You are my Everything

The school year was slowly ended and the boys didn't forget to leave good bye messages to Jinam.

1.Kim Seokjin

"Annyeong Jinammie. I hope senior year was good to you. I'm going to miss you so much. I'm still working hard on my doctor so don't worry because soon when you get hurt I will be there to take care of you like old times. I'm going to miss you so much. I already miss you so much since I don't have time to see you now. I feel really bad but I hope my breakfast is fantastic for you. I know how much you miss my cooking so I hope this is helping you with missing it to much. I know soon I won't won't have to much time to continue to cook for you like this but Oppa promises to try and visit you and make you a meal that you like. Oppa promises to be positive and finish strong. I have been wanting this for a long time so don't be to sad that you won't be able to see me as often. Remeber Oppa loves you very much and I'm proud of you. You are now 18 and finishing high school. I know that when you go to college you'll do whatever you want and be great at it like you always are. I have a lot of hope in my little baby. Congradulations and Happy Birthday my lovely one. This is my good bye for now." Seokjin smiled and sent his flying kiss to the camera. He smiled then ended the recording.

2. Min Yoongi

"My baby!" He greeted the camera cutely, "I hope you are doing well. This is my good bye even though I already don't see you often. Now I won't be in the house so it'll be different. You won't have to worry about waking me up in the morning and seeing my grumpy face that you like so much. I think I'm going to miss you the most though. I'm going to miss your smile and your laugh. But most importantly I'm going to miss seeing you everyday when I wake up. Now I think Hoseok will be waking me up annoyingly. Gosh I'm going to die a little more everday because of him. Well anyways if you are ever in trouble and Jungkook isn't around call me I'll come quickly and save you. I promise nothing bad will happen to you. Even if it does I will make sure that you get well quickly. I don't have much to say. Oh I know happy birthday my lovely lady. You are finally 18 but don't do dumb things because you still aren't old enough for some things. Oppa always has his eyes on you even though I am not there. If you do anything dumb trust me I will call you the next day and ask you about it so you better be very careful young lady. Also congradulations on graduating you're finally out of high school and doing better things in life. I know you enjoy dancing and I know you are beautiful so you will get far. I believe in you and I love you very much. Bye-bye my love." Yoongi smiled his gummy smile to the camera and ended the recording there.

3. Kim Namjoon

"My smart one. Well you are smarter than Jungkook so I can call you that. Anyways I know you are going to miss me because I always taught you things that were important to know. And I'm sorry I won't be around to continue teaching you english but I will continue to try as I run the company with this dumb wit of a brain Taehyung. Gosh why couldn't Yoongi work with me instead. Ok ok on another note good job my flower. I know that you will graduate soon and be as brilliant as I am right now. I believe in you so much a lot more than Taehyung but you know I can't say much he is my brother. Anyways also congradulations on turning 18. Now you are more mature I want you to know that you are beautiful and that many discussing men will look at you and I need you to be careful. Jungkook may be around but sometimes that kid can be so clueless so take good care of yourself as well ok? Also know that if you do anything to hurt yourself we are all here and we will all know what happens to you. All men are monsters except for all your Oppas we love you so much. Don't forget to call me or leave messages because I won't have as much time to call you and message you so please do that on my behalf. I love you so much and I'm going to miss you even more. Gosh I feel like crying. Bye Lovely," Namjoon waved to the camera and smiled then ended the recording.

4. Jeon Hoseok

"MY LITTLE RAY OF SUNSINE!!!!!!!!" He yells louded.

"Hoseok shut up," Yoongi yelled back from the other room.

"Oops," Hoseok giggles, "Well anyways hello my darling. I hope that Jungkook kid is treating you very well because if not I will beat him up if he doesn't. Well anyways I hope senior year was amazing for you. I know you have been lonely lately because all of us aren't there but I hope that Jungkook, Heecheon, Dion Hyung, Jinho, YeoOne, and E'Dawn are enough for you to be happy. Oh I also can't forget Kino, Wooseok, Yuto, and Yoondong. I know they are very sweet to you and always have an eye for you. Don't get to lonely I know they are really nice guys. I mean I think I am better but I know that they are a good amount of company for you and it's more than Bangtan. Well my sunshine I know you are sad but I know that you are strong and won't show anyone how sad you are but you need to. I know that you will feel like crying often it's just I need you to go to Jungkook so that he can protect you I don't want you crying to yourself I don't like it. Oppa knows a lot so please make sure that if you ever feel sad voice it to someone. I will always be here but I will be busy so whenever I can I will leave you voice messages so that you can hear me. I know you will miss me the most so please listen to Oppa and be postive and be the ray of sunshine that I know. Smile more I know you are sad we won't be there anymore but you will have people. I love you sunshine and I'll miss you so much. Please be safe." Hoseok smiled to the camera and did something silly then ended the recording.

