Are You Been With Me?

Four Gang In School

"Yah!!!! Pabo! Come out!" Woohyun yelled as he swam around the sea to look for Angel but she was nowhere to be seen.

'What did I just did...' Woohyun thoughts.


Angel's POV


Ani..I couldn't die in this sea. There is still ton of things to be done before I could leave this earth. I opened my eye and looked around, fishes were everywhere, I looked up to the surface and used all my strength to swim toward it. No matter how much my leg were cramp, I got to survive.

The feeling I had when I reached the surface where there is oxygen is totally ..... great. I swam toward the nearest rock and held onto it before I  get out of the sea and walked back to the chalet. Totally forget about that jerk - Nam Woohyun.


Normal POV


"Angel! Where have you been?!" Yuki asked as the rest of the NerdyNerd were behind her, "You're all wet!"

Alicia grabbed onto Angel's arm and asked, "Unnie! What did Woohyun did to you?!!"

"How did you know I'm with that jerk?" Angel asked. Before Alicia could reply, Sungyeol answer it for her, "I told her about it. Dongwoo hyung and I saw that you're with hyung." Angel nodded her head and asked, "He isn't back yet?"

They shook their head, "Couldn't be..." Angel says. "What do you mean?" Sunggyu asked.

She explained to them about what happened.

"That jerk!" Yuki shouted, "Where is he?!"

"Yuki! Calm down. He isn't in wrong. He was just playing with me." Angel held onto Yuki, "He pushed you into the sea from a cliff when he knew that you are scare of height and you say he is playing?!"

Angel looked down and say, "The most important thing right now is to look for him."

L shook his head, "Aniya. We need to get back to the main chalet in a few hour. He will come back once he couldn't find you. Let him be gulity for it." The rest nodded their head. Angel sighed and nodded her head.


~3 hour passed~


"Unnie! You haven't pack your stuff! We're leaving in 30 minute." Josephine says, "30 minute?" Angel said to herself.

Angel looked at the clock, 'He is gone for 3 hour. Could it be he is still in the sea?'. She grabbed her jacket and ran out toward the door.

"UNNIE! Where are you going?!" XinXin shouted.



"Nam Woohyun, you better be safe!" Angel says as she ran toward the sea, "Aish!" She brushed away those tree brushes that was blocking her way. She ran as fast as she could, she could see the sea in front of her, she smiled to herself but she trip a tree stump.

"Arh!" She touched her swollen feet, "How bad luck could I get!" She used all her strength and ran toward the sea. She looked around and finally spotted Woohyun, in the sea.

"YAH! JERK!" She yelled across the sea, but Woohyun doesn't seem to hear it. She limped toward the sea.


He turned toward her, he smiled and swam toward the coast.

"Are you stup-" before she could scold him, he hugged her and cried, "Where have you been?!!"

"I'm back in the chalet. We'll had been waiting for you."Angel says, she pulled away from him, "Are you stupid? Why are you looking for me in the sea for 3 hour? If I was really in there, my body will floated up by now."

He cried and says, "Even if you're dead, I got to find your body!" Angel punched him at his arm, "Are you cusing me?!" He shook his head, "I'm glad that you're alright!"

"Alright. Let's get back to the chalet. We're going back to the main chalet in 30 minute." She tried to walk normally in front of him but that doesn't last long. She started to limped and was way behind him, he turned to her, "Why are you so slow?"

"Don't mind about me. Just go back on your own. It isn't like you don't know the way."

He walked toward her, "I couldn't leave you here." He squatted down, "Get on my back."


He looked back to her, "Don't think that I never notice that you're limping. Paili. I'm tired." She shook her head, "Aniyo, I'm fine without you piggyback me."

"Paili! You're still the timid person, huh? Get on. I promise, I won't let you fall."




"They're back!" Hoya yelled. All of them were waiting for both of them before they could get on the bus.

"Oppa!" Viva ran toward Woohyun, "You're all wet! Are you okay?!"

Woohyun flashed her a smile, "I'm fine." Viva touched his forehead and say, "Ani! You're not! You're having fever!"

Angel tighten her grabs around Woohyun and noticed he is indeed having a fever, noticed thanksto Viva."Yah, jerk. Put me down."

He shook his head, "You're injured!"


He sighed, "Arasso."

Yuki pulled Angel over to her, "Yah, Nam Woohyun. Don't you ever try anything funny to her."

"Yah, ! Looks out for your tone while talking with oppa!" Viva shouted.

L lightly pushed Viva away from Woohyun, "Oh, just shut up."

The rest secretly chuckled at L's word toward Viva.


~Main Chalet~


By the time they reached back to the main chalet, it was late at night. Each group went back to their own dorm to rest before they're welcome with another mission on tomorrow.

Josephine went out to the garden for a walk, "Hey.."

"Omo!" She jumped around just to found that it was Sungjong, "You scared me."

He chuckled, "I never knew that you're such a timid person." She blushed from embarrasment, "S-Shut up!"

He sat on the grass, "Isn't it a beautiful night?" Josephine looked up to the sky and nodded, "A sky full of stars.."

Sungjong grabbed Josephine's hand, "What are you doing?!" She pulled hers hand away from him, he chuckled and grabbed onto her hands again, "I'm just trying to ask you to sit down." She soften at his words and sat down beside him.

"Do you know what is that star?" Josephine looked over to that star that Sungjong was pointing to. She shook her head, "Mollayo. I don't have any idea on stars."

"That is the Orion."

"Ahh..So that is the Orion!" She smiled to herself as she drew out the line to connect the star together using her finger. He looked at her and thought, 'So there is this type of side that exist in you."

He slowly moved toward her without her noticing, "Josephine." He called out to her when his face is inch away from hers.

"Hmm?" She turned toward him, he placed his lip against her. Her eyes widen in shock but she couldn't bring herself to push him away. After a while, he pulled away from her and says, "I love you."



"Yuki?" Yuki looked up to L, who was standing beside her, she smiled and says, "Why are here?"

He sat beside her and smiled, "That question should belong to me. Why are you here?" She shook her head as she placed her chin against her knee, "Just chilling around."

L wrapped his coat around her, she looked at him, "You will catch a cold if you're here without a coat." She pulled his coat around her tightly and says, "Thanks you." He smiled and nodded his head. He pulled her close to him and says, "Don't suffer all this pain alone. You're no longer alone because I am here." Her tears dropped once she heard his words, she cried out in the arm of Myungsoo.


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Updated by PinkyLoveMusic




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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 35: Good one update ^_^ pls
Nice match making..
Love the group names haha
Chapter 34: WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA THATS SOO CUTE XD THAT MODEL THING and i would be exactly like xinxin >.<
omg damn it i wanna read the next chapter alreadyy
but ill wait ;3
Chapter 33: T.T
Chapter 32: OMG OMG OMG!!! What the hell is happening?! O_O... I already hate that cousin of Hoya >.> Please update soon!!!
ailisu #6
Chapter 28: MGMM SUNGJONG <3
Chapter 28: Wait. I'm once again confused. What are Yuki and L talking about?
Chapter 27: I still find myungsoo incredibly handsome. WOOHYUN, WHY YOU A JERK?! = u ="
maknae-nim #9
Aww love triangle keke coco -> sungjong <- josephine haha