Why Did You?

Four Gang In School

Hoya ran over to HyoJin and hugged her tightly, " When did you came back to Seoul?"

HyoJin looked over to XinXin and smirked, "I just came back. I heard that you and Infinite oppa were on top 10 for a dance competition! You guys are awesome!" HyoJin showed a thumb up to Hoya. He chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Where is auntie and uncle??".

HyoJin stiffed once Hoya mentions her parent. She looked down and started to cried, "T-They are dead. They ... died in a car accident while we're going to a vacation. I'm the only one that survive. Didn't your dad told you about it?"

Hoya couldn't believe what he just heard, he stood there with his mind far away from reality. HyoJin shook him by his arm, "Oppa, are you okay?". He came back to his sense and pulled HyoJin into his embrace, "I'm really sorry about that."

Tears streamed down her face as she hugged him back, "I'm okay..Really..". Hoya pulled her away from him and wiped her tears away. "Lets go back to my dorm. I shall make some hot chocolate for you to calm you down. " She nodded as she encircled her hand around his. He looked down but just smile.

They both went walked back to dorm, hand in hand. Leaving XinXin looking at their back view with tears streaming down her face.

'He..forgotten about me.. been here.' XinXin clenched her fists and walked back to the dorm alone.



"Shouldn't it be time when you let go of Sunyeon?" Sungyeol asked as he placed a cup of hot tea in front of Woohyun.

Woohyun took the cup in his hand as he stared at the tea, its seem to amused him - for now. Sungyeol sighed as he sat down in front of Woohyun, he looked up to just saw another tears escaped itself onto Woohyun's face.

Woohyun looked down as he apologize, "I...couldn't get over her."

"It wasn't you can't get over her. You just don't want to. You shouldn't blame Angel for Sunyeon's dead too. She doesn't want this to happened too." Sungyeol spoke up for Angel as he felt that it wasn't her wrong. Woohyun glanced at him and asked, "Are you on her side?".

"I'm not. I'm just saying the truth. You doesn't even know what is happening to her on that day where she left Sunyeon all alone in the rain. Maybe she had something on? She doesn't do it on purpose. For years, you blamed her for Sunyeon's dead without trying to find out what happened on that day. Do you think this is fair for her?"

Sungyeol stood up and says, "Don't you remember how close you were with her when we were young? She will always protect you and me from older students despite she is younger than us. Didn't you notice that she was no longer the girl that we knew since young? Didn't you notice that she changed after we moved house?"

Woohyun looked up to Sungyeol with confused eyes, "What are you talking about?". Sungyeol took out an old photo and passed it to Woohyun, "Don't you remember her? She is that girl that lived next to our old house when we were young. I can't believe that you doesn't remember her after how many years you were been classmate with her."

Memories started to flashed back into Woohyun mind.



Angel's mom brought her over to the family living next to them, "Remember to greet them once you saw them." Angel nodded her head. She always lived in a strict family without any freedom that she deserve. No, they wasn't her real parent. Her parent was dead when she was 5 years old. She had been living with her current family for 2 years.

A middle-age woman went up to opened the gate for Angel and her mom, "Welcome! Oh! So this is Angel??".

Angel bowed to her, "Nice to meet you."

Angel's mom smiled at her daughter's politeness, she pushed her forward to that woman and said, "Alright. I shall leave you in care of Mdm Nam from today onward."

Angel turned back to her mom and nodded her head, "Please come back soon." Her mom says goodbye to them and leaved to a vacation with her husband.

The little Sungyeol ran out of the house and called out, "Auntie! Woohyun is throwing temper again!". Angel looked over to Sungyeol without any emotion shown on her face. She just bowed to him and he greeted her back.

"Aish. Sungyeol-ah, would you mind to keep Angel company while I deal with your cousin?" Mdm Nam took Angel's little hand and walked her over to him. He nodded his head.

"YAH NAM WOOHYUN!! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Mdm Nam yelled across the house. Angel looked at her with hand covering her ear and turned to Sungyeol, "Are Mdm Nam always that loud?".

Sungyeol shook his head and says, "Only when Woohyun is throwing temper." Angel blinked and glanced over to the living room, "Why is he throwing temper?".

"Well...He wanted to go to-" before Sungyeol could finish his words, Woohyun ran over to them and grabbed Sungyeol's collar, "Why did you tell my mom?!!".

They both fought while Angel watched it from the side.

"Shouldn't you guys just talk in peace?" Woohyun turned his attention to her and frowned, "Who are you?".

Angel replied him without any emotion shown on her face, "Why will you want to know that? I'm just someone that will be living with you guys for a few month."



Woohyun frowned and asked, "You mean she is that annoying kids that doesn't smile?". Sungyeol raise his eyebrow and nodded his head, "Ya. The one that you always bullied yet she always protect us."



Jess and Sunggyu walked around the supermarket for an hours yet their basket is still empty. They looked around in confuse as they doesn't know what should they buy for camp fire.  Jess reached out to a packet of chicken wing, and who knew that Sunggyu reached out for it at the same time. They blushed once their hands touched, they looked away and pulled their hand away from each other.

Jess walked to other section with her face as red as tomato, "What got into me..". Sunggyu ran over to Jess and took her hands in his. Jess looked to her hand and back to Sunggyu, "W-What are you doing?".

Sunggyu smiled and says, "Can't you see that I'm holding your hand?"

Jess looked down and says, "I know that but what does this mean?". Sunggyu thought for a moments and says, "Hmm...Anything that you think this mean about.". Jess blushed and instantly pulled her hands away from him but he tighten encircle his hand around hers, "Will you be mine?".

Jess widen her eye and looked forward without answering him. He looked at her with unsure feeling, "Are you going to reject me?". She hugged him without saying another words but just, "I love you.".



Angel walked into a nearby river. "Unnie!!" Alicia called out to her but Angel just stayed under the water. Alicia walked into the water and pulled Angel out, "Unnie! What the hell are you thinking?! Walking into the river and staying under the water!"

Angel's face was filled with tears and water was dripping down from her hair. Alicia could no longer know if she was crying or it was just the water.  Angel hugged Alicia and says, "It hurt..".

Alicia Angel's back to comfort her, "It wasn't your wrong. It is okay, unnie. We won't blame you like how Woohyun did because we knew what happened on that day." Angel pulled away from Alicia and says, "Thank you..".

Both of them sat down on the land as Angel kept quiet. "Why don't you tell Woohyun the truth?". Angel shook her head and says, "It has nothing to do with him. He doesn't need to know what happened on that day."



Time passed by in such fast speed and it was already night time. But Josephine and Sungjong is still not back from the forest. The rest of Beautiful, expect BiBi and Coco, was nowhere to be seen too. Sparks were flying all over the air as the campfire roared loudly from it flame. All the groups were dancing and singing around the campfire while Infinite were sat under the tree with Yuki, Jess and Alicia, as their boyfriend were there too.

Hoya walked HyoJin over to where Infinite were at, Dongwoo looked up and he pointed at her, "hey! When did you came back?!".

HyoJin grinned and replied, "Few days ago. I heard that you guys were here so I came to find you all."

Jess, Alicia and Yuki looked at each other as Hoya was holding onto HyoJin's hand, and the facts that XinXin isn't with them but was with Angel, at the other side of the campfire.

Finally, someone spoke up. L raised his eyebrow and asked, "Why isn't XinXin with you??". By the mentions of her name, Hoya gasped and says, "Oh !".

Yuki rolled her eye and says, "Don't tell me you forgot about her. No wonder she came back to dorm alone with a gloomy face in the afternoon."

Hoya pressed one hand on his face and frowned, "Oh man.. I bet I'm getting into some kind of trouble now."

HyoJin tighten her grab on Hoya's hand and asked, "Who is XinXin??"

Before Hoya could answer, XinXin answered for him. "I'm his girlfriend." Dongwoo says to Sunggyu, "Here come trouble."



 Woohyun looked over to Angel whose looked at the group for one last time before she walked off to some other place. Sungyeol noticed that Woohyun was looking at her so he patted his shoulder and says, "It is time when you should forgive her. Go on and find out what happened on that day."

Alicia nodded and says, "I agree. Woohyun, you should find it out even she told me that it doesn't matter with you, but you should just try. What's more when you guys knew each other since young?".

Angel sat down onto the wooden floor that was outside their dorm. She looked up to the sky that was filled with star, she took a deep breath and let the cold air to calm her down. She took out an old photo of her with her family and her younger twins brother, NuHyun and SiHyun.

