Before The Dawn

Myungsoo held up his camera and snapped a photo of you enjoying the street food. A smile of contentment spread across his face after he saw how beautifully the shot came out.

"Yah, you already had 5 fish sticks!" Woohyun complained. 

You savored the last bite of fish and threw the stick in a bin. "What's wrong with you? You only ate one! I can't believe it." 

After eating some street food, you and Woohyun walked around Seoul. The skies were already reddish and in a few minutes it would turn dark. Seoul would then  transform into a city full of lights. Couples would dominate the streets arm in arm and ready to head to the best Clubs. 

The ones which were normally closed in the morning would open and hundreds would go in line to go clubbing. One of the clubs, Woollim, was the most exclusive club of all. Only a few from the high society would get entrance tickets to the club. 

"Aigoo Oppa ~" you huffed "I'm so tired already!" 

Woohyun smirked. "Tsk tsk. You eat like a pig and you don't have enough energy!" he laughed.

"YAH!" You punch of him on the shoulder but he still laughed like no one cared.

You puffed you cheeks in annoyance. 

"Hey ~"

you quickly jerked your head to the direction of the voice. Myungsoo walked towards you and Woohyun looking so gorgeous. Myungsoo smiled upon seeing you, But Woohyun didn't look happy to see him.

He raised an eyebrow. "Fancy meeting you here." he said. *he always turns up everytime I have a date with Myunghee*

"Just saw both of you around, I was going to attend my photography classes but-"

"but what?" said Woohyun. 

You bit your lip. What would make Myungsoo skip a photography class?

then it hit you. "because...he got hungry!" 

"That's right!" Myungsoo ruffled your hair,causing Woohyun to glare at him from the side. After all, it was his Myunghee and not Myungsoo's.

Woohyun quickly stepped in beside you and he put an arm around you. "We were just going to Woolim." he smiled.

Myungsoo's eyes widened. He knew well that Myunghee did not drink. But he didn't want to tell Woohyun that, just to see if he knows. "Woollim?" Myungsoo looked at you, then at Woohyun. "Are you sure?" 

"Positive. I'll just show her around." Woohyun confidently said. 

It suddenly hit you. It was HyunA's party.


"yes?" they chorused.

"Woohyun Oppa, It's okay. I'll come with you. But I need to get ready first." you said.

"No problem, I'll drop you off at your house, then I'll pick you up at 8." 

You could feel Myungsoo's eyes on you. But you really needed to do this. Even if you didn't want.

*I'm sorry Myungsoo Oppa, I just need to get to know Woohyun more. And for that to happen, I need to get out of my comfort zone.* 


You chose to wear a little black dress (that has already collected dust in your closet). It just shows that going to clubs weren't your thing. You took out the dress and checked if it still fit you. 

And it did. It looked really pretty on you. After styling your hair, you started to apply make-up. After a 10 minutes you were ready to go.

You looked in front of the mirror. Not the Myunghee you knew, but you'd have to admit, you looked stunning. 

You sat on the side of your bed. Then your eyes suddenly fell on a ticket.


you took the ticket from the table and examined it closely. You were beginning to picture the people you would be seeing. Will it really be a wild 'out of control"  party?


But one thing's for sure, you were not going home drunk.



sorry for the mega late update. I'm just so busy with school that I have no more time to update gaaaah. Wish it was Christmas break already D:

anyway, hope you liked this chap. 

Le'ts just see what happens in the party! :D Sorry for the Club name xD I just couldn't think of a good one. ;__; and there I made a fail ticket because...I just felt like making a 'ticket' xD okay I should stop talking now ^^;;;

^^~ thanks for reading.


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leerachel1998 #1
kkk i'll tried to read cuz these day im lil busy :( but i tried cuz it seem interesting story <3
Cute!! Hello boy friend!! Hahaha
Myung couple... Aww..
Myungsoo likes her too?? Hmm...
who's hyunmi? I'm confused. cause she had to pick between hyunmi and myungsoo. is hyunmi like her best friend or smthing? :/
KameFishy #6
waouh i love it
agent_kc #7
i love the part where Myungsoo and Myunghee are sitting next to each other..but he decides to text her rather than just talk to her xDDDDDDD
love it :DDDD
this looks interesting ;)
tenimyugirl #9
good luck my friend