

Your POV

"~~~~~-ah, I want you to meet Doctor Jung." Umma smiled to me. There was a middle-aged woman with glasses next to her. She was tall and slender, wearing neat clothing. 

I bowed at the lady and murmured, "Nice to meet you."

Umma continued, "She's in charge of one of our hospitals."

Doctor Jung smiled at me and reached out a hand. "I've heard lots of things about you from your umma... your dream is to be a doctor, right?"

I shook her hand and eyed umma, who was beaming widely. I looked down at the floor and nodded. "Ne."

Umma gestured for us to sit down. Doctor Jung sat down and said, "I've looked through your reports and I think you have the potential. You're a very smart, high-achieving student... Ranked number 1 at school, if I am correct."

Umma nodded before I even got the chance to. "Yes. She's gotten many offers to study overseas, but," She smiled at me and placed her hand on top of mine, "This silly girl rejects them all. She says she wants to stay by our side here in Seoul and she doesn't want to leave her boyfriend."

Doctor Jung nodded and beamed at me. She reminded me of the sun, bright and happy, radiating warmth and happiness to everyone she was near to. "I'm sure you'll do well even staying here in Seoul."

"Doctor Jung... why did you want to be a doctor?" The question had slipped out before I even realized I had asked it.

She looked slightly taken back but smiled and said, "It was my childhood dream. I want to help people. My family... we weren't as well off as others, but I did my best and studied hard to fulfill my dream. My parents didn't have enough money for all me and my siblings to go to school, so I started getting scholarships since middle school. I worked night shifts to support my other siblings and help them fulfill their dreams. Now, we're all where we wanted to be." She smiled, her face showing that she was deep in thought.

I looked away bitterly and whispered, "But... what if your dreams are shattered before they even started?"

Doctor Jung and umma looked at me, confused. Umma nudged me and said, "What are you saying, ~~~~~? Is there something wrong with your grades or something?"

I shook my head and stood up, "Excuse me." 


I laid on my bed, with my eyes closed, deep in thought. 

My dream... wasn't to be a doctor. It wasn't. Even though I could help people as a doctor, I didn't want to be one. Even though I had the grades to be one, I didn't want to,.

I guess I was selfish in ways. If I was a doctor, I could help so many people, but really, I didn't want to.

That wasn't my dream. Never from the start. Umma and appa had pushed that responsibility on me... when she had died. They wanted me to become the second her.

Your POV End



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Please update soon!! I really like the story!!
Chapter 49: Omg! I don't like her parents! Trying to make her like her sister... They are two different people! Not just that but they should move on and stop forcing ~~~~!
Chapter 49: My gosh I'm crying right now... Update soon
Chapter 49: This is sad... Update soon. I wish chunji can give her a hug
Chapter 48: Please update soon! I really love this story <3
주~~~ ^_______^
Chapter 48: Don't tell me she has an Oder sister that died?! Then was sungyeol supposed to marry her too?! If it is, god I want to kill her parents!!!
Chapter 48: update soon!! This is so nice... Don't get married with sungyeol.. >.<
Chapter 47: Imma cry thank you for updating I hope you update soon!!!!
Chapter 47: I can't believe they can't be together! They love each other!!!