5. Kim Taehyung

"My Lovely Love Bug. How have you been? I have been so busy with Mon Hyung learning how to take our dad's spot that I haven't been able to see you and listen to your voice. I feel so sad about this but it's ok because I will try to make time to come and see you and make sure that you are still happy and smiling and that Kookie doesn't make you sad. I will make sure to always be here for you when Jungkook isn't able to be there for you. It may be a little hard to reach me but I will try my best. I mean A for effort right? Jinam I'm really trying so please believe in Oppa. Also Mon Hyung keeps yelling at me like I'm so dumbo, but I'm not. I may act like it but I'm pretty smart. I mean not as smart as he is but I am smart. I did graduate. Gosh he is so mean to me but whatever I have to do this anyways so that our company is bigger dad will be proud of me because he doesn't believe in me too. Do you believe in me Jinam? Yes? Psh I know you do you always do. You are so sweet I love you so much. Thanks," He brings the camera closer to him and kisses it, "I'm going to miss you so much I don't even know what I am going to do when I am bored and you aren't around. I'll be forever bored because Mon Hyung is boring too. Oh my god what will I do without you. This makes me sad but I don't want you to be sad because I will always be here so don't worry. Anyways good job loser you are finally 18 and graduating high school. I'm so proud of you you have no idea. I just wish I could hug you and shower you with kisses to show you how happy I am. Gosh I feel like crying just thinking about it. Well this is my good bye Nammie. I love you and I miss you," Taehyung kissed the camera once again, smiled at the camera, waved, and then ended the recording.

6. Jeon Jungkook

"My lovely girlfriend. This isn't our goodbye but I just wanted to leave you a message because it is your birthday. I'm so happy that we are together you have no idea. I was freaking out so much that day I asked you out. Now that we are getting ready to move out I know that a lot has been on your mind so please tell me when things are bothering you and when you feel down. I don't want you to feel sad by yourself I don't like it so please trust me ok. I want to protect you and I can't if you keep hiding from me. I love you so much I don't know any words to describe all of these things. You make me the happiest person alive and I want you to feel the same way. I know that all the Hyungs aren't aren't around anymore but you have me and the rest that have been around a lot. If they aren't doing I guess you can call Tae Hyung or Jimin Hyung or Hoseok Hyung but I think that will kill our egos just a little. But we won't tell you that for sure because then you might make fun of us knowing you. Anyways I just want you to be happy and let nothing bother you because I don't like when that happens. Also stop being so close to Kino I don't like it. I get it you guys are dance partners and all but isn't it all to touchy touchy. If not I'll just pull you out and you will stop dancing with him because I don't like it. I'm serious I will do it. But other than that know that I love you very much." Jungkook laughed, "Well good night my lovely beautiful cute perfect girlfriend," he reached to end the recording but didn't and froze for a little bit, "You thought the screen froze am I right?" He laughed, "Ok I'l stop fooling around good night babe I love you with all my heart." He blew a kiss to the camera and then ended the recording finally.

7. Park Jimin

"My lovely baby sister. I'm so proud of you for graduating. I'm very sorry that I won't be there to see you graduate. It makes me sad but I have a lot to do that day and I can't just cancle it. I don't know if the others will have time to go too so don't be to sad just know that we all love you and we are there spiritually. Also happy 18th birthday lovely. I know you have been waiting for this for a while. Now we all can't be here today for your special day but I hope that Jungkook treated you well on your birthday. I really wish I was there. I want to see you and congradulate you on everything that you have acheived so far. I am so proud of you. I'm happy to call you my sister and a Park. You make the family very proud of you. Trust me mom and dad are proud of you too they just can't show it to you." Jimin sniffles as he wipes his eyes, "Gosh just thinking about you makes me sad. You have grown up so well and it's just so emotional because I can't be there to see you. But I want you to know Oppa is always here for you and you'll get to see me every day no matter what. I'll make sure to remember to call you when we all have moved out. I'll make sure to give you a photo of me so that you can hang it up and always see me. I'll probably give you 10 or more. I'll think about it. Anyways I want you to know that I am working hard taking dad's spot and them when I get the hang of it I'll be able to come and visit you more often so that you won't be sad. I know that you will have days that you just don't feel like you so I want to make sure that on others days you feel like the perfect you. I will try my best to make you happy even though I am not around as much. I love you very much and I want to make sure that you are happy about everything. You are my number one priority so if you get hurt or something bad happens I'm dropping everything and going to you right away. Man I gotta stop talking I'm talking to much. Anyways I love you very much and I'm going to miss you so much I might even cry every night because I can't see you. But other than that make sure to call Oppa and tell me that you are ok and that Jungkook is treating you well because if he isn't then I'll kick his . I don't care if he is taller than me I will make sure to kick his ." Jimin laughed and smiled at the camera with sad eyes. He took a deep sigh and then ended the recording.

8. Mrs. Park

"My baby. I haven't seen you ever since you entered high school. I feel so bad that I haven't been around to see my beautiful daughter grow up. I wish I was there to say happy birthday to you and to see you graduate. I'm sad that I won't be able to see you I know you will look beautiful as always. I love you so much my darling. I believe in you and whatever you do. Please eat and take care of your health. Umma will be doing the same so please be healthy my love. Good bye." She smiled at the camera, waved, and showed hearts as it ended.

9. Mr. Park

"Happy Birthday sweety and congradulations on graduating. I'm very proud of you. You know Appa isn't good with words towards his only daughter and I'm very sorry but I want you to know that I am proud of you for doing so well. I love you and I miss you. I wish I could see you but I am still busy with work as I train your Oppa and retire and rest up somewhere else. I'm sorry. Good bye my daughter"

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Chapter 17: if you don't confess to her and some other dude gets her, I'm gonna be mad. Excuse my language.
Chapter 15: Ohhhh yeahhhhh lol yaaaassss
Purpleapples #3
Chapter 14: Why do I have the feeling jimin is gunna die...or has some sorta illness
Chapter 8: I would like to answer for her lol. *cough* *in her voice* "yes I do have something to say. Just not to you. To jiwoo. 'May I maliciously murder you and chop you up into pieces. I would gladly like to throw you in a pit of fire and watch you burn but you'd pollute the air as well as contaminate the earth so I guess killing you would have to be it.'" That will be it lol. Love the story so far.