Woohyun quietly walked over to where she is and stood at one side as he looked at her  with guilty washed all over him.

She brushed her finger against the cold image of NuHyun and her tears dropped onto the photo. "I'm sorry, NuHyun..Noona wasn't able to protect you well."



"Hey guys! I won't be able to come with you all to the theme park on today. Sunyeon unnie is meeting me." Angel informed her friends as they walked out of school.

"Alright! See you on tomorrow! Bye!" The rest says bye to her and went off to had some fun while Angel walked over to the meeting place with a novel in her hand. As her mind drifted off to the wonderland of that novel, her phone rang. All of a sudden, she felt so uneasy as she answered the call.

"Hello?" She tighten her grabs on the phone.

Her lip formed into a thin line as her eyes widen. "I-I will be there soon." She hanged off the call and ran to Asan Medical Hospital with tears streaming down her eye.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeppppppp...


"Please! Please don't give up on my brother.." Angel shook Mr Kim as SiHyun looked at the side of his bed with tears in his eyes. Mr Kim pulled Angel away from him and says, "I'm sorry..But I couldn't save NuHyun any longer. His condition isn't always good, unlike SiHyun."

Angel looked over to SiHyun who was running over to her, she hugged him close to her, "I'm sorry, Sihyun..Noona wasn't able to protect your brother. And our family..".

After the whole family of Angel got into car accident, her parent is announced dead on the spot. NuHyun and SiHyun was hanging on the edge of death, leaving only the little Angel who was trying to wake everyone up but they wasn't giving any respond. From that day onward, everything that happened killed Angel from inside. She longer could find a purpose to smile.

She could only ask God, "Why doesn't you let me die too?".

 Nuhyun and Siyhun was saved by Mr Kim but lately on, he discover that they both had a weak heart since young and they had been staying in the hospital since that accident while Angel was sent over to her dad's best friend.

She doesn't had any freedom no matter how much she wished she had. Her current family will always told her, "If you don't do as I say, I won't be paying for Sihyun's medical fee and he will be gone just like Nuhyun." She doesn't have a choice to choose. No matter how much she worked, the amounts is always not enough for Sihyun's medical fee.



"You shouldn't blame yourself."Angel looked up to Woohyun who was walking toward her. She kept the photo in her pocket and wiped her tears away as she looked straight without any emotion shown on her face. "Go away."

But Woohyun kept walking toward her, "I said - GO AWAY!".

Woohyun stopped in his trace and says, "You shouldn't keep it to yourself. And I just want to say sorry for what happened in the afternoon."

Angel looked away and says, "There isn't a need. It is the truth that I did cause for Sunyeon's dead. That's all I got to say."

She stood up and was able to walk off, Woohyun grabbed onto her arm and asked, "What happened on that day? And who is NuHyun? Is he your younger brother?".

Angel pulled her arm from him and spoke in a cold tone, "That had nothing to do with you. Stay away from me."



Josephine gently kicked the sleeping Sungjong, "Wake up. Yah!". He slowly opened his eye, "What happened?".

Josephine shook her head and says, "I don't know. Why are we been tie up?". Sungjong cursed and looked out of the window, "It is night time right now. I bet they're all worry about us."

"What should we do now?" Josephine asked. Sungjong frowned as he was thinking hard. "Did you saw who is the one that knock us out?". Josephine shook her head. Sungjong sighed and says, "I wonder what is going on.".

"Ah!" Josephine shouted. Sungjong jumped and asked, "What's wrong?!". Josephine looked over to him and smiled, "I remember that I saw Viva when I was on the ground."

Sungjong frowned even more and says, "Y-You mean it was Beautiful who tied us up?". Josephine nodded her head and cursed, "What the hell do they want from us.".

Just before Sungjong could answers Josephine, Beautiful came into the old cotton house and pointed to Josephine, "We want you and your friends to stay away from Infinite and get out of this school."

Josephine hissed, "What right do you have?".

Viva rolled her eye and kicked Josephine, causing her to fell onto the ground. Before another kick could reach Josephine, Sungjong threw himself in front of her to block her from the 2nd kick.

"Oh !" Beautiful shouted. Sungjong looked up to them with a deathful glance, "You will pay for this." Sungjong secretly took out his phone from his back pocket and pressed speed dial to L.



"Please wait a moment." L took out his phone and answers it.

"Hello? Hello? Sungjong? Are you there??" L called out with worry shown on his face and the rest of the people around him.

"What's wrong?" Dongwoo asked, L shook his head with confusion. He put the call on loud speaker and they heard all the conversation.



"So, Josephine. Are you going to make us a deal?" Honey gently slapped Josephine's cheek. Sungjong narrowed his eye and hissed, "Don't touch her. If not I'm not gonna let this go.".

Honey pretended to be scared and says, "Oma~ I'm so scare. I'm not gonna hurt you, Sungjong. For Coco, you're her future boyfriend."

Sungjong chuckled and glanced at them with his unusual smirk on his face, "Too bad that I doesn't belong to her. I belong to Josephine."

Josephine looked up to him and asked, "W-What are you saying?". Sungjong turned to her with a soft smile on his face, "Don't you heard what I say? I say I belong to you. So, I love you."

She carry on looking at him with tears forming on her eyes, she turned to Honey with a firm expression and says, "Yes. I belong to him and I love him too.".

Honey shrugged, "It doesn't matter with me but with Coco.". Sungjong frowned and asked, "So can you let us go now?" Viva laughed and shook her head, "Never. Unless you guys leave this school and leave Infinite alone."

Josephine chuckled at her words. Viva frowned even more, "What is so funny about that?".

Josephine glanced at her and say, "I felt sad for you. Because you want to be with Woohyun, you did all kind of things to us in order to get Angel out of your way. Pathetic."

Sungjong smirk and says, "Right. Just get us out of this old cotton house that was located somewhere around the sea."



L hanged off the call and says, "Right. We got the information of where they're right now. Lets go and get them out."

Yuki stood up and says, "Right. Lets go." L shook his head and says, "No. You girls will stay here. We will be back soon."

Yuki frowned and says, "But -"

L hugged her and says, "No more but. Just wait for us. We will bring Josephine back safely."

Yuki nodded her head, "Alright. Be safe." She hugged L tightly and L chuckled, "We don't need to be safe because they're just girls."

L pulled away from Yuki and turned to Sungyeol, "Call Woohyun." He nodded his head and ran off to where Woohyun was at.

Within minute, Sungyeol returned with Woohyun and off they went to the forest. Leaving XinXin, Yuki, Jess, Alicia and HyoJin behind.



"Guys, lets go." Devilz leaded Attractive, Coco and BiBi and off they went after Infinite who was after Beautiful. "We're not going to let Beautiful fight against them alone."

Angel who was walking pass their hiding place heard it all, 'What is going on? Infinite is going to fight against Beautiful? For what?'

Suddenly, all the image started to came into her mind. She gasped and thought, 'Could it be Josephine and Sungjong is been captured by Beautiful?! That is why they're gone for the whole day. Alright. I'm going to find this out.'

She followed them into the forest - off to where the old cotton house was at.



XinXin glanced hard at HyoJin who was sitting across her. She cleared and say, "Stay away from Hoya oppa."

HyoJin chuckled and asked, "Why must I?". XinXin clenched her fist and says, "Because I'm his girlfriend."

HyoJin thrown her hair back, crossed her left leg over hers right, "I'm his fiancee. Don't you know that?".

"WHAT?!" NerdyNerd yelled, "But you're his cousin!". HyoJin rolled her eye and stood up, "Who say that cousin couldn't be finacee and fiance?".


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Updated by PinkyLoveMusic


 What will happen on the next chapter?

Is this the end?


Is this just the start of their love?




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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 35: Good one update ^_^ pls
Nice match making..
Love the group names haha
Chapter 34: WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA THATS SOO CUTE XD THAT MODEL THING and i would be exactly like xinxin >.<
omg damn it i wanna read the next chapter alreadyy
but ill wait ;3
Chapter 33: T.T
Chapter 32: OMG OMG OMG!!! What the hell is happening?! O_O... I already hate that cousin of Hoya >.> Please update soon!!!
ailisu #6
Chapter 28: MGMM SUNGJONG <3
Chapter 28: Wait. I'm once again confused. What are Yuki and L talking about?
Chapter 27: I still find myungsoo incredibly handsome. WOOHYUN, WHY YOU A JERK?! = u ="
maknae-nim #9
Aww love triangle keke coco -> sungjong <- josephine haha