There Isn't Forever

Four Gang In School

Silent embraced the whole bus as the Top 10 finalist of the dance crew does their own thing while on the way back to their campus. The holiday in chalet had finally came to an end and it mean that everything that happened there came to an end or was it just a beginning?

XinXIn looked out of the window with her cheek resting on her palm, she sighed and thought, “I thought that everything had finally began but it was just a beginning of a heart break.” She turned around when Angel placed one hand on hers shoulder, “You will be fine. Believe me because I will stand by you no matter what.”

“Really? Will everything be fine? Nothing will be like the past right?” XinXin’s doubtfulness finally overtook her as Angel comforted her.

 Angel smiled at her and says, “Everything is going to be fine if you believe in yourself. Everything happened for a reason, that’s what I believe. This obstacle is just going to make you into a stronger person.”

Angel turned to looks at Hoya, he noticed it and gave a worry look as he glