What Happened To You All?

Can We Go Back To the Way It Was

Hi everyone! Thank you to all the people who commented and subscribed! I hope you all had a wonderful day! Let's see what else happens to Taehyung today.


Taehyung POV

I went up to a lady wearing a formal office uniform, typing away on her lap top. I waited a few seconds for her to notice my presence, but she continued to type away like I was never there. "Um, excuse," I began. The receptionist looked over at me with a small smile as she apologized for ignoring my presence. "I'm here to pick up my schedule."

She went through her files before blushing quickly. "Oh, what's your name?" she asked as she stared down at her desk.

"Kim Taehyung," I replied confidently, making her blush even more. 

She went through her files again until she landed on something and pulled out a piece of paper. "Here you go, Taehyung-sshi," she muttered as she went back to her typing. What a weird person. I took the schedule and walked out at the same time as Jimin did. He kept telling me how Jungkook is the devil and how he is going to have 3 days of detention. After finding my locker, we went over my schedule to find out I had all my classes with him. So I basically followed him into every class that day, introducing myself multiple times, and then goofing off with him in the back of the class. Lunch time came by quickly as we entered the cafeteria. We got in line and talked about random things until I spotted someone cutting in front of us.

"Hey, really? Have you ever heard of manners," I began, trying to control my anger? To my surprise, Jungkook turned around and glared at Jimin. 

"Thanks for giving me a detention. What more can you do to ruin my day?" he asked with a smirk. I had to hold Jimin back before he can attempt to commit murder at 18. 

"Let it go. Hey, why's he such an ?" I asked in a whisper, so Jungkook couldn't hear us.

"I'll tell you later," he muttered back. After we got our lunches, we headed outside to sit on the nearby bench that was surrounding the school. The weather was just perfect enough to enjoy a nice lunch without being frozen or melted to death.

"So, what's happened since I left?" I asked, that question bugging me since I've arrived. I wonder how the others ended up. Besides Jungkook, whose become an since I've arrived.

"Well, besides seeing Jungkook in his true colors, everyone changed. For example, Hoseok. That guy who used to be the hope for everyone. Yeah, he does drugs now. He's all about that drug and alcohol life," Jimin began while I gasped.

"You're lying! Oh, my god! No! NO!" I shouted at him, shaking him during the process.

"Yes, sadly. He has Taehyung. Ever since sophomore year. He got involved with the wrong crowd. I tried to stop him, really. I just couldn't get through to him," he sighed as he looked over at me. I can't believe it. The hope. Our hope. He is a druggie now. After contemplating that new found knowledge, I continued to ask him more questions.

"What happened to the others then?"

"Jungkook is the biggest son of a b-"

"I know," I replied bluntly, causing him to laugh. "Kinda just witness his royal assness."

"Yoongi never shows up. Like I still wonder if he even comes to this school. Namjoon doesn't talk to anyone besides Suga after what happened with Jin and him-"

"Jin! How is he?" I interrupted, forgetting about everyone else in that second. I was really close with the others, but Jin was probably my closest friend that ever happened to me. He was like an older brother to me, always encouraging and helping me out.

"Jin, well. Jungkook may be an , but Jin turned out the worst. He is the school's playboy. All he does is skip whatever class he wants, drinks during those classes he does show up to, and sleeps with almost everyone in this entire school," Jimin ended. I felt my heart drop out of my chest. This couldn't be true. Jimin had to be exaggerating some parts of this. 

"He can't....Jin is Jin, and he can't," I muttered, feeling an arm rubbing my back. 

"He is, but maybe. Just maybe, you can change him, at least. We've all tried to get the old Jin back, but...it never worked. Maybe you can be the lucky one!" he exclaimed happily. Right before I asked him what happened with Jungkook and him, the bell rang, signaling that it's time to go to class.

After school, Jimin and I walked outside into pouring rain. "Really? You just couldn't have waited, couldn't you?" I questioned the rain, causing some people to give me weird looks as they walked out of the school.

"Come over to my house, it's around the block," Jimin offered as we dashed through the rain.

I didn't even know the huge gap between us until I realized I had no idea where we were going. I looked up to see that he was a good 10 feet in front of me. "JIMIN! STOP RUNNING SO FAST!" I shouted, causing him to look back with a glare.

"HURRY UP!" he shouted right back as he jogged to his house. We got there in 5 minutes, running through the door to keep dry.

"Jimin, how are you so fast?" I asked, out of breath

"I work out a little bit from time to time," he replied back with an eye smile. I just shook my head as I followed him into the kitchen. When we entered, we saw a short woman at the stove with another short woman. Towards the back, we saw a boy sitting there that looked very familiar...

"Jungkook! Why are you here?" I asked, causing the women to look over at me.

"Taehyung? Is that you? Jungkook has been talking to us about you coming back," one of them shouted as they ran from the stove and started hugging me. "We've missed you, this is Mrs. Park by the way," she introduced. 

"Hi Taehyung, how are you? This is Mrs. Jeon by the way," she giggled. After talking to them for a few minutes, they finished cooking and went out of the house to go to a movie. 

"Jungkook, what do you want?" Jimin asked bitterly. 

"Eomma says I have to stay here until she comes back," he replied as he went to get something from the fridge. Jimin noticed my confused face until he dragged me out the room and up the stairs to his room.

"I thought you hated each other?" I asked, feeling really confused.

"I do, but our parents don't. Our parents have been best friends since high school. They expect the two of us to be best friends as well. *Sigh* How naive they are. If only they knew how awful Jungkook was," Jimin ended as he started up his game station. We began to play Call of Duty until Jungkook came in and got a controller as well.

"Hi Taehyung, you didn't really get a good first impression of me, sorry," he spoke while rubbing the back of his neck. No kidding. "So, are you staying here for the whole year?"

"Yep," I replied quickly, getting back to the game. All of a sudden, the bed became uneven because Jungkook decided to get in the middle of Jimin and me, knocking Jimin to the ground.

"You little ! What the hell?" Jimin demanded.

"Just shut up, you hogged him long enough," he retorted as he turned to me and smiled. What a weird kid. Jimin and I were awfully defeated by Jungkook the whole afternoon. Which makes me wonder, how is he so good at video games. I bet he plays these games rather than study. It started to get dark, so Jimin offered to take me home until Jungkook spoke out, "No! I want to take him home!" he whined, giving me a pouty face. What happened to the from earlier today. After their bickering, we've decided to all go. Jimin was on my right until I heard a thud. I looked over to see that Jungkook replaced Jimin's spot and held onto my arms while Jimin glared from the ground. The walk back consisted of Jungkook going on and on about how he missed me and that he was to shy to confront me because I looked scary. Jimin kept on scoffing at half of the words the younger boy said to me. When we arrived, they both waved bye to me, but not before shoving each other. I wonder what the rest of the week will be like having those two around.


Jungkook POV

Great. Now my plan has started. He'll fall for me at any given time now like just look at me. Anyways, mission Fall For Me has begun!


Well, aren't these people interesting? What is Jungkook talking about? What lies ahead for Taehyung? I hope you all enjoyed. Have a nice day! c:


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Chapter 25: Hope you have not forgot about this story >n<
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 25: Wow. I love it!! Pls update soon. Im begging you.
Dataslash #3
Chapter 25: Yay your back (*^o^*) I thought this story was never Ganna be updated again( ´_ゝ`) lol but please take your time in writing :) ~ I'll stick through to the end
Chapter 25: I'm so glad you're alive! I've missed this fanfic, and I look forward to the upcoming chapters. ❤️ (:
Chapter 25: glad to hear from you and im looking forward to new chapters (: ~❤
Cruelity #6
Chapter 24: Wow it's really awesome! I just found it and I'm really exited about the whole story. Like I'm probably one of the biggest Jikook Shippers ever. And I love drama. Well and this aspects together = This story is sooo awesome.
How Jimin and Jungkook found together is so sweet, and yeah a little bit soo cheesy but i love it this way... [My perspective xD]
also Jin and Taes 'What-ever-their-status-is-right-know'.I really hope they talk it out. Or make it out. Whatever I would be happy.
Finally about Yoongi and Hopie -> They are both trying to protect their loved one. This is soo ing cute. And well Jackson is a . [Well maybe he has a reason but still]

I don't know if you broke the story up or you are just taking a break [for like 5 Months xD *sarcasmus*]but I think you have you reasons, so I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your FanFiction! Thank you for posting it!
~ Cruel
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 24: update pleaseeeee
vanillahobie #8
Chapter 24: Please Update asapㅠㅠ
seohyunnie_snsd #9
Chapter 24: Update plsss xD
kookielicious3 #10
Chapter 24: Please Update, I Really Enjoy This Fanfic !