He can be really scary....

Someone saved my pathetic life [ hiatus until a random day X ]

I woke up to a strong slap on my shoulder.

- Yah, are you guys still sleeping? We need to leave in an hour!

I tired to get up when Soo yelled at me, but I couldn't. There was a hand on my waist, pulling me back when I tired to move away. Bae must have been holding me the entire night.

- Noona, one more minute~ Bae muttered and tightened the arm around my waist.

- Sunbae-ah, we need to get up. Don't you want to go party with noona?

I whispered, so Soo didn't hear what I said. Anyway, the impact was what I was hoping for. Bae let me go and jumped off the bed and left the room with a cartwheel. He was so excited about the party, that he would do anything to get there already. I laughed when he did that cartwheel, it looked so funny. Imagine a young boy with only boxers and a t-shirt on, doing a cartwheel so that the t-shirt falls down on his face when he is doing it.

I turned to look at Soo and got shocked. She was already fully dressed, hair and make-up nicely done. She was wearing a knee-length, sleeveless apple green dress. It was snug, but not too much. The hem was decorated with sequins. Her hair was open, and it had been curled, the beautiful locks fell on his shoulders and back. I envied her, she was so beautiful.

- Oh, you are too pretty! It's my party more than yours, since they don't know about your birthday!

I pouted my lips as I got out of the bed. I didn't really mean anything bad with my comment and I used a joking tone to let her know that.

- Ha, when you put on that new dress of your and Junjie does your hair, no one will even notice me!

I spotted a small mirror on the wall and I couldn't stop staring at my reflection.

Who the **** is that?

My now blond hair was all tangled up on the left side, the side I had been sleeping on. My eyes were wide because of the anticipation, and my cheeks were red from... what? I didn't know. I had only once seen a similar expression on my face, and that was the previous morning after spending the morning hours in the bed with Minho. I snapped out of my self glancing.

- Yah, one hour you said? Why didn't you come and wake me earlier, now I will be late!

Soo cracked a smile and wiggled her eyebrows.

- I thought you might already be up. I didn't think you'd enjoy sleeping on Bae's arms so much...

I wanted to snap at her, but I was too busy taking off my shirt and trying to get out of my stockings to change into the seethrough ones. Just when I got the stockings on, Junjie came to the room. He blushed when he saw me with just the stockings and my bra on, and he quickly turned around, not looking into my direction.

- I, I was just coming to see if you were all ready for me to do your hair! Just let me know when you are ready!

Junjie escaped the room quickly and left me and Soo looking really shocked. I wasn't waiting for things like this to happen, not today.

Oh, isn't this the perfect morning...

Opposite to yesterday morning, which was completely flawless!

My sarcastic thoughts were cut when Bae pranced into the room. He stopped when he saw me, like he hit a invisible wall or something. He looked like a character in a manga, I waited for his nose to start bleeding. Then he seemed to get back his senses. He just calmly walked to his closet and started to put on his new suit. He didn't mind us seeing him almost , maybe he tried to tell me that I shouldn't mind it either.

I quickly pulled on the new dress and fled the room, into the kitchen where Junjie was just putting breakfast on the table. I grabbed an apple and started to murder it, gnawing it but not taking off any pieces. I wasn't really hungry. Soo sat next to me and started to eat. I didn't pay attention on what she was eating, but it looked like her appetite was way better than mine. Junjie came next to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

- Why are you so nervous?

I wasn't even sure myself, but tried to make something up, to not let them worry about me.

- Well, I haven't met almost anyone from Super Junior yet, and Kyuhyun is going to be there...

My voice trembled and disappeared entirely at the last words. I wasn't sure if I was able to meet Kyuhyun, my feelings for him were too much to handle and I didn't want to have a fight with anyone. Junjie didn't know about my feelings for Kyu, so he just pat my shoulder and smiled at me.

- You will be fine, they will love you, I'm sure of it! Now, what will we do to your hair?

