptom #3. "Uh..."

"Why are you blushing Taehyung?" he asked as he scooted even closer if that was even possible. He then leaned in on my left ear and whispered, "Do I make you nervous." As soon as he backed away I jumped up from my chair and ran out the house saying I wasn't feeling well. That has to be one of the most awkward moments I have ever experienced in my life.

I didn't visit Jin hyung for awhile after that incident. I was to scared and embarassed to even show my face to him. What if he laughs at me? What if he thinks I'm a loser? Well..he already thinks that. What if he thinks I can't take his jokes anymore?

I decided on New Years Day that I would visit him to see if we were still cool. I walked from my house to his through the snowy sidewalks. It took longer than it usually did because there was more ice and the snow went up to my knees. Before freezing to death in this awful weather, I finally made it to his house. I was so glad that his sidewalk was shoveled and everything because I didn't know what I would do with myself. I walked towards the front door and rang the bell twice. I stared at the door a few seconds which led to a minute which led to minutes. I stood out there for about 5 minutes with no response. "Let me try again," I muttered as I rang the door bell again. I waited for a while as I held my arms to keep warm. Before I was thinking about giving up and visiting him another day, the door opened up to Jin hyung wearing a pink robe.

"What do you want Taehyung? I'm very busy right now," Jin hyung rushed as he gave me a glare.

"I wanted to come visit you," I replied with a smile. "Maybe we can hang out some other time then if you're busy."

"I don't think so," he replied bluntly.

"Oh ok- Wait what? What do you mean?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Your use is unneeded."

"Unneeded?" I asked, very confused.

"I found someone that can keep me entertained," he explained.

"But, I thought we were friends?" 

"Friends? No, you were just some kid I was trying to get to sleep with me. But the more I know you, the less entertained I became. Why do you think I asked you to come over my house last time. I was trying to have some fun with you, but you had to run out. And that sleepover you invited me to, I didn't think we would be watching movies and doing other crap that doesn't matter. All the times I invited you over, I was just trying to bang you, but you would always not follow along with my plan. So, I found another person who can keep me entertained," he blurted out as I began to tear up.

"So..you j-just used m-me?" I asked as I looked at the ground. I couldn't even look him in the face anymore.

"Yeah. Now if you excuse me, I'll be going back inside," he ended as he slammed the door. I began to cry as I turned around and headed back to my house. I can't believe what just happened. For some reason, this didn't feel like just any other breakup between friends. For some reason, I felt heartbroken in a different way that I have yet decided what it meant.

I warned you all that crap was about to happen. And I'm sorry if the kiss scene was cringeworthy, I never written anything that involves kissing whatsoever. 

Anyways, thank you all who have subscribed, commented, and voted! 

I hope you all enjoyed!~

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Chapter 25: Hope you have not forgot about this story >n<
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 25: Wow. I love it!! Pls update soon. Im begging you.
Dataslash #3
Chapter 25: Yay your back (*^o^*) I thought this story was never Ganna be updated again( ´_ゝ`) lol but please take your time in writing :) ~ I'll stick through to the end
Chapter 25: I'm so glad you're alive! I've missed this fanfic, and I look forward to the upcoming chapters. ❤️ (:
Chapter 25: glad to hear from you and im looking forward to new chapters (: ~❤
Cruelity #6
Chapter 24: Wow it's really awesome! I just found it and I'm really exited about the whole story. Like I'm probably one of the biggest Jikook Shippers ever. And I love drama. Well and this aspects together = This story is sooo awesome.
How Jimin and Jungkook found together is so sweet, and yeah a little bit soo cheesy but i love it this way... [My perspective xD]
also Jin and Taes 'What-ever-their-status-is-right-know'.I really hope they talk it out. Or make it out. Whatever I would be happy.
Finally about Yoongi and Hopie -> They are both trying to protect their loved one. This is soo ing cute. And well Jackson is a . [Well maybe he has a reason but still]

I don't know if you broke the story up or you are just taking a break [for like 5 Months xD *sarcasmus*]but I think you have you reasons, so I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your FanFiction! Thank you for posting it!
~ Cruel
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 24: update pleaseeeee
vanillahobie #8
Chapter 24: Please Update asapㅠㅠ
seohyunnie_snsd #9
Chapter 24: Update plsss xD
kookielicious3 #10
Chapter 24: Please Update, I Really Enjoy This Fanfic !