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So many obstacles

Hyeri's P.O.V.

Woaah i actually slept pretty good. Advice from Woohyun was comming handy after all. I didn't felt like going to school but on the other side i wanted to go. I walked downstairs and till my suprise everybody was downstairs already. 'Omona, Oppa's what are you all doing here?' I asked them and sat down next to Sunggyu and Sungyeol. 'We've got a busy schedule today Hyeri, so we will be late at home' 'Ah.. Gurae' 'What about the cake Woohyun hyung bought, we didn't even get the chance to eat some of it'  Sungyeol pouted. 'Mianhae oppa' I patted his shoulder. 'Boys we should go now, before we are late for the interview' Sunggyu said. 'Ah yeah, Bbobo hyeri!' Woohyun said. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and hugged all other infinite oppa's. 'Oppa's Hwaiting~!' I shouted. They placed their hands togheter and counted 'Hana, dul, set Hwaiting!!' they all said. 'Okay okay go go now!' I pushed them towards the door and closed it. 'Pfff, Too many oppa's too handle' I walked upstairs and put make up on, did my hair in a ponytail, placed my glasses on my nose and then looked at my waredrobe what to wear. 'Hmmm... Difficult' 'Should we help you?' I shocked because of the voices behind me. 'MWOYA!' I turned around and saw Minah and Youra who were standing there. 'What.. are you guys doing here, how did you even get in?!' I asked them. 'We saw Infinite oppa's when we arrived and they opened the door for us and let us in. 'Ah..' 'But! We should help you!' 'With what?' 'You clothes! ofcourse babo' 'Let me look in your closet. Youra grabbed some clothes and Minah was searching trough my stuff. She then suddenly stopped at a picture of me and L.Joe 'By the way, How is it going with you and L.Joe?' She asked me. 'Ah?..Oh.. good.. i guess' I said and looked away. She sat next to me. 'Tell me, I know something is wrong.' She said. 'Ah.. but i don't want to talk about it' I said. 'Araseo, but promise me you will say what's wrong with you two today, okay?' She held her pink up. 'Araseo' I said and also held my pink up. 'This this! is totally cool! wear this Hyeri' Youra said. 'Okay' I walked with the clothes in the bathroom and changed in it. 'No.. that's to.. much, Do something cute like.... THIS!' Minah said

'So... How do i look?'

'No.. that's to.. much, Do something cute like.... THIS!' Minah said

'Aniyaa~ that looks like a pyjama!, Wear this hyeri!' She held me some other clothes

'Girls am i your toy or something?? I just need some clothes for school' I said. They suddenly looked at each other and giggled. 'What?' I asked them. 'You didn't get the message yet?' Youra asked. 'What message?' 'From the entertainment?' Minah asked. 'MWOYAH! what did you get!?' 'Go look at your computer, then we're going to search for some clothes. 'Araseo' I opened my computer and looked in my hotmail. They were right i got a message from the entertainment. I read it... OMG! they want us to meet all the members who passed the auditions. I screamed and and stood up and ran towards Youra and Minah 'WAAAAAAH~, Why are we screamin'?!?!!?' Minah said while hugging me and jumping all around. 'We're going to meet the other members!!' 'I know right~!' Youra said and also jumped with me. 'Omygosh, i need to wear something nice' I panicked  'here wear this' They said in Unison. I grabbed the clothes, walked in the bathroom and started to put the clothes on.


'Woaaaaah daebak looks so good on you hyeri!' Minah said. 'Really?' I asked while i checked myself in the mirror. 'I think this is indeed a good outfit, Well.. Kaja!' 

At school 

'Girls, I will see you at recess byeee~' I gave them both a last hug and walked towards the classroom with heavy footsteps. I felt all the eyes on me but i didn't care because i was used to it now. When i looked up i saw L.Joe who was standing in front of somebody with TeenTop around him. When i wanted to look for a good view i saw he was with Hyuna she placed her arms on his neck when she saw me. O-M-G.. i thought that he wanted to make it right between us.. without any hesitation i slapped Hyuna . 'You ..' I cursed under my breath and walked away.  I heard L.Joe who screamed my name but i kept walking. I was done with him. 'HYERI-AH WAIT!' I turned around the corner and stayed there. Listening to their converstaion. 'Why are you always following her!? She doesn't want you anymore!' Hyuna said. i heard sobbing.. Was that.. L.Joe? 'SHUT THE HYUNA!' He screamed in her face. 'Why can't you be with me!?' I turned around and saw Hyuna who was tugging on his shirt.  'DON'T touch me..' He was mad! I saw it. 'Oppa.. can't you give me a chance' 'Don't you see it! I only like Hyeri, but your the one who ruins everything! Now she thinks it's all my fault because of you!' He screamed in her face and walked away. Hyuna stood there, Dumbfounded and ran behind him. Woah i actually felt a little bit bad for L.Joe.. I walked inside and ran quickly in the classroom. it was fortunatly empty so i sat down and grabbed my books and waited for the teacher. Suddenly i heard a loud bang on my desk. I felt almost back wards from shocking 'You...' She said. I back away a little bit. 'Because of you! Why did you even come to this school! Why do you even exist!?' She was so mad. 'Because of you, i can't have L.Joe!' I acted cool and said.  'That's not my problem' That was when se went really mad, when se was about to slap me a hand grabbed her pulse. 'Didn't i tell you don't!' I looked up and saw L.Joe who was holding her pulse very hard. 'L.Joe stop you're hurting me!' Hyuna winced. 'GET LOST!' he screamed in her face and she ran to her desk. He quietly sat down next to me and also grabbed his books. 'Er.. thank you..' 'For what?' He asked me coldly. That sent me shivers down my spine. It was like the first time i had met him in front of the super market.. i got that feeling again. 'For.. saving.. me from her' He then chuckled. 'I wasn't saving you, She stood in my way' Then he got back to work. What the hell was that attitude of him? Maybe was i to harsh on him all the time he wanted to talk to me. I felt guilty. The lesson began and we started to work. Everytime i would catch a glimpse of him but he didn't even looked back all he did was just staring at his book. I couldn't concentrate at all but fortunatly the lesson was over. Everybody quickly walked out of the classroom except for L.Joe who was still writing something. 'Byunghun?' I called him. 'Call me L.Joe' He said. what the hell this was the first time he said something like that, it actually hurted me but i kept it in. 'Err.. L.Joe.. do you want to talk?' He turned his head and looked at me with his scary gaze. 'Oh now you want to talk with me?' 'Yeah' I lowered my head in shame. 'I don't want to talk to you' He said closed his books, placed his books in his backpack and walked away. When he was about to go i grabbed his wrist. 'L.Joe why?, i wanted to make things good now' He turned around and i saw sadness in his eyes. 'Why now hyeri?! Do you know how much i have suffered!' He screamed. Now i even felt more guilty. 'I'm sorry! I couldn't face you.. yet!' I said. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and hugged me. 'Let me stay like this for a while' He said. I hugged him back. 'I'm.. so sorry' I placed my head in his chest and hugged him tighter.

We walked hand in hand on our way back home 'What are you going to do today?' L.Joe asked me. 'Well i've got to go soon because today i will meet the other members of the girl group i'm in'  'Oh really?, Should i bring you?' 'Aniya, I'm going with Youra and Minah' 'Ah gurae..' 'Yeah, how is it going with TeenTop oppa's? I saw Chunji by the way a few days ago' 'Really? Everything is fine with them, altough they worried about me because i was in a depression' 'Ah mianhae~' I pouted and gave him a kiss on his cheek. 'Doesn't matter everything is good now' We walked a little bit more and arrived at Woohyun's house. 'Would you like to come in?' I asked him. 'Oh if it doesn't bother Infinite..' 'Aniyaaa~ Come!' I tugged on his jacket and opened the door. 'Infiniteee oppa's ~ I'm homeeee' I screamed and put my shoes of. 'Here give me your shoes.' He put his shoes of and gave them to me, I placed them in the rack and took L.Joe with me in the kitchen. 'Oppa's~ where are youuuu?' I screamed. 'Ah i forgot! They've got a schedule today so i got the whole house for myself keke' 'You want something to drink?' I asked him. 'Ah yeah' 'What do you want?' 'Just something' 'I grabbed some coke and poured it in the cup. 'Gomawo hyeri-ah~' he gave me that cute little eye smile of him. 'Keke your welcome' 'You've never been in my room before don't you?' I asked him. 'Aniya' 'Come!' He followed me to my bedroom. 'Jjannn~(suprise,tada)' 'Woaah, This room is typical you keke' He chuckled. 'Waeyo?' I pouted. 'Nado molla (I don't know)' I sat at my bed and he started to look around till he stopped at my nightstand. There stood a photo from him and me at the patbingsoo shop with our necklaces. 'Woaahh such an old picture! By the way do you still wear that Necklace?' 'Ofcoursee i do, do you?' 'Well...' 'Let me see your neck -.-' 'Ah no! I... put it in my nightstand for a safer place.' 'Ah okay' 'We should make some other photo's soon' He said. 'Yeah wait, i've got a polaroid' I grabbed my camera and sat next to him. We made some cute poses but also some funny and crazy poses at the end it was just a normal pose. 'Ah i want this one!' He said. 

'Really.. then.. i want this one!' I grabbed the cute one.  I looked at the clock. 'I've got to go soon, Youra and Minah can be here any minute. 'Really? Then should i go?' 'No you can stay.. if you want' He chuckled 'I will stay here' 'So..' It was awkward. I showed them the rest of the house. 'So.. big house Woohyun hyung got here' 'Yeah i know right!' 'do you want to watch tv?' 'That's good' 'I put the tv on and was switching channels till i saw Infinite oppa's 'Eoh! Infinite oppa's!' They were performing Paradise. After that TeenTop came with no more perfume on you 'Oh! this isn't live?' 'Aniya hehe' 'Ooooh, lookin' good oppa!' I pointed at L.Joe at the tv screen. Suddenly the doorbell rang. 'Let me open it' I walked to the door. Youra and Minah were standing there. 'Annyeong~' I hugged them. 'Helloooooo~' Minah said. 'Come in' They put their shoes of and followed me inside. 'Eoh L.Joe, Annyeonghaseyo' Minah bowed. 'Why so formal, you can talk informal with me' He said and gave both of them a hand. After i gave them something to drink and eat youra said. 'We've got to go girls.' 'Really.. ah' 'I closed the tv, put the glasses in the sink and grabbed my shoes' 'We will wait for you outside Hyeri' They both said. 'Araseo' I said and turned towards L.Joe. 'So. I will see you tomorrow at school?' 'Yeah, I can also pick you up' 'Okay' I smiled and gave him a kiss. And walked off with Youra and Minah. I like how it is going now. I thought, smiled and linked my arms with Youra and Minah. 'Let's go girls!'


Soooo another chap is done kekeke, please subscribe and comment~!


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calendaroflove #1
hyeri im a big fan
@djpoomie Lol Poooomie why are you reading this~! >_<
cant stop laughing about the.. msn?.. betweet Hyeri and woohyun xD SO FUNNY!!!
ty.. i said Ditch.. i mean Dutch.. T.T
get dizzy from Ricky and L.jeo xD <br />
why so much chapters xD (gonna talk in ditch) aura, je heb te veel fantasie xD ben verslaafd aan je stupid story xD
Foreverlocket #6
@jessicalceychen yay i will (A)
New reader like you story plz update
Yumi54 #10
Update soon please~ i really like it :D<br />