I sat there like a zombie, not knowing anything about anything while Junjie did my hair. After he told me he was done, I went to look in the mirror. He had straightened my hair and put a ponytail low on my hair, making the transparent bobble rest on my collar bone. I guess he didn't want to do a complicated hairdo, since I had the headband which they had bought me. I really liked the hair, it was simple, yet elegant at the same time.

After I had adored my hair for a while, Soo grabbed me and dragged me into the bathroom. I let her do my makeup, since I didn't really know what would fit this outfit. Finally I had smudgy cat eyes and cherry red lips. I stared at the mirror once again, not really knowing who I saw. I didn't think I looked like me, not at all. I looked pretty, maybe even beautiful. If someone from home saw me now, they wouldn't have realized it was the same girl they had always mocked to be a boy. I looked really feminine and was happy about that.

- Wow... Is that really me?

Soo hugged me from behind, and now I saw both of our faces in the mirror. We were like night and day, so different, but still attached to each other. My rainbow eyes made my black eyeshadow sparkle, and her brown eyes made her green eyeshadow look even more colorful. My pale skin got color from the red lip gloss and her tanned skin looked good with the simple gloss on her lips. She was beautiful, I knew that.

- Yes, it is you, you silly girl... Erika, I love you.

I turned to face Soo and answered her hug, trying not to mess up my make up with the tears that tried to escape my eyes.

- Soo-ah, I love you too. My dear sister, how did I live without you?

We stood there in the bathroom for a while, until our sensitive moment was interrupted with a loud yell.

- Girls, where are you? We need to get going!

Why is it that every single guy I know have the most perfect timing?

I am trying to bond with my sister here...

Ah, the party!

We rushed out of the bathroom and the guys were already waiting at the front door. Bae's mouth fell open when he saw me.

- Ah, noona! You look so pretty!

Soojin grinned and slapped his forehead.

- Yah, there is no time to up now! We need to get going!

- Says the one who is responsible for us being late in the first place... Junjie muttered to me and I smiled.

I grabbed his hand while we left the apartment. I was really nervous because I didn't know what the night would have planned for me- or better, us. I leaded the way to the street where we had been walking with Jonghyun yesterday. I didn't know the exact spot of the noraebang, but it wasn't hard to know when we were close. We started to hear loud noises, yelling, laughing, screaming...

The party wasn't even started yet, and already it sounded like they were slaughtering someone. When we got closer, I recognized some of the voices. The screaming one was Taemin, apparently someone was trying to kill him or something. Bae was walking in front of us, and he stopped at a corner of the street and turned to look at us. I was still holding Junjie's hand.

- Yah, the noraebang is right there. How will you do your surprising?

I turned to look at Soojin, who was watching me. I had been planning this all morning, so I knew exactly what we were going to do.

- You go first, I will stay here and listen to them, I want to know what they think when they see you. Guys, could you wait with me here? I don't think I can stand here all by myself...

Soojin's eyes grew wide and she grinned. It was like the basc expression we would see on his face, always complaining about something.

- You are really sending me there alone?

I nodded seriously and squeezed Junjie's hand for support. For a while I thought that she wouldn't do it, but my worry was useless.

- Well okay, I'll do this for you. You owe me one!

She walked away from us, and I tiptoed to the corner to peek at the scene. Bae was now standing on my left, and Junjie on my right side. Bae wrapped his arm around my waist and I wrapped mine on his shoulder. Now that I was wearing these killer heels I was able to do that, usually he was a bit taller than me. I still didn't let go of Junjie's hand. My nervousness rate was like 200%

Someone was tickling Taemin, that was the reason of his screaming. They were standing outside the noraebang, maybe they were waiting for me. I saw only the back of the tickler, but I still knew who it was. Kyuhyun, who else? Minho was standing a bit further away, with dino-oppa. Maybe these were the people who wanted to see me the most? I didn't know why they were outside, but they suddenly turned silent when they saw Soo approach them. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Taemin start to run towards her.

- Yah, Erika-ah! Were were you last night? Minho cried himself to sleep~

My heart almost stopped when I heard that. I didn't mean to make him sad. I felt a soothing squeeze on my hand, Junjie was taking care of me. My eyes were now locked on Minho, who had been taking some steps forward but then stopped. His eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at Soojin. Then he started to look around, like he was searching for something.

We watched as Taemin reached Soo and hugged her. Kyuhyun was also walking closer, but Minho was still looking for something, or someone.

- Erika! Where the **** are you? And who the **** is this?!

I swear my senses blurred for a moment when I heard that. Minho was swearing, and the words were really not that nice. Was he really meaning that? He wasn't buying Soo as me, even though it had perfectly worked on Taemin?

Minho now ran to Soo, and stared at her, I could almost see the flames in his eyes. Soo took a few steps back in front of Minho's fiery glance, and that confirmed Minho that everything wasn't okay.

- We need to get there, now. I muttered.

We came around the corner, I was still keeping both of the guys near me as we walked closer. I could see all the guys eyes turn on us, then back to Soo, then back to us again.

- What is this? Jonghyun asked and Taemin let out a sream.

- AAH! Alien!

He can be really immature sometimes...

Minho's expression softened on the moment he saw me, but then toughened up again as he saw my company. At that moment I got aware of the situation I was caught in. I had dyed my hair, I wore clothes that he had never seen before. That's not that bad, if you think about it. Something else was bothering him, and I knew what it was.

I had been away from home for the night. He had heard guys yelling on the phone yesterday. Now he saw me, I had wrapped my arm  around another man (boy to me, but still) and holding another's hand. If he really loved me, like he had said, there was going to be a lecture filled with jealousy and maybe even anger. I didn't like the idea.

We walked to them, and I hurriedly let go of Junjie and Bae, and wrapped my arm around Soo instead. Then I let my eyes roll over the people in front of me, trying to memorize their expressions. From the left to right, Kyuhyun with a surprised smirk on his face, Taemin with eyes as wide as a pair of golf balls, Jonghyun looking really puzzled, turning his glance between me and Soo. Then finally, Minho. His jawline was all tightened, he was biting his teeth together, I was sure of that. His eyes were filled with jealousy and, what, sorrow? I felt my eyes fill with tears when I squeezed Soo tighter against my body.

- Hey, everyone. This is my sister, Soojin. I hope you will welcome her and our friends to the party as wel, since it was also her birthday when it was mine. These are Sunbae and Junjie, I hope they are welcome as well.

Jonghyun smiled and hugged me, Minho was turned in to stone. I got worried that I was in deep trouble. Even Kyuhyun looked worried while he stared at Minho. I thought he wasn't going to say anything, as he was silent while the other's started to get to know Soo and the guys, especially Taemin and Bae started to talk happily. They seemed so much alike, both so innocent and cute. Suddenly Minho spoke, his voice could be heard on top of every other noise.

- You guys go inside, we need to talk...

I grinned as the other's did what they were told, all glancing at us while walking away. Soo took a few steps, but then stopped to look at me, worriedly, but I motioned her to go ahead. We were left alone, and I could feel my heart bounce so hard that I was afraid it would burst out of my rip cage. I just stared into Minho's eyes and waited to take anything that was coming from him.

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Decided to start writing this again but AFF is messing with me and I can't see the earlier text or edit anything when I try to. Continue as soon as possible.


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*^* <3
IT okay i am a hardcore fan too
wuah i love sungmin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥<br />
update soon please !
Thank you -jeiraz ^_^ <3
-jeiraz #4
LIKE OMGOMGOMGOMG. You friggin' updated. :DDD *Does Happy dance*<br />
Nahh, girl <3 I have a lot of things goin' on too. <br />
take ur time~
Thank you guise, I love you! <3 And if you want to pray for me, I will appreciate it, everything you do will make me a bit happier~ <3
Thank you for the update it was amazing!!! I hope everything turns out ok for you um if you want I will pray that things will be better for you!! Take your time we all understand!!!
Ke Ke! An update I adore it XD What is going on with Minhooo?<br />
I would be fangirling if I woke up after a party like THAT in the infamous Lee Sungmin's bed ^^<br />
Update soon, okay? Love! x
you're welcome!<br />
<3 u too<br />
this is a wonderful story!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with the exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you murasakiyuki!~~ <3