Before The Dawn

"Hyunmi or Myungsoo?"

You didn't know how to reply to him. He looked dead serious when he asked that..  He must be kidding right?

but his piercing stare got the best of you. 

"What are you talking about oppa?" you pouted at Myungsoo. He was still waiting for the answer.

He was asking you to choose between him or your bestfriend since you were in preschool. You bit your lip. You have only known Myungsoo for about a month and a half....but ever since, he would look after you. Hyunmi on the other hand had been with you since you were a kid. Maybe not now, but she had always been there, right?

The answer was clear once you were able to sort out your thoughts. It was Hyunmi.

"Myungsoo Oppa."

A smile formed on his lips the moment you said Myungsoo Oppa. He had done it again. Kim Myungsoo sure knows how to use his charms. You didn't know why you chose him over Hyunmi. It just slipped.

The two of you were watching a few movies, handpicked by Myungsoo. No day is complete without him paying a visit in your apartment. yes, you are not his girlfriend but that doesn't mean you can't spend the whole Saturday with him, right? Woohyun had given Myungsoo the 'task' to take care of you.

It was one of those days, all the Infinite boys were chilling at Sungyeol's house. Playing games and eating ramen. Woohyun had been on close monitor by his parents, because in a few months, he would be taking over their company. But he didn't want Myunghee to feel that he didn't care, so his smart move was to ask Myungsoo to take care of you while he was busy.

Myungsoo was playing with your polaroid camera when you heard a knock on the door. It was the mailman. He had given an invitation from the Nam's. 

"A masquerade ball? Next week?" Myungsoo folded the invitaiton. "Woohyun didn't mention anything about this to us."

You groaned inwardly. "I know. I don't want to go ~ I don't know how to dance!"  Myungsoo tried his best not laugh. You glared at him. "Just because my Appa's rich doesn't mean I know all the dances in the world."

"It's not that. You're cute when you're angry." he ruffled your hair.  "I'll teach you."

Your eyes widen. "what?"

He took his backpack. "Go take an afternoon nap first.  I'll be back this evening."

"Oppa! Are you serious?!" 


sorry for this late update. Had a lot of stuff to do :) hope you enjoyed this chapter! 





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leerachel1998 #1
kkk i'll tried to read cuz these day im lil busy :( but i tried cuz it seem interesting story <3
Cute!! Hello boy friend!! Hahaha
Myung couple... Aww..
Myungsoo likes her too?? Hmm...
who's hyunmi? I'm confused. cause she had to pick between hyunmi and myungsoo. is hyunmi like her best friend or smthing? :/
KameFishy #6
waouh i love it
agent_kc #7
i love the part where Myungsoo and Myunghee are sitting next to each other..but he decides to text her rather than just talk to her xDDDDDDD
love it :DDDD
this looks interesting ;)
tenimyugirl #9
good luck my friend