Lost... then Found by Lee Shin-Ki


Narrator's POV

When Myungsoo left you to talk with your parents, you seized that opportunity to escape the party. You just... walked. When your feet started to hurt, you just threw your shoes off and continued to walk.

You had walked around for ages. You had no idea where you were, so you tried to remember where you had walked when you first met Chunji at the park. You looked around at the signs, trying to see if you could recongnise any of them. You couldn't ask anyone because you were certain they wouldn't know where on earth you were talking about.

You sighed, knowing that trying to find Chunji was going to be hard.

You wandered around a few streets then heard some children playing ball. You sighed and sat down on a bench, watching them.

"Sorry I'm late!" You heard a little boy yell. "My sister wanted me to stay home with her!" You looked at the boy who was talking and recognised the eye smile instantly.


Shin-Ki looked at you. "~~~~~-noona?" He walked up to you. "What are you doing here?"

You sighed in relief. "I was trying to find your hyung."

"Ooh. Chunji-hyung." He looked at his friends then back at you. He smiled and held out his hand. "Come on, I'll take you to him."

You frowned. "Are you sure? Play with your friends first."

He laughed it off. "Don't worry. I can play another day." He yelled out to his friends. "I'm taking my hyung's friend home! Go ahead without me!"

They all nodded, and looked at each other. They whispered, "Chunji-hyung has a girlfriend?"

You blushed and looked away.

"Let's go, noona!" Shin-Ki said.

He pulled you along the street. You laughed.

"Noona, how come you're always... shoeless? Are you a hobo?"

You chuckled. "Aniyo. It's just that they hurt my feet."

Shin-Ki smiled and scratched his head. " At least you don't look or act like a hobo... more like a princess."

You smiled. "Thanks, Shin-Ki." You kissed his forehead.

He blushed, slightly and pulled you along.

Narrator's POV End


Chunji's POV

I was playing with Min-Hye in her and Shin-Ki's room, when there was a knock on the door. We both looked at each other, raising an eyebrow then looked at the door. Mum walked in, smiling. "Look who decided to visit us today!" She stepped aside and Shin-Ki walked in, pulling ~~~~~ inside as well.

Min-Hye smiled and ran up to hug her. ~~~~~ laughed and hugged her back.

I smiled. "Hey." I walked up to her.

She smiled. "Hey. I hope you don't mind me dropping by without saying anything."

"No. Not at all." I looked at Min-Hye.

She nodded.

I smiled and ruffled her hair. I looked at ~~~~~. "Come on, let's go to my room."

She nodded.

Chunji's POV End


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Please update soon!! I really like the story!!
Chapter 49: Omg! I don't like her parents! Trying to make her like her sister... They are two different people! Not just that but they should move on and stop forcing ~~~~!
Chapter 49: My gosh I'm crying right now... Update soon
Chapter 49: This is sad... Update soon. I wish chunji can give her a hug
Chapter 48: Please update soon! I really love this story <3
주~~~ ^_______^
Chapter 48: Don't tell me she has an Oder sister that died?! Then was sungyeol supposed to marry her too?! If it is, god I want to kill her parents!!!
Chapter 48: update soon!! This is so nice... Don't get married with sungyeol.. >.<
Chapter 47: Imma cry thank you for updating I hope you update soon!!!!
Chapter 47: I can't believe they can't be together! They love each other!!!