Why Are You Acting So Weird?

Can We Go Back To the Way It Was

I'M BACK AT IT AGAIN!!! ROFL. Sorry for my randomness c: Enjoy~

Taehyung POV

I was walking from stupid Pre-Cal when I felt like someone was following me. I looked behind me to see no one suspicious behind me except for the multiple amounts of students walking both ways in the hallway. I continued on walking until I heard someone calling my name. "TAEHYUNG! TAEHYUNGIE! TAE TAE! TAE! KIM TAEHYUNG!" I looked behind me to see a happy Hoseok running to my side while holding a bag of grass.

"Oooo, why do you have grass in a bag?" I asked as I looked at it.

"Would you like to pay $150 for it?" he asked happily.

"HELL NO! Unless that grass can help me communicate to the aliens to ask why space doesn't have oxygen. THEN I WOULD BUY IT! But answer my question first!"

"It's weed."

"Weed, like from the grass? Why would you go pull out weeds from the grass?"

"Not that weed. Like smoke weed," he rephrased.

".........Stop asking me to buy drugs," I sighed as we continued to walk down the hallways. A question suddenly came up in my head while Hoseok hyung was whining to me to buy his stupid weed. "Hoseok hyung, what does it feel like to get high?" I asked as we turned around in the hallways. I really do feel comfortable around this hyung now. We've gotten really close over the past few weeks like we used to back then, except if you add the drug harassment. 

"Well, you feel at bliss. You feel relieved at all of your worries. Taehyung, would you like to get high with me?" he asked happily.

" NO! I just wondered incase you or Jin with his drunk decides to get high, I would know what you would act like," I replied quickly, earning a slap to the arm.

"You're acting like I get high all the time-"


"I swear..," he threatened. A few people in the hallway took an interest in the both of us, which caused him to try to walk away from me faster.


"THOSE AREN'T EVEN THE LYRICS!" he lashed out with a huge smile. Despite the crowd surrounding us and laughing, he seemed to enjoy my beautiful singing. "Anyways, would you like to buy a $150 bag of weed?"

"No," I replied shortly as I walked away. He soon caught up with me and slapped me in the back. 

"YAH! Please! Boss will punish me!" he whined.

"And?" I questioned sarcastically. He kept on shoving the bag of weed in my bookbag while trying to find my wallet in there. "Yah! Stop hyung!"

"I need money!!!" he cried out. I looked over at him to see a sad look on his face. 

"Hyung, I'm sorry you have to pay money, BUT I am broke as so, SORRY!" I exclaimed as I skipped away laughing. I was to busy laughing until I noticed that Hoseok hyung wasn't by me anymore. I looked behind me to see that someone guy with a nasty looking ponytail was pushing Hoseok hyung against the lockers. I walked over to see that two other guys were with him that seemed very familiar. I think their names were like Jebum and Jinyug or something like that. 

"I told you to have the money by noon! It's 30 minutes after noon! How ing slow are you at understanding how we work!" the guy with the ponytail screamed at hyung right in his face. "Now you get a punishment! You piece of !" he exclaimed as he began to punch hyung in the face and stomach. He continued as a crowd stood around him, not even helping Hoseok hyung. I couldn't watch anymore as I ran up to that ugly guy and pushed him off of hyung.

" off!" I exclaimed as I threw a punch to his jaw.

"Taehyung! Stop!" Hoseok hyung commanded as he held my arm. The guy that I punched looked up at me furious.


"No! I don't! BUT I KNOW THAT I ALSO DON'T CARE!" I yelled back at him. He began seething as he grabbed my shirt and held me up. Ok, now this guy was scaring me. I looked in his eyes to only see one thing, my death.

"You know what! Hoseok, I know a wonderful punishment for you. I want you to sell this son of a to the Blue Pegasus gang-"

"BLUE PEGASUS! WHAT ARE YOU? 5?" I laughed out loud, getting a kick in my back from Hoseok.

"That's it! Hoseok, you're punishment now is to watch this get beaten by the rest of my men until I feel satisfied that he won't breathe again," he began as he hit me in the stomach.

"NO! PLEASE! I'll do anything! I don't want to see my friend get hurt!" he shouted, causing me to smile a bit despite the pain. The fact that he views me as his friends seemed to give me hope that I can make everyone become friends again.

"Hoseok, only because I ing hate you the least out of everyone," he began, causing one of his men to yell out 'Hey!'. "My deal with you is this. To spare this 's life, he has to join us," he declared.

"Join you guys? What's your stupid name? Red Unico-" I mocked before having a hand cover my mouth.

