Bus Ride


Sungyeol's POV

I looked at my watch. It was almost time for the dance competition. I looked around for L, but he was already gone. I looked at my parents who were laughing happily with the guests. I sighed and looked at the butler. I told him, "I need to go somewhere. If my parents ask, make up an excuse." I doubt they'd even notice my disappearance.

The butler nodded. "Neh, master."

I nodded and made my way out of the party.

Sungyeol's POV End


Your POV

Chunji grabbed my hand and raced to the back seats of the bus. Niel and L.Joe were behind us, while Changjo and Ricky were still trying to get through the door. CAP was left to pay for all of us. As he walked towards us, I smiled and said, "Mianhae... I can pay you back."

He shook his head and grinned. "Don't worry about it, I mean you are coming to cheer for us, so yeah."

I was seated at the window, next to Chunji who was next to Niel. Next to Niel was L.Joe then Changjo and Ricky. CAP was forced to stand after he gave up his seat for an elderly woman who was behind him.

I smiled. 

Chunji asked, "Why're you smiling?"

"CAP-ssi is such a sweetheart."

Chunji chuckled. "Well, that's a first. Hyung being called a sweetheart."

I laughed.

Chunji then said, "You know, you don't need to be so formal... you can call us oppa."

CAP overheard and said, "Yep! Don't need to call me CAP-ssi. It sounds so..." He shivered, "Eurgh..."

I laughed. "Okay..."

Your POV End


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Please update soon!! I really like the story!!
Chapter 49: Omg! I don't like her parents! Trying to make her like her sister... They are two different people! Not just that but they should move on and stop forcing ~~~~!
Chapter 49: My gosh I'm crying right now... Update soon
Chapter 49: This is sad... Update soon. I wish chunji can give her a hug
Chapter 48: Please update soon! I really love this story <3
주~~~ ^_______^
Chapter 48: Don't tell me she has an Oder sister that died?! Then was sungyeol supposed to marry her too?! If it is, god I want to kill her parents!!!
Chapter 48: update soon!! This is so nice... Don't get married with sungyeol.. >.<
Chapter 47: Imma cry thank you for updating I hope you update soon!!!!
Chapter 47: I can't believe they can't be together! They love each other!!!