I Love You Dammit

Can We Go Back To the Way It Was

Jimin POV

"You," I began to seethe as I looked at Jin. Jin looked at me with the most depressing look I've ever seen in my life. My heart wanted me to see what was wrong with him, but my mind told me I should take my anger off on him. "You know what Jin," I began as I walked over to him. "I just experienced one of the most humiliating episodes in my life, and now I have to see you!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Jimin, please, I'm not in the mood right now," he whimpered as a tear slid down his face.

"I don't ing care what mood you're in. Not only am I pissed off, I'm even more pissed off from seeing your face. Remembering all the you've caused Taehyung. Do you even ing realized what you've do-"

"I ing do Jimin!" Jin screamed, silencing me. "I ing realize I screwed up. No. I ed up. I realized that Taehyung may hate me a lot for what I did!" 

I continued to stare back at him as more tears came down his face. Only one question popped up into my head that really needed to be answered. "Why do you continue to mess with him though? Why are you playing games with him?"

"I'm scared."

Taehyung POV 

I got home quickly after school was over. The memories of kissing Jin hyung haunted me as I ran up the stairs and entered the closest bathroom. I quickly messed with the doorknob to lock it as I slid down the door afterwards. I felt completely drained and empty. I don't understand why this whole Jin hyung incident is getting to me so much. I don't even know why I let him kiss me! Not just once, but twice. The more confusing part is that I enjoyed both of the times we kissed.. But I swear that I'm straight. I think that I'm straight.. No! I am straight. 

I got up to go look at myself in the mirror. "I can't lie to myself now," I muttered as I just stared at my reflexion. "I'm straight," I stated as I continued to look at myself. For some reason, that statement seemed...fake. "I'm straight!" I yelled with confidence. Again, it all seemed like I was just trying to prove to myself that I was straight. "I am straight," I stated again. I just looked at myself as I began to frown at my image. 

"AHH!" I screamed as I walked out the bathroom and ran into my room to fall on my bed. "Life is so hard," I muttered as I rolled my face onto my pillow. I just began to roll around on my bed after a minute to realize something.

"Am I gay?" I asked myself as I stared at the ceiling. "And if I'm gay, am I gay for Jin hyung?" After that statement I wanted to puke. "That was a great joke! Me, being gay and liking Jin hyung! That's really funny!" I laughed as I hugged my pillow. I continued to laugh like a madman until I realized something else. 

"But am I really?" I muttered as I tried to think seriously. "Maybe I'll just ask Jiminnie tomorrow to try to help me out," I stated as I continued to roll around on my bed.

"Jiminnie!" I shouted as I sat next to him at the lunch the next day.

"What the hell? Taehyung I'm right next to you! Don't shout," he replied irritably which caused me to laugh.

"Sorry Jiminnie, I think I got to nervous," I apologized which grabbed his attention.

"Nervous? About what?" 

"I need to ask you a question," I started as I looked at him. He looked slightly nervous from my stare as he ate his lunch. "How did you know you were gay?" I asked bluntly which caused him to choke on his sandwich. 

"Oh my god!" he choked as I patted his back. "That question threw me off so badly. But to answer you, I..um..I think it's when I began to feel different around Jungkook that I began to realize I was gay," he answered as I shook my head. "I began to feel really nervous around him, and I never could stop thinking about him. My heart also began to always bump faster whenever I'm by him. I think all of those showed me that I was gay. Why do you ask?" 

"I don't know what I am anymore," I confessed as I looked at my food. "I thought I really like girls, but someone had to ruin that for me."

"Who is it?" he asked softly.

"That idiot Jin hyung," I answered as I looked at him. He began to look really surprised at my answer. "I know right. Liking Jin hyung was the last thing I ever wanted to do in my life. The guy is a jerk and a heart breaker and many more other things!" I stated as I turned to Jimin. "Why is life complicated, Jimin-ah?"

"Pfft! I want to know why too?" he laughed. Jimin's laugh helped me to feel a little better about my situation. "Are you going to tell Jin how you feel?" he asked which caused me to choke on my spit this time.

"What the hell? I'm never going to do that!" I exclaimed as I glared at my tray. "I rather drop dead then tell that how I really feel about him."

"You never know what his response may be," Jimin assured as I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm 100% positive that he would just laugh at my face and find his next booty call," I answered bitterly. All of a sudden, I heard Jimin say something really low which I couldn't hear at all. "What did you say?" I asked.

"Oh nothing!" he piped up as he ate his food.

"Sure," I stated as I went back to eating. I guess I won't dig too deep into whatever he said, if he wanted to tell me, I'm sure I would know.


