
New Beginning

Choi Jonghun’s POV:

                It was an ordinary weekend back in the dorm, we were taking a break from our practice, the maknaes were watching TV, while Jaejin and I were eating some snacks and Hongki was pestering Minjung. Looks like Hongki found some amusement in the dorm. I tried stopping Hongki in the beginning but figured out it was futile. Minjung was strong enough to deal with Hongki also, so not much to worry.

                “You talk too much for a guy!” Minjung shouted at Hongki.

                “Oh yeah? Well you’re not.. NOT CUTE AT ALL.” Hongki fired back.

                “Ya, hyung, is that a way to talk to a girl?” Jaejin said to Hongki, trying to at least make him lessen his picking on Minjung.

                “Don’t give me that BS Jaejin. Tell me how to treat a girl when you already know how to take care of your girl friend.” That one sure hit the bull’s eye.

                “It’s not my fault that Mina is stubborn.” Jaejin mumbled and I somewhat felt his pain. I just patted his back and smiled at him. “See! Even Jonghun-hyung agrees with me!” Jaejin got back to Hongki and his face lit up.

                “Who’s stubborn?” Suddenly a familiar voice was overheard throughout the dorm and stunned us all.

                “Oh-oh, someone’s in trouble.” Minjung tsked.

                “I have nothing to do with this okay.” I said, both of my hands up as if in surrender. The boy friend on the other hand was starting to get nervous.

                “It… It was Hongki-hyung! That’s right! Hongki-hyung is stubborn.” He tried defending his self but it was too late. Poor goat, caught red-handed by Mina. Then I saw someone laughed behind Mina.

                “Hi.” I smiled to her.

                “Hi.” And she smiled back.

                “What’s wrong with these two?” Hongki said in annoyance. “Ya, Minjung go get me some ice cream. The room suddenly felt weird.”

                “I am not your slave Lee Hongki, go get it on your own.”Minjung answered back and Hongki followed her in the kitchen, while Jaejin was still trying to explain to Mina while she was just glaring at her. I was at least, a little affected but I was just happy right now about the peace we were all experiencing.

                “Why don’t we leave the couple for a while?” I suggested and we moved to the living room together with the maknaes who were watching TV.

                “So how have you been?” I asked her, but I got a loud reply from the TV instead and the maknae’s laughing as well.

                “I’m fine.” She replied still but she also noticed the noise.

                “Shut up Lee Hongki!” Minjung shouted.

                “What? Really?!!” Jaejin shouted, everyone was just too noisy and the dorm just felt so crowded right now. I take back what I said, what peace?

                “Why don’t we get some coffee?” I offered Taera, hoping that she’ll say yes since I never had the chance to ask her out since I met her.

                “Aren’t you in the middle of the practice though?”

                “Does it look like will resume anytime soon?” I smirked at her and she smiled back. She agreed and we went to the nearest coffee shop. We were both silent at first and for some weird reason I was even too “shy” to actually start a conversation. Something must be wrong with me. We found our sits and ordered our food; both of us were looking at each other from time to time with awkward shy smiles on our faces. What the hell Choi Jonghun? What are you, HIGH SCHOOL?

                “Uhmm.. sorry for dragging you here.” I managed to say something, FINALLY!

                “It’s okay, I don’t mind at all.” She reassured me with a smile on her face.

                “So what brings you here by the way?”

                “Err.. I just.. I just want to hang out with Mina. Yeah, that’s it. She said that she’ll be giving something to Jaejin so I accompanied her.”

                Our order arrived and she had this cheerful light in her face which sort of reminded me of Mina when we used to stay in coffee shops. My smile suddenly disappeared and I tried to act cool with it and started drinking my coffee.

                “This is so good!” She was busy enjoying the meal she was having while I was busy trying to shove off the memory that I was trying very hard not to remember. I just smiled at her a little and she continued eating. The next thing I know, I was staring outside the windows thinking of nothing.

                “Is there something wrong?” She turned to me. Before I could answer someone came and interrupted us.

                “Taera.” I looked at the guy who suddenly came and saw Minhyuk entering the scene. “Hyung.” He bowed at me and I bowed back, taking another sip on my coffee.

                “What are you doing here?” Taera asked him with a BIG SMILE on her face.

                “I was just passing by and I thought I saw you so I just came in to see if it was really you.” I was looking at the two of them with smiles on their faces, thinking that they had just seen each other yesterday since they were classmates and all. What is this scenery I was seeing?

                “Eh is that so? Do want to join us?” Taera asked him and I was left completely dumbfounded as if it was déjàvu all of a sudden; the girl I was with asking someone else to come with us, a very familiar scene indeed.

                “You don’t mind, right hyung?” Minhyuk said. How could I even say no to that in front of Taera.

                “Sure.” I found myself staring at the two talking to each other while I just silently sip my coffee. I looked at my watch and thought that it was time to go back already. “Taera, I’’m going back to practice. Mina must have been waiting for you to come back also.” I told her and she nodded.

                “I’m just going to the lady’s room.” She stood up, leaving Minhyuk and I alone in an awkward silence.

                “Hyung,” He called me and I turned to him.

                “What is it?”

                “Oh Mina!” He said out of nowhere and pointed outside and I immediately looked at the direction. But there was no sight of Mina like he said and I turned to him, eyeing him curiously.

                “Gotcha.” He smirked and I felt like I was caught red-handed or something and all I could do was smile and shook my head.

                “Ready to go.” Taaera finally came up to us and we were about to go back. We were in the car already and he rolled down his window to us and I rolled down my window as well.

                “See you at school Taera and hyung, say hi to Mina for me.” He waved and drove off leaving me completely convinced with what he was doing.

                “Why did he have to say that?” Tare suddenly asked and I just smirked at the absurdity of the way he was telling me that he knew everything all along.

author: FINALLY! I CAME UP WITH A DECENT CHAPTER! Honestly I'm in a terriblr block so it took me a while to come up with something. OMG OMG.. Thank you to everyone who subsribed, comment and silently reading this fic T^T i hope this amuses you.. really thank you.. :* i'll try to update more often though school is coming up next week. again thank you! :)


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Chapter 3: Re-reading this again and I'm smiling again like an idiot haha
Wait. Taera's surname is Yang? XD
minari_j72 #3
Chapter 34: thank u so much for the update!!
Chapter 34: i'll wait for your update author. i understand what you feel right now so just take your time and i hope you'll be back on track. fighting!! :))
Chapter 33: can you please finish this story? please please please T.T
Chapter 33: Can I just spam your comment section because I missed this story so freaking much >.<
hongki...i don't know what to think of you, lol reading your reply to a comment about how you like to torture jonghun, i would have thought it was seunghyun since in fragments and that one shot he ended up being in a one sided love...minhwan and seunghyun get to be happy w/ ppl in the sequel right?
sangriilee #8
update this eonni :)
Hey eellovers !! I just finished reading
this fic of yours..! and I just love it!!
..I love your story :) im waiting for your update/s!?
<3 :D
jaceBlue #10
oh no~ its already the last chapter after this?!? sequel please!!!