Day 1 in Chalet

Four Gang In School


All the top 10 finalist went to the chalet and start to go to their own chalet.

"Let go hyung!!" Sungjong ran while shouting , the other Infinite member running behind him to their chalet. 

"YAYYY!! OWN CHALET! CAN PALY! " Sungyeol yelled and breathe in the "feash" air in the chalet. All nodded and start to throw their stuff on the ground and start to yelled around. 

"Let go play volleyball!!" Hoya suggest, all nodded. 

"Can call Alicia and her friend to join us?~" Sungyeol ask , L nodded happily along with Dongwoo. Sungjong frown a while and nodded. 

"Why you keep call them whenever we want to have fun?" Sunggyu ask, raising his eyebrow.

Sungyeol blush before he reply , Hoya help him to answer "Because he's in love with ALICIA!" All went "ohh~~~" to . 

"Okay okay!Stop stop.Hyung , call Yuki and ask her." Sungyeol stop the topic , L call Yuki. 


"An se yo?" 

"Oh yuki! An nyeong~ Can you and your friend join us later for a game of volleyball?" L ask while biting his lower lip in panic , hoping she will agree.

"Emmm...Wait.I would ask." 

L nodded and wait for the answers . 

"They say okay.So meet where?" 

L eye light up and start to smile happily , "Meet at beach than~See you soon.Love you!" 

"Okay..Emm okay." Yuki hang the phone without saying "Love you" back to L. 

====End of Conversation====

"Aigoo..." L sigh , "Wae? They don't want to go?" Sungyeol ask while looking sad. 

"Aniyo...Yuki never said "Love you too" to me.." L pretend to cry on Sungyeol shoulder , Sungyeol pat L shoulder a while and push him away , "So are they coming?!"

L hit whack Sungyeol's head , "Of course they're coming!Only care fo Alicia..Never care for you dongsaeng..Such a bad hyung you're ..." he pretend to be angry at Sungyeol and went to pretend for the Volleyball game.

After about 15 minute, they meet at the beach. 

"Hi!!! " Sungyeol greet all of them cheerfully.All smile at him and greet them back , "Hi!" . They start the game as girl and guy one team. Dongwoo was the judge for this game. 

"Haiya!!!" XinXin said as she hit the ball but it fly and drop on the floor.. "Opps" XinXin felt embarrass. 

"Let rest! " Hoya suggest,  all went to rest than Hoya went to teach XinXin how to play Volleyball instead.He seem to be hugging her from behind to touch her how to hit the volleyball. Halfway through,Beautiful ran to Infinite. 

"oppa!! Come play with us instead!! " Honey pull Dongwoo and Dongwoo face turn pale instantly. 

"What the...They wear till so y for what?" Hoya said while looking at them, XinXin feel jealous that Hoya looks at other girl but she just hide it. 

"L oppa!" Mika ran to L and pull his arm and L trip,on top of Mika. Yuki expression change instantly,looks around pretend she never saw it.

"Mianhae!" L get up but Mika pull him to her , their lip meet and everyone went shock looking at them.L get up and yelled at her , "YAH! GET YOUR FREAKING MOUTH AWAY FROM ME!DAMN YOU!" He use his hand and keep wiping his mouth , he look at Yuki but she just give him a cold looks. 

"Woohyun Oppa!! Can you come to play with us?~Please!" Viva use aegyo to beg him , he began to lie " I..I..I want play with Dongwoo! Why don't you go to Sungyeol!" Viva pout and went to Sungyeol. He just give Viva a killing glaze , she gasp and run to Mika.

"OPPA!! " Coco run heavily toward Sungjong , out of afraid he hide behind Josephine, she stare at Coco and coco just stare back at her.

"Oppa! Come come with us!~" Bibi drag Sunggyu , his flirt illness is back and he flirt with Bibi  . 

"Arg~Sure sure~I'll go with you'll! You'll dress so y today~y huh~" Sunggyu tease Bibi , "Come on brother!" Sunggyu pull Hoya,Sungjong,Woohyun and Dongwoo with him. 

"What the hell?!I'm teaching XinXin!!" Hoya brush Sunggyu hand away , "Aiya~Later later~A bunch of y ladies waiting for us~" Sunggyu said and drag him along. Leaving Sungyeol and L behind with NerdyNerd.

XinXin looks down and went back to the chalet , "Guys,I'm going back first.." 

"I go with you.Here is too Sunny." Angel said and join XinXin and went back to the chalet. Josephine,Yuki,Jess,Alicia,L and Sungyeol carry on with the volleyball game.


PinkyLoveMusic here!! Chapter update ! Is XinXin jealous? ~ keke~ 



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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 35: Good one update ^_^ pls
Nice match making..
Love the group names haha
Chapter 34: WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA THATS SOO CUTE XD THAT MODEL THING and i would be exactly like xinxin >.<
omg damn it i wanna read the next chapter alreadyy
but ill wait ;3
Chapter 33: T.T
Chapter 32: OMG OMG OMG!!! What the hell is happening?! O_O... I already hate that cousin of Hoya >.> Please update soon!!!
ailisu #6
Chapter 28: MGMM SUNGJONG <3
Chapter 28: Wait. I'm once again confused. What are Yuki and L talking about?
Chapter 27: I still find myungsoo incredibly handsome. WOOHYUN, WHY YOU A JERK?! = u ="
maknae-nim #9
Aww love triangle keke coco -> sungjong <- josephine haha