"SURE! YES YES! HE WILL JOIN!" Hoseok assured as he shook his head quickly.

"Ok, he meets us at midnight, goodbye es," he ended as he walked away, creating a path from the crowd. As soon as everyone left the scene, Hoseok hyung brought me up to face him. He looked mad, like, extremely pissed off.

"What the was that, Taehyung?" he demanded from me.

"I didn't want to see you hurt! Ok! I didn't mean for things to get worse," I answered, causing him to lose some of his anger from his face.

"What am I going to do with you?" he asked as he walked away. that. What am I going to do joining some Red Unicorn gang.

Jungkook POV

I was skipping into class when I saw that the teacher wasn't present. Is this a free day? YES! I skipped all the way to the back with Jimin and Tae Tae. I sat in front of Jimin, since there was no other seat close to them. He looked up at me and went back to his conversation with Tae Tae, completely ignoring me. "Well I didn't want to say hi to you either, you short midget," I started as he gave me a death glare.

"Will you two ever stop fighting," Tae Tae commented as he laughed at us.

"Until this dwarf acts mature," I added.

"Says the one insulting me," Jimin began as he went back to his paper. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to look at the paper until he pushed my head away.

"I'm trying to write an essay. It wasn't any of your business anyways," he commented as he began to write.

"Can I help you?" I asked.


"Please~! I'm really smart! I can actually get you some good grades for once-" I bragged.

"You know what. You can help me!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Really? With what?" 

"By ing off," he ended as he continued to write some stuff.

"Fine, be that way then..," I pouted as I turned around and went to doodle on a scrap piece of paper.

"Tae, I can't think of a thesis sentence, can you help me?" I heard Jimin ask Taehyung, causing me make really tight fists. That ! I could have helped him. Like, who the hell asks Tae Tae for help? Even the stupidest of the stupids would never ask that idiot for help! For the rest of the time, he continued to ask Taehyung for help for all of his stupid essay crap, and I was starting to get tired of it. When the period was almost over, Jimin was asking Tae Tae his umpth question when I lost it.

"I could of helped you know!" I commented angrily as I turned to glare at Jimin.

"Why would I ever ask for your help?" Jimin answered as he was working on a paragraph. I kind of lost my cool at his response. Suddenly, without even realizing what I was even doing, I took his paper and ripped it in half, dropping the remains on his desk.

"What the hell?! I needed that!" he yelled out.

"That's what you get for ignoring me!" I retorted as I got up and left the room out of anger.

Yoongi POV

I entered the stupid club, expecting to see a overhyped Taehyung losing his in there, but what I saw was a clothed Jin smiling as I entered the room. "Hello Yoongi, how are you?" he greeted creepily. 

"What the hell are you trying to plan?" I demanded as I sat on the chair farthest from him.

"Nothing, Yoongi, I'm just trying to be kinder. I made it my job to become a kinder person," he lied as he smiled wider.

"What kind of drugs are you on? Or are you just drunk again?" I asked.

"I'm on the drug called happiness! It's a beautiful drug!" he exclaimed as he jumped out of his seat and started losing his .

".................Um..I'm just gonna go..," I muttered as I got up, causing him to stop.

"Play with me!" he begged as he caught my arm.

"I don't know or want to know what your version of playing is," I commented as I pushed him away. 

"Can I have a hug, atleast?" he begged again. Without my consent, he hugged me anyways, getting a little too touchy. So touchy that he even touched my .

"YAH! GET OFF ME YOU E!" I exclaimed as I ran out the room. Minutes later did I realize that my phone was gone from my pockets. "Dammit!" I went back to the room to see that it was locked. I'm screwed.



Hahahahaha! That idiot! I may be drunk but I'm a very smart drunk. I took his phone out to see that it was locked. He thinks I probably can't unlock his phone. I tried many passwords from his birthday, to Namjoon's birthday, to even Hoseok's birthday. Then, I accidently pressed 0000, which happened to be the password. "Idiot," I muttered as I went through his email to find all of his choiced colleges he applied to. Seems like I'm about to make some emails to them very soon, mwhahahaha. MWAHAHAHAH!

I began emailing one of his colleges from the top of my drunk head.

Dear Seul Natinall Unicerdity,

I wouds lik 2 tells u al abouts meself tht I forgt 2 addes in me orginale esay 2 u. I likes 2 drink, a lot. I also likes.........booty. Well, if its certain guys booty than yesss. I likes . 2 much is notes enugh . What elsa..........I don'ts realie go 2 school at allsss. But I likes tht booty! By~

I started laughing as I clicked send. I pretty much nailed that email with my amazing writing skills! Someone's in for a rude awakening. This goes to show to never mess with Kim Seokjin. 

Taehyung POV

"Why can't I eat here?"

"Because no one likes you at this table!"

"Tae Tae likes me!"

"He doesn't count!"

"You're just mad that Tae Tae means more to me than you!"

"I don't care how you feel about me!" Jimin ended, causing Jungkook to go silent.

"Are you guys going to argue every time we see each other?" I asked them as we sat outside at a bench. I looked over to see that Jungkook was looking towards the ground while eating his food slowly. "Are you ok?" I asked, noticing that he hasn't really talked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" he chirped as he clung to my arm. "So what are you all going to do during Thanksgiving Break?"

"I'm gonna stay with my family," I commented, causing him to facepalm.

"Nah," he replied, quickly getting hit in the arm.

"You already know what we're doing for Thanksgiving," Jimin muttered. 

"Wait, what are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Our families decided to have Thanksgiving with each other to have our 'friendship' grow," he answered as he ate his fruit salad.

"Good luck, you both need it," I adviced as I saw Jungkook give me a pouty face.

"I can behave myself unlike certain people," he said as he smirked at Jimin.

"Says the one who keeps things going," Jimin egged on.

"Says the stupid one."

"Says the instigator."

"Says the short one."

"Says the lonely one."

"Says the heartless one."

"Says the ."

"Says the-"

"BRUH! GUYS STOP!" I intervened as they glared at each other. Jungkook simply just laughed as he stuck his tongue at Jimin.

"Bye Tae Tae!" he exclaimed as he gave me a hug. After he let go, we walked away sticking his tongue at Jimin again as he went inside the school.

"That kid's annoying," Jimin muttered.

"Y'all are too much. Your relationship is too weird. Too weird for me," I commented, hearing a gasp from beside me.

"Too weird! Says the alien right here!" Jimin defended.

"Me! How am I weird! I am the most normal one!" I defended myself.

"Normal? That word shouldn't even be in your vocabulary!" he exclaimed in my face.

"I am completely-"

"INSANE!" he yelled out as the bell rang. He began to laugh at me as he ran away, seconds later because I started to chase him. 

"I'LL GET YOU JIMINNIE!" I exclaimed as I chased him into the school building. As soon as I rounded a corner, I felt someone pull at my arm and drag me into a random room. I looked around to see who it was to be met with darkness. Suddenly, I got hit in the head with something really hard as someone pulled something over my head. The last thing I remember was someone talking on the phone as my eyes slipped away from reality.

I really liked this chapter, it seemed really refreshing to see some people getting to talk to each other. The next chapter will be very, interesting. Be prepared! I warned you all! 

Update: I was gonna post 2 chapters, but I have to get ready to go to Kentucky with my class tomorrow. I won't be here for a couple of days, so I should be able to post the next chapter either Saturday or Sunday. I would of loved to publish both today, but I didn't have enough time to edit the second one. I hope y'all understand. See you soon~

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Chapter 25: Hope you have not forgot about this story >n<
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 25: Wow. I love it!! Pls update soon. Im begging you.
Dataslash #3
Chapter 25: Yay your back (*^o^*) I thought this story was never Ganna be updated again( ´_ゝ`) lol but please take your time in writing :) ~ I'll stick through to the end
Chapter 25: I'm so glad you're alive! I've missed this fanfic, and I look forward to the upcoming chapters. ❤️ (:
Chapter 25: glad to hear from you and im looking forward to new chapters (: ~❤
Cruelity #6
Chapter 24: Wow it's really awesome! I just found it and I'm really exited about the whole story. Like I'm probably one of the biggest Jikook Shippers ever. And I love drama. Well and this aspects together = This story is sooo awesome.
How Jimin and Jungkook found together is so sweet, and yeah a little bit soo cheesy but i love it this way... [My perspective xD]
also Jin and Taes 'What-ever-their-status-is-right-know'.I really hope they talk it out. Or make it out. Whatever I would be happy.
Finally about Yoongi and Hopie -> They are both trying to protect their loved one. This is soo ing cute. And well Jackson is a . [Well maybe he has a reason but still]

I don't know if you broke the story up or you are just taking a break [for like 5 Months xD *sarcasmus*]but I think you have you reasons, so I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your FanFiction! Thank you for posting it!
~ Cruel
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 24: update pleaseeeee
vanillahobie #8
Chapter 24: Please Update asapㅠㅠ
seohyunnie_snsd #9
Chapter 24: Update plsss xD
kookielicious3 #10
Chapter 24: Please Update, I Really Enjoy This Fanfic !