Jimin POV

"Now let's talk about the contrast between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth," the teacher began as I was slowly losing conscience in this class. I looked around to see Taehyung on my left, scribbling something illegible onto his notes. I got a little closer to see that he was drawing smiley faces and frowns and weird stick figure people.

"Taehyung, what the hell?" I whispered as I stared to see that the stick figure people looked really familiar.

"I'm expressing myself," he replied normally as he continued to draw stick figure people of us beating Jin up. I turned away to look around the room until I spotted a familiar face staring at me, but turning away a second later. Sighing, I looked over to see that Jungkook was writing God knows what on his notebook to look like he was paying any attention to our boring teacher. I've avoided him since yesterday, and I have to admit I'm starting to miss the . But I can't give in, he's the one that's caused this war between us and I'm not the one whose going to succumb first. 

"Mr. Park!" the teacher barked out at me. I looked over to see that his face was painted with irritation from me. "Pay attention to this lesson. God knows you need too," he mocked as several students began to laugh. Sighing again, I started to pay attention to this stupid play he was talking to us about. Like who gives a hell about Macbeth losing his mind, not me. And how am I even going to use this in life?

"Mr. Jeon!" he called out as Jungkook looked up. "Please explain to use what's the difference between the Macbeth's relationship to real relationships?" he asked as Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Well, you see," he began, "the Macbeths' relationship is very backwards. Lady Macbeth is really wicked and wants all the power to come to them, despite the actions they may have to take leading up to that. And Macbeth isn't really the leader in their relationship. Not saying that girls can't lead in relationships, but guys should be leading their women down the right path. That's something that Macbeth and many of us guys fail at. We should be leading our loved ones, despite what others may think of them, down their own right path. If there's no one to lead in a relationship, then what's the point," Jungkook answered as he glanced back at me. 

"Well then, that was a very good answer as always Jungkook! You seem to have a lot of experience from this topic," the teacher added with a smile.

"Yeah, you can call it that, Mr. Lee," Jungkook answered softly as he looked over at me again. Mr. Lee began to chuckle as he erased the board.

"Ok, now I want everyone to find a partner to write out the contrasts between the two characters we talked about," he announced as the room began chaotic. I looked around to see everyone rush towards their best friend, crush, or lover, while I was just trying to get to Taehyung. What I thought would be a simple action began to get me into a difficult situation. Jeon Jungkook literally sprinted towards me and held me hand as he sat down.

"Jimin-" he began before I cut him off.

"Jungkook. What the hell are you doing?" I asked as I glared at him. "I thought you-" this time he cut me off, but in a completely different way. He leaned over and capture my lips and a soft kiss. I wanted to push him away, I really wanted too, but I began to savor the feeling of his lips on mine that I began to miss. Our lips slowly started to move alongst each other as the room began to quiet down. As I bit his bottom lip, I totally forgot we were in class when Mr. Lee cleared his voice.

"Excuse! Mr. Jeon and Mr. Park! We don't not tolerate such public affection in school! Go to the principal's office," he disciplined as Jungkook and I stood up slowly. I looked around the room to see that all the attention was on us, obviously, but more people were looking at Jungkook like he grew two heads. I continued looking around until I saw Taehyung giving us a smirk while his partner looked like she was going to pass out any second. We began to head towards the door of the classroom, and we were almost out until Mr. Lee looked at Jungkook with pity. "I thought you were better than this Mr. Jeon," he whispered sadly as we left the classroom.

When we were heading towards the principal's office, I had expected Jungkook to leave my side and probably head towards the office to tell his side of the story to make it seem like I started it. What really shocked me was that as we were heading down the hall, he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers tightly. 

"Jungkook," I muttered as I looked up at him.

"Hyung," he began as he looked over at me. He gave me a small peck to the cheek right before we entered the office. Blushing, I looked around the room to see the secretary typing away on her keyboard. After Jungkook cleared his throat, the secretary finally looked up to see the both of us.

"What did you two do this time?" she asked as she paged in the principal to tell him we were there.

"We fell in love is what happened."

Hoseok POV

Ever since Yoongi and I's last encounter, I've seen no sign or him. At all. For the rest of the day yesterday, it was like he completely disappeared. I didn't see him in lunch, the bathroom, the roof, or in the library studying or sleeping. I wanted to go check up on him at his house, but I would know he would never open the door, knowing it would be me. He probably would just glare at me from his bedroom window, waiting for me to leave him alone. Or he would probably, most likely, be passed out on his house, taking a nap. Today, I will find him to make him spill everything out. I don't care anymore at this point if I'll ever get him back, but his safety is much more important to me than a stupid status. 

