Before The Dawn

You  waded through the sea of people. Classes were over and you wanted to get home as soon as possible so you could get started packing more of your stuff. (You were moving to an apartment just a few blocks away from the Seoul University.)

You have been also the subject if the talks in the halls. HyunA, one of the popular girls approached you earlier during the day 

"Myunghee, is it true? The thing about Woohyun?" she asked, appearing to look sincere. You closed the notes you were reviewing for the next class.

"About Woohyun? Yes." you tried to sound cool. not affected by all the stories circulating around that you WERE pregnant. You know what she wanted to see. A sad and miserable Myunghee. ==" HyunA twirled a lock of hair in her finger. "You arent pregnant right?"

"of course not!" you said defensively. "Besides, we're marrying for business reasons." 

"Well that's good to hear. By the way, Woohyun likes to cuddle." she smiled at you then took off.


You felt a little betrayed and cheated for some reason. You felt really silly for feeling all those stuff. *Woohyun's flings aren't any of my business =="*


there he was, he waved at you to catch your attention. (and a hundred other girls  squealed with delight.)

"OMO! HE WAVED AT ME!" The other girl said. You walked up to him. "Guards won't let me in." he smiled. "At least you're here." he finished with a smile.

"What are you doing here, Woohyun-ssi?" 

"picking you up." 

You bit  your lip. You didn't want him forcing himself to act like this around you. "Oppa," you began. "I know that you have other stuff to attend to. and -"

you were cut off when Woohyun laid his hands on your shoulders.

"Listen. We don't know if -" he stopped to look around. "other people might be spying on us right now. You just have to play along, okay?" he said in a low whisper. 

You nodded. 

"good." ^^ he ruffled your hair. "are you hungry? We can go grab something to eat."


Myungsoo drummed his fingers on the driving wheel. Growing a little more impatient by the minute. *Where is she?* 

Finally, he saw a car pull over in the drive way. Woohyun went down and opened the door for Myunghee. Woohyun leaned over and whispered somthing in her ear, making her smile a little. 

 He waited until Woohyun left.

This was his chance.

Myungsoo got down from the car and called out Myunghee.

"Myunghee!" he ran towards you.

"What are you doing here?" you asked instantly.

 "I came to say sorry." Myungsoo said breathlessly

It was very unsual for him to come over just to say sorry. Maybe he got guity. It made you laugh a little.

"What's so funny?" ==" he asked.

"Nothing. Of course it's okay. There was nothing you could do about it." you said to him.  " and it looks like you need some water." you took a bottle of water from your bag and gave it to Myungsoo.

Myungsoo and Myunghee had been friends ever since.


AN: I wanted to devote this chapter on how the Myungsoo/Myunghee friendship developed but yeah, I'll just leave at that. xD The other INFINITE members are gonna make appearances in the next chapters :) please enjoy and thank you for all those 'good luck' messages and those wonderful comments about this fanfic. ^^ Kamsahamnida! 

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leerachel1998 #1
kkk i'll tried to read cuz these day im lil busy :( but i tried cuz it seem interesting story <3
Cute!! Hello boy friend!! Hahaha
Myung couple... Aww..
Myungsoo likes her too?? Hmm...
who's hyunmi? I'm confused. cause she had to pick between hyunmi and myungsoo. is hyunmi like her best friend or smthing? :/
KameFishy #6
waouh i love it
agent_kc #7
i love the part where Myungsoo and Myunghee are sitting next to each other..but he decides to text her rather than just talk to her xDDDDDDD
love it :DDDD
this looks interesting ;)
tenimyugirl #9
good luck my friend