Before The Dawn

"Just a little adjusment here...and there..." the designer was too busy sketching to stop Sungyeol from touching her beloved gowns. 

"Yah! Lee Sungyeol you better come back here before I pull you by the ear!" Sunggyu whispered furiously to him. Sungyeol squared his shoulders. "Don't blame me. I'm bored." 

You kept your hands on your lap. You have been waiting for half an hour already. "Patience is the key." you reminded yourself. You took the cup of tea on the table and almost dropped it when the designer suddenly snapped his finger.

"That's it!" He stood up and put down his clipboard and disappeared into the racks of wedding gowns. You looked sideways before peeking. 

It was a pretty drawing of a dress. It had a Korean style to it. You smiled when a hand covered the design. "Myunghee, I'll make you the best wedding dress. Just trust me."  Taejin, the designer flashed a smile. "You'll get the dress 2 weeks before the date so we could make adjustments. And don't worry, I'll be there on your wedding day to make sure the dress is okay."

You stood up and bowed. "Gomawo, Taejin-ssi." ^^

"Park Ina!" Taejin shrieked. 

A few seconds later, his assistant appears. " I told you to keep the tea and cookies coming!" He said. 

"Mianhae, Taejin-ssi." she said. "I was busy arranging the dresses upstairs." she said with her head hung low. "I'll go get more no-"

"No need! The visitors are leaving!" he snapped.

She bit her lip. You could see that she was really sorry. "Ani. It's okay Taejin-ssi. I'm already full."

"Well that's good to know or else, this girl" he threw her a look. "would lose her job, now Park Ina go open the gates for them."



You always went to Taejin's boutique for the fittings, so you were already good friends with Ina. You knew very little about her, but you knew that she was a studying at Sungkyunkwan University.

"It must be hard studying at such a great University." you said. 

"All I have to do is keep my grades up so I'd still have the scholarship." she smiled.

But there was one thing about her, everytime the Infinite boys would pick you up, she'd be out of sight. While both of you were talking Sunggyu and Sungjong entered.

"Agassi, I have to go." she bowed quickly and left.

"wait! I-" Sunggyu quickly went after her.



"Ina, wait." he grabbed her arm.

"yah! let go of me!" she shouted.

"You were here all along? All this time I was trying to look for you...."

She avoided his gaze. "I have a lot of work to do please let me go."

"No. I won't."

"Yah! Kim Sunggyu!"

Taejin suddenly entered the dressing room with a shocked expression on his face. "PARK INA...HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO SHOUT AT CUSTOMERS!?"

Sunggyu let go of Ina and walked up to Taejin. " Where you are now is because of my father's help." he said. "I'm not asking you a favor. This is an order. Treat her well."

Taejin gulped. "I'm..I'm sorry young master. I'll be out if you need me."



"I didn't know Ina noona was here. Sunggyu has notseen her for 3 months."

All the time you were with Infinite, you didn't bother to ask them about their lives. You felt really bad for not making an effort to know them on a deeper level. Park Ina was Sunggyu's first love, but being an heir, Sunggyu was forbidden to go out with a 'commoner' like her. Sunggyu would always get into trouble for seeing her and Ina felt really bad about it so she decided to cut contact with him.

You sighed. "I hope they'd patch things up, Sungjong."

"Me too. Sunggyu hyung wasn't always that serious. But ever since Ina noona left, he had been like that."


AN: New character for  gyu ^u^


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leerachel1998 #1
kkk i'll tried to read cuz these day im lil busy :( but i tried cuz it seem interesting story <3
Cute!! Hello boy friend!! Hahaha
Myung couple... Aww..
Myungsoo likes her too?? Hmm...
who's hyunmi? I'm confused. cause she had to pick between hyunmi and myungsoo. is hyunmi like her best friend or smthing? :/
KameFishy #6
waouh i love it
agent_kc #7
i love the part where Myungsoo and Myunghee are sitting next to each other..but he decides to text her rather than just talk to her xDDDDDDD
love it :DDDD
this looks interesting ;)
tenimyugirl #9
good luck my friend