An afternoon with Yoondong

You are my Everything

The next day everyone got up and got ready to go to school. Jimin didn't really want to record because it was going to be the same thing as the first day of school. After everyone was ready they all sat down and ate breakfast. This Jimin wanted to record.

"Hello, Jimin here with another morning of Jinam"

"Ah Oppa record me," Jinam smiled.

"Ara," Jimin recorded Jinam and she waved at the camera.

Everyone laughed and Jinam just blanked a couple of times and continued eating.

"Jimin give me the camera," Seokjin asked for it.

"Ne Hyung," Jimin handed the camera to Seokjin.

"Annyeong, I hope that when you see this you will realize that you are going to be beautiful by the time you get this. Don't listen to what others say and remember that Jin Oppa is right and that you will have someone handsome to love," Seokjin smiled to the camera and gave it to Jungkook.

"Huh?" Jungkook's eyes widen.

"Record," Seokjin smiled.

"Oh. Ok. Annyeong Nammie. I just want to say that listen to what Jin Hyung said because I think he is right. You are always talking about how you aren't pretty but one day you will understand what we are talking about. Now about this breakfast, it's amazing and I'm going to enjoy it," Jungkook smiled.

"Kookie give me the camera," Jinam smiled.

"Hyung hand this over to Nammie," Jungkook gave it to Namjoon.

Namjoon gave it to Jinam,"Thanks Monnie Oppa. Ok now my turn. Well I think that Jin Oppa and Kookie are wrong because I don't look pretty. And when I do see it please record me saying that I'm pretty as evidence. And about the handsome someone to love I'm excited to see who it is. I'm just going to wait and sees who ask me. Meh four more years of school fun I guess," Jinam smiled.

"Ok Jinammie enough recording," Jimin reached for the camera.

"Ah, I got a text," Jinam looked at her phone, "Oh it's Yoondonggie," Jinam smiled.

"What did he say?" Taehyung asked.

"He asked if I could hang out this afternoon," Jinam looked up at Jimin with the camera facing him.

"Of course you can go," Seokjin smiled.

"Asa gomawo Jin Oppa," Jinam jumped out of her seat and gave the camera back to Jimin.

Jungkook just looked at Jinam as she was so happy eating her food after Jin said yes. Jimin just took the camera and turned it off as he watched Jungkook sulk as he continued eating his food. Namjoon and Yoongi just sighed continued eating. After eating everyone put their dishes in the sink and left to school. As they got to school they met up with Halo. Jinam smiled brightly and greeted everyone. Jungkook bowed to everyone and his eyes were glued on Jinam hugging everyone. He was a little jealous that he doesn't get hugs every morning. Jungkook just sighed and tried to not let it bother him. 

"So Jinam-ah I heard you and Yoondong are going on a date," Heecheon smiled.

"Anni Heecheonnie Oppa we are just hanging out like friends," Jinam smiled.

Hearing that Jungkook smiled a little. But on the other hand Yoondong's smile faded a little. Namjoon was observing them and realised Jungkook's and Yoondong's expression. Namjoon just sighed and didn't say anything. 

"Ah Yoondonggie-ah what are we going to do?" Jinam asked with a big smile.

Yoondong made his smile more visable,"Anything you want to do"

"Oh, uhhhh~ how about ice cream?"

"Ne sounds good," Yoondong nodded his head.

"Jinja?" Jinam was amazed.

"Ne I don't mind getting ice cream it sounds good," Yoondong smiled.

"Ara, gomawo Yoondonggie," Jinam smiled brightly.

"Ok guys let's go to class," Ooon motion everyone to go to class.

Jungkook, Jinam, and Yoondong all walked to class together.

After a while of learning it was lunch time. They all went to lunch together as they went to find their Hyungs and Oppas. They had got their food and walked to the table. Since they were well know many people were around giving food to them. Jinam looked a little confused and scared. She looked at Jungkook who smiled a little. Then she looked at Yoondong who chuckled and smiled. Jinam was a little confused as to why they were so amussed by it. There were to many people there and Jinam didn't really like the attention so she just turned around quickly and walked outside.

