
Four Gang In School

1 week to go before their final dance competition. All of the top 10 finalist will be each given a theme song for them to choreograhp a dance and a instructor to watch over them for the next 1 week . Mr Taemin and Mrs Boa gathered the all of them for a short briefing, "Alright  . Settle down. Sit in a big circle."

Boa clapped her hand and said, "Firstly, let me congulate you guys for getting into top 10. Hopefully you guys are enjoying yourselves for the past 1 week at the chalet. Back to square one. In one week time, the 10 group will be performing once again on stage for the crown. Each of a group will be given a song and an instructor to guide you along the way. Lastly, no choosing or rejecting of song is allow. The reason why we apply this new rule into this round is because we will be looking out for sportmanship, creativity but last but not least on how much you can get into the character. Is that clear Top 10?" 

"Yes, Miss Boa!" everyone said. Mr Taemin smile and pointed to the other eight instructor in the studio, "Now we will be announcing who will be your personal instructor for the week,"

"CaughtYou's instructor will be Lay"

"BangBang's instructor will be me"

"NerdyNerd's instructor will be Hyoyeon"

"theBunnys's instructor will be Bora" 

"OtherGround's instructor will be Boa"

"Beautiful's instructor will be Hyuna" 

"Attractive's instructor will be Sehun"

"Thunder's instructor will be Lee Joon"

"PingPong's instructor will be Kai" 

"Last but not least, Infinite's instructor will be J-Hope" 

Taemin looked up from the information paper and smirked, "Are you all ready for the hardcore training?" 

"Yes!" Everyone shouted. Boa nodded her head and say, "Alright, everyone please follow your instructor to the respective studio now." 


NerdyNerd entered the studio behind Hyoyeon and they said, "Wow.." Hyoyeon chuckled and clapped her hand to gathered everyone to sit in a circle. "I know that this studio is amazing but please give me your fullest attention for now. We only have one week to practice and to choreograph a new dance step for each song given. Right now I will let y'all listen to the song given to you." 

She smiled as she scroll through her playlist, "You guys are gonna love this for sure." BTS - N.O echo throughout the whole studio at the next monment. Josephine jumped her from the floor and start jumping around, " just got real. This song is the best." 

XinXin rolled her eyes and pointed at Josephine to Hyoyeon, "She is no.1 fangirl for BTS," she pointed to Angel next, "This girl is not the hardcore fan but she is fans of J-Hope," Angel grinned with a victory sign. Hyoyeon laughed and says, "You girls are insteresting. The reason why I was choosen to be your instructor was due to all your strong point in dance are hiphop, which is something I'm good in." 

Angel smiled and says, "Let's began our training!" 


J-Hope was already in the dance studio when Infinite entered, he smiled and says, "Are you guys ready for the training?" Hoya nodded his head and says, "It is an honnor for us to have you as our dance instructor. We will learn well from you." J-Hope frowned and says, "It is indeed important to learn well for  the next one week but I want you guys to learn how to have fun while dancing too. If you are just going to dance without feeling the joys, you are simply a performer rather than a dancer. Understand?" 

He gave a pat to Hoya's shoulder and said, "Relax buddy. You're an amazing dancer so don't lost the joy while dancing," J-Hope clapped his hand and says, "Alright guys! The song given to your team will be VIXX - Eternity. The reason why we choose this song is because this is most suitable for you guys. I'm a locker and hiphop instructor rather then a L.A choreography but I will try my best to guide you guys along." 

Sunggyu smirked and says, "Times for Dongwoo and Hoya to move their brain," the rest laughed as Dongwoo and Hoya scratch their head in embarrassment. 

"Com'on guys let's work together instead of just Dongwoo and me," Hoya said. Woohyun chuckled and says, "No worries, bro." 


After one whole day of training, NerdyNerd sat down in a circle with Hyoyeon. No one spoke a words but only panting is heard throughout the studio. Hyoyeon stood up and took her bag, "I guess it is time to end the practice. You girls did well today. At least we did manage to thought of something for the song. I will see y'all tomorrow on 8am in this studio. Rest well." 

Yuki groaned once Hyoyeon left the studio, "I think I'm going to die from all those muscle training." Josephine agreed with her while Angel says, "I think muscle training is fun tho." 

Jess rolled her eye and stated that only Angel, Woohyun and Hoya will find that working out is fun. The rest gave it a big laugh and suggested Angel to be a guy instead. She folded her arm and says, "If only I'm tall enough!" 

XinXin suggested that they should stay longer for more training since it was only 9pm. Alicia puff out her cheek and whinned, "But we are all hungry." 

Jess snapped her finger and says, "I just recieved a text from Sunggyu. He says that Infinite just ended their practice and they are going to have their dinner." 

Josephine sat up from her lying position and says, "So we will be able to follow them?" XinXin stiffen at the thoughts of that. Jess nodded her head and start to pack her things. Angel went over to XinXin and gave her a pat on her shoulder, "Don't worry. I'm here." 


"Where are we going?" SungJong asked. Jess looked back from the car and says, "Itaewon." 

Jess, SungJong, Josephine, Alicia, Sungyeol and Dongwoo was in Sunggyu's family car. Josephine looked up from her phone and says, "Yuki texted me about how awkward it was in L's car." 

Sunggyu looked at her through the mirror and asked, "Did something happen between them?" Josephine shook her head and sighed, "She mentioned that Angel, Woohyun and XinXin was in theirs car and it was total silent among them." Sunggyu shook his head and sighed. 

"Both of them are always that stubborn," Dongwoo said, "He confressed how he felt toward her in front of us yet he act like a jerk the next moments." Jess shook her head, "Angel counldn't get any bettter. All of us know that she have a things for Woohyun since young yet she kept pushing him away. She express her mood prefectly but once it come to words, she's bad in it."

Alicia couldn't agree more to what Jess had says about Angel, "She is really REALLY bad in verbally."

Sungyeol sighed and says, "How can we help them with that?" Alicia shrugged her shoulder and yawn, "I guess they just need to have some time alone to open up to each other." Dongwoo jumped in his seat and exclaimed, "That's a good idea Alicia! We shall do that!"

Sunggyu smirked as he made a u-turn, "We shall do that later," Jess nodded her head, "We shall try it later." 


"Konichiwa, table for how many?" The waitress from the Japanese resturant said with a slight blush on her face with so many good-looking guy in front of her. Sunggyu smiled and says, "Table for 13 please," 

"Hai, please give me a moments as I will arrange it for you," she bowed to them and left for work. 3 mintue passed and the waitress returned to guide them to their seat. Sunggyu suddenly cleared his throat and says, "Sorry Woohyun do you mind changing place with XinXin?" 

Woohyun frowned and looked over to where she sat at, he groaned and got up from his seat unwillingly. XinXin gave Angel a worry look before she changed place with Woohyun. He cleared his throat and sat down beside Angel and gave her a stare that could kill. Sunggyu secretly smile to himself but was caught by Woohyun. He coughed and hide his face behind the menu while Woohyun narrowed his eyes and frown. 

He jumped a little when his phone vibrate a little, he unlock his phone and recieved a message from Angel. He looked at her who was beside him looking at the menu. He open the message and it says, "Sorry if I'm making you feeling uncomfortable." 

Woohyun sighed and delete the message. Angel look at him from the corncer of her eyes and sigh as well. 


"Miso spicy ramen," the waitress says. 

"Here," both Woohyun and Angel raised their hand at the same time. Both of them look at each other and says, "You order this too?" 

Sungyeol laughed as he took a bite of his egg roll that was given by Alicia, "Both of you are so alike." 

Woohyun and Angel pointed at each other, "Am nothing like this person," both of them looks at each other and frowned. Angel look at the waitress and says, "You could give it to this person first." 

Woohyun pointed to Angel and told the waitress to give it to her first. The waitress nodded her head and placed it in front of Angel. She frowned and pushed the bowl of spicy ramen to Woohyun. He rolled his eyes and pushed it back to her, "A guy should le the woman have it first." 

She chuckled and says, "Opps, sorry I don't know that you are a guy," he rolled his eyes and slapped Angel's arm, "Stop insulting me. I am a guy for sure."

Angel bited her lower lip and let out a deep breathe, she raised her fist and gave him a punch on his arm with all the strength she could master up. Woohyun cursed and shouted, "YAH!" Angel tinted her chin up with her eyebrow raised, "Why? You started it first. Guy shouldn't touch a girl."

"Guys, stop it. Eat your dinner please." Angel looked at Sungyeol who just spoke and she know better than anyone that he's mad by the tone of his voice. She turned her body away from Woohyun and looked down at her finger that she was playing with and says, "I'm sorry."

Sungyeol felt bad for using the wrong tone but he knew that both of them wouldn't stop once they started. He sighed as he dig in to his ramen that had slightly turns cold. Alicia placed her hand on Sungyeol's arm and gave him a smile to ensure him that it is okay. Sunggyu couldn't help but let out a long sigh as he look at the how Woohyun and Angel fought over small thing. Deep inside him, he know that helping them isn't going to be easy at all.

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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 35: Good one update ^_^ pls
Nice match making..
Love the group names haha
Chapter 34: WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA THATS SOO CUTE XD THAT MODEL THING and i would be exactly like xinxin >.<
omg damn it i wanna read the next chapter alreadyy
but ill wait ;3
Chapter 33: T.T
Chapter 32: OMG OMG OMG!!! What the hell is happening?! O_O... I already hate that cousin of Hoya >.> Please update soon!!!
ailisu #6
Chapter 28: MGMM SUNGJONG <3
Chapter 28: Wait. I'm once again confused. What are Yuki and L talking about?
Chapter 27: I still find myungsoo incredibly handsome. WOOHYUN, WHY YOU A JERK?! = u ="
maknae-nim #9
Aww love triangle keke coco -> sungjong <- josephine haha