Before The Dawn

"Why are you so happy anyway?" Myungsoo asked Woohyun irritably. He was always smiling and he looked like he didn't care about the collection of photos Myungsoo was showing him. 

"Hyung, this shot looks good." Sungjong pointed to a photo of himself wearing bunny ears. 

"Oh sorry." Woohyun rubbed the back of his neck and pretended to be interested in one of  Myungsoo's photos that were all on top of the table. Sunggyu took 2 photos and placed them inside a folder. He then handed it to Myungsoo."These are my favorites. If I don't see that at the exhibit..."

"Sure hyung, I'll make sure everyone sees these." ^^

"Woohyun. You're acting weird. What's so funny?"

"N-nothing." he tried his best to stop smiling. 

"Just spill it." Myungsoo snapped. "So you could at least give your full attention to my photos."

Woohyun cleared his throat. "Myunghee -"

"What about Myunghee?"

Sungyeol hit Myungsoo on the head. "Yah. Just wait for him to finish."

"Myunghee and I are official." Woohyun finished with a smile that looked more like a smirk to Myungsoo. 

Dongwoo scratched his head. "Wait. You and Myunghee ARE official right? Since both of you were engaged from the start."

"It's not that." said Woohyun. "Our feelings are mutual." he turned a bit red at the last sentence.

Myungsoo's eyes widened. *mutual?*

The whole afternoon the boys decided to just hang out. The Infinite members were having a good time except for a certain person. Myungsoo didn't even not laugh at the jokes his friends were telling each other.

Myungsoo just kept quiet the whole time. But this wasn't new to his friends, he was Myungsoo after all. 


italicized words are in english

You were in line at the grocery store waiting for your turn to pay. The person in front of you was having a hard time conversing with the cashier. "I'm sorry. It's been a long time since I actually spoke in Korean." you heard her say.

The cashier was also trying hard to understand her. "But you know?"

"I'll try my best" she fished for her wallet inside her bag. "How much is it?"

"21,000 won" ^^ the cashier said.

"Oh..I lack  2,000 won. just wait a minute.." she looked everywhere in her bag but she was 2,000 won short. "aigoo. It seems that I don't have enough money.  The others are already in dollars." she said while she continued to look for won.

You stepped in and laid 2,000won on the counter. She was a bit shocked. "Oh miss. No. it's okay."

"Aniyo. No need to pay me back." ^^


She bowed at your kindess and thanked you multiple times.

"This isn't the first time Myunghee did this. She's a very nice girl" Mrs. Choi, the cashier said.

The girl extended her hand. "Myunghee, I'm Krystal by the way." ^^ you shook her hand and bowed.

"Nice to meet your meet you Krystal-ssi."

She thanked Mrs. Choi and she carried her grocery bags. "Thank you so much again, Myunghee-ssi!" 



You were already inside the taxi when you checked your phone.

5 messages

7 missed calls

All were from Woohyun.

"As if I would get kidnapped in a grocery store." you mumbled.

Your phone vibrated signalling that you recieved another message.

You opened it:


From: Kim Myungsoo

Hey :)

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leerachel1998 #1
kkk i'll tried to read cuz these day im lil busy :( but i tried cuz it seem interesting story <3
Cute!! Hello boy friend!! Hahaha
Myung couple... Aww..
Myungsoo likes her too?? Hmm...
who's hyunmi? I'm confused. cause she had to pick between hyunmi and myungsoo. is hyunmi like her best friend or smthing? :/
KameFishy #6
waouh i love it
agent_kc #7
i love the part where Myungsoo and Myunghee are sitting next to each other..but he decides to text her rather than just talk to her xDDDDDDD
love it :DDDD
this looks interesting ;)
tenimyugirl #9
good luck my friend