For the first three periods, I didn't see him at all, which makes a lot of sense, since I don't take any AP classes. After fourth period, I walked out of class to see Namjoon walking out of the library by himself. 

"Namjoon!" I called out as I ran towards him. Namjoon stopped to see me, wearing a grim smile on his face. 

"Hey Hoseok," he responded as he walked towards his locker.

"How's Yoongi?" I asked as I watched his face tense up. "Oh no, is he okay?"

"Yoongi, he's acting.....really..strange," Namjoon spoke out as the hallway began to fill up with more students. 

"Is he here today?" I questioned him again as he looked at me with confusion.

"He should be, we came to school together. I just haven't seen him since we came into this building though.." he answered.

"That's strange," I said as I looked at Namjoon. I feel really bad for him, he has no idea what Yoongi's going through or what he's gotten himself involved in. This whole situation makes me so pissed off because Jackson has no right to put a hold on Yoongi like this. He's done absolutely nothing to that . I will get to the bottom of this if it's the last thing I do. Wow, that sounded corny. 

After hearing that Yoongi is here, Namjoon and I said our goodbyes. I walked around the hallways as they began to become void of any students. 

"Where are you Yoongi?" I whispered as I turned a corner. I looked everywhere for him. I looked in empty classrooms, bathrooms, and closets, and I've found no evidence of Min Yoongi. Suddenly, I had an idea of looking up at the rooftop for him, as he usually went up there to get away from the burdens of life. I took the nearest staircase and began to run as fast as possible so I can reach the rooftop quickly. Once I saw the door, I was about to slam is open until I heard voices outside. Slowly, I walked up to the door to look out the window to see two figures glaring at each other.

"What else do you ing want from me?" Yoongi said, with a pissed off expression.

"Yoongi," I muttered as I continued to watch this situation.

"What else do I want? Something you've never given me in the first place!" Jackson screamed at him.

"I'm not giving you your ing money that you don't even ing deserve!" Yoongi shrieked angrily.

"Yoongi! You know what will happen if you go against me," Jackson threatened, "don't even push my buttons or it's bye-bye Hoseokie to you." Yoongi immediately shut up at the mention of my name which seemed to surprise both Jackson and myself.

"Ok," Yoongi muttered as he looked towards the ground. "I don't ing care anymore. Just please. Don't hurt him. Don't hurt Hoseok. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened."

"So will you do it?" Jackson asked with a smile. 



I'm so sorry that I didn't write this is months! I had so much school work to do and now that I have a job, it makes it harder to work on things like this. I hoped you all enjoyed. P.S. I didn't even edit it that much so I'm sorry for horrible grammar, I promise I speak English. Another things, I can't believe this story got over 230 subscribers! I want to thank each and every one of you for taking time out of your day to read, subscribe, vote, and comment on this story. Everything you guys do is greatly appreciated! 

Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 25: Hope you have not forgot about this story >n<
Wmh_chim #2
Chapter 25: Wow. I love it!! Pls update soon. Im begging you.
Dataslash #3
Chapter 25: Yay your back (*^o^*) I thought this story was never Ganna be updated again( ´_ゝ`) lol but please take your time in writing :) ~ I'll stick through to the end
Chapter 25: I'm so glad you're alive! I've missed this fanfic, and I look forward to the upcoming chapters. ❤️ (:
Chapter 25: glad to hear from you and im looking forward to new chapters (: ~❤
Cruelity #6
Chapter 24: Wow it's really awesome! I just found it and I'm really exited about the whole story. Like I'm probably one of the biggest Jikook Shippers ever. And I love drama. Well and this aspects together = This story is sooo awesome.
How Jimin and Jungkook found together is so sweet, and yeah a little bit soo cheesy but i love it this way... [My perspective xD]
also Jin and Taes 'What-ever-their-status-is-right-know'.I really hope they talk it out. Or make it out. Whatever I would be happy.
Finally about Yoongi and Hopie -> They are both trying to protect their loved one. This is soo ing cute. And well Jackson is a . [Well maybe he has a reason but still]

I don't know if you broke the story up or you are just taking a break [for like 5 Months xD *sarcasmus*]but I think you have you reasons, so I just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your FanFiction! Thank you for posting it!
~ Cruel
ellinaannisa #7
Chapter 24: update pleaseeeee
vanillahobie #8
Chapter 24: Please Update asapㅠㅠ
seohyunnie_snsd #9
Chapter 24: Update plsss xD
kookielicious3 #10
Chapter 24: Please Update, I Really Enjoy This Fanfic !