As they sat down Jungkook looked for Jinam. As soon as he notice her gone he stood up. Jimin noticed Jungkook panic and grabbed Jungkook's hand. Jungkook looked at Jimin worried then he looked at Yoondong who was also looking around for her.

"Jungkook-ah Yoondong-ah don't worry about my sister she will be fine by herself," Jimin smiled.

"But Hyung she shouldn't be alone," Jungkook took Jimin's hand off his.

"There will be no where she will like to be. There is to many people during this time," Ooon smiled.

"Just finish eating your guy's food and go look for her on the roof top," Hoseok smiled.

"Are you sure J-Hope hyung?" Yoondong was still worried.

"Trust us, she will be there," Inhaeng smiled.

"Aish ara," Jungkook sighed and sat down.

"Ne," Yoondong sat down and ate.

After Jungkook and Yoondong finished eating they went together to the rooftop. There was no noise up there. It was really quite. They made their way up there and saw Jinam sitting there alone. They both sighed in relief and smiled at each other. They didn't walk to her; they just stood there and looked at her. She was at peace with no noise and no one around. They didn't want to bother that.

Jinam turned around, "Ah, Kookie Yoondonggie. What are you guys doing here?" Jinam smiled.

"We just came to check up on you," Yoondong smiled.

"Gwenchana?" Jungkook asked.

"Ne gwenchanayo," Jinam smiled, "it's really peaceful up here"

"Ne it is," Yoondong smiled and agreed.

"I think I'll eat my lunch here from now on. You guys can eat with the rest of the Oppa," Jinam smiled.

"May we join you when we want?" Jungkook asked.

"Umm~ only if no one knows," Jinam thought about it.

"But what about all the Hyungs? They knew you were up here already," Yoondong asked.

"I know they always know where I'm at," Jinam smiled.

"Ah~," Jungkook and Yoondong said at the same time.

After lunch the three of them went down and back to their class. The rest of the day was learning. Jinam was a good student and took notes. While Jungkook and Yoondong were dozing in and out of the lessons. Jinam laughed and took pictures of them to keep for later. Soon school was over. The bell rung and everyone packed their things to leave. Before leaving Jinam walked to her locker to get her book for homework. As she opened her locker five letters fell out. Jinam picked it up and put them in her book before going out to Yoondong.

As she was walking out she saw Yoondong talking to a girl. She sighed and just decided to walk pass him because she didn't want to interupt their conversation. As Jinam walked passed Yoondong noticed her and called out for Jinam. She didn't turn around and just kept walking. Yoondong sighed and bid farwell to the girl and ran after Jinam. Yoondong kept calling her name but she didn't answer. Yoondong finally caught up to her. Out of breath he pulled out her headphones.

"Yah~ I called you 100 times and I even ran after you," Yoondong pouted.

"Sorry I didn't want to interupt so I just walked and had my headphones in"

"'s ok. Now let's go get ice cream," Yoondong smiled.

"Ne," Jinam smiled.

As they walked together they were laughing and enjoying their walk to the ice cream parlor. Jinam felt comfortable with Yoondong around. She didn't feel awkward which was good because Yoondong worried that would happen.

"What flavor do you like?" Yoondong asked.

"Umm, Mint Chip," Jinam smiled.


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Chapter 17: if you don't confess to her and some other dude gets her, I'm gonna be mad. Excuse my language.
Chapter 15: Ohhhh yeahhhhh lol yaaaassss
Purpleapples #3
Chapter 14: Why do I have the feeling jimin is gunna die...or has some sorta illness
Chapter 8: I would like to answer for her lol. *cough* *in her voice* "yes I do have something to say. Just not to you. To jiwoo. 'May I maliciously murder you and chop you up into pieces. I would gladly like to throw you in a pit of fire and watch you burn but you'd pollute the air as well as contaminate the earth so I guess killing you would have to be it.'" That will be it lol. Love the story so far.