You both?!?

Four Gang In School

Right after school,student will running out of classroom happily as they can go home.Just as Beautiful was going to get out of the classroom,Josephine grab Honey. 

"Yah!" Josephine said in a low voice,this cause Beautiful to turn around. 

"Hey what you doing!LET GO OF HER!" Bibi yelled and went over to Josephine. Josephine smirk and Yuki grab Bibi to the whiteboard. 

"Write this!" Yuki said and pass her a paper writing , 'Beautiful are a .Thanks you - Bibi" . Bibi stare at Yuki,she stare right back at her , "Write it! This is what you get for what you did to us last night.WRITE!" 

"****! Like the hell I will write! We did nothing wrong! It was Jess who start to fight!" Bibi said and pointed to Jess. 

Jess smirk and said , "I did that to protect Angel.And it was YOUR Viva who want to START it first." . 

"SHUT THE HELL UP! Bibi let go.Don't ever write it." Viva shout back and stare at Angel. 

Bibi throw the paper right at Yuki's face and walk off proudly. Yuki grab her arm tightly and stare at her. They keep stare at each other till Honey slap Josephine.

"What the!Slap me for what?!" Josephine said and let go of Honey. 

"For you all treating us like this.We're RICH.We're Queenkas.Who do you think you're?All of you are not rich or queenkas so shut up and treat us good like how other student treat us." Honey said while crossing her arm. 

"There's no one law in this world call as "We're RICH.We're Queenkas." So you don't expect us to listen to you.Don't you ever dare to bully other student.Rich?So what huh?" Angel said and went over to Bibi and Yuki, "Let them go.Don't revenge.There's no use in doing it." Bibi look at Angel in amaze and faster went over to her friend and get out of the classroom.

"What the hell you doing?! Letting them go just like this?!" Josephine shout at Angel,she just pack her bag and going out of the classroom.

"YAH! YOU STAND THERE!" Alicia yelled loudly at her. She stop without looking back.

Alicia went to her and said , "Don't you ever stop us next time.If you're not happy,than go home right after school next time." Angel chuckled, "Pabo.." before walking out.

"What wrong with her man!" Josephine said and sit down on her chair.

Jess shook her head , "You know she's like this.But than I agree with her.No use revenging." She just recieved stare from the other member of NerdyNerd,so she keep quiet.

"Hey,let go clubbing later.Place and time,I will text you'll." XinXin suggest and all nod their head.

=========Infinite POV========

* Text Message *

To : Dongwoo 

From : L 

Hey,I'm going clubbing later.Want to join?Other going too.

Reply Message : 

To : L 

From : Dongwoo 

Of course going! 

Reply Message : 

To : Dongwoo

From : L 

Okay,meet at the same nightclub.9pm!Don't late! Have thing to tell you'll :)

======Normal POV=========

Infinite meet at the same nightclub they everytime go,they went in and start to drink beer and flirt with those random girl around expect L. 

"Hey bro!Something wrong with you today huh?You don't touch any girl today." Sunggyu put his arm on L shoulder. L just smile and said , "You will know why later." 

"Hey!" Yuki called out to L with the other NerdyNerd member behind her. L smile and went over to her,putting his arm around her  shoulder. He lead her to where his friend was and said , "From today onward,this's my girlfriend." 

"HUH?!" Infinite shout together in one voice, while Yuki's friend have their mouth hanging as they were in shock. Josephine went over to Yuki and pull her to aside , "When did you" 

"Today.When having break time." Yuki said as she smile .

"No wonder you both were gone missing!" ....

"Are you really serious about him?" XinXin join in their coversation.

Yuki giggle and said , "Of course no.I was just flirting with him.He did that to me,I did the same back.In the end,both of us will not be together.I can confirm this." Jess and Alicia nod their head and think deeply,just like an sciencist. 

XinXin clap her hand as she think till something, "Oh ya!Where's Angel?Yuki you never text her?" she looks at Yuki who was busy chatting with Josephine.

Yuki puase , "I did.She said she's not coming." and went back to chat with Josephine. 

"I wonder what happen.Is the line today I say too hash?" Alicia looks at them with her innoecent eye.

Both XinXin and Jess nod their head , "You both sure are damn straight forward!" Alicia said while crossing her arm. "But not as much as you" Jess said and XinXin laugh out loudly.

Meanwhile,Infinite were gathering around L asking LOTS of question. 

"OKAY! Stop stop! One question at a time! How you all expect me to answers all?!" L said and push his friend away as they're all surrounding him. 

"Are you really serious about her?" Dongwoo ask seriously. L think for a while before smirk , "What do you think?" 

"Hyung are not serious about Yuki!!!" Sungjong yelled loudly,this cause L to smack his head , "Ouch..." Sungjong pout. 

Dongwoo start to keep to himself as he seem to be in deep thought. L notice it but just brush it off. Both of this group for the first time sitting together in peace while partying the night away.Because of L and Yuki,both of this group seem to be much closer.


Update!~ Please please comment! I beg you T.T I give you some sweet if you do so XDD ~~ 

So Infinite and NerdyNerd get closer because of L and Yuki been together but will this last long as they both were just playing with each other.Will there be more hate on this two group next time? Keep reading and you will find out ;) 


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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 35: Good one update ^_^ pls
Nice match making..
Love the group names haha
Chapter 34: WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA THATS SOO CUTE XD THAT MODEL THING and i would be exactly like xinxin >.<
omg damn it i wanna read the next chapter alreadyy
but ill wait ;3
Chapter 33: T.T
Chapter 32: OMG OMG OMG!!! What the hell is happening?! O_O... I already hate that cousin of Hoya >.> Please update soon!!!
ailisu #6
Chapter 28: MGMM SUNGJONG <3
Chapter 28: Wait. I'm once again confused. What are Yuki and L talking about?
Chapter 27: I still find myungsoo incredibly handsome. WOOHYUN, WHY YOU A JERK?! = u ="
maknae-nim #9
Aww love triangle keke coco -> sungjong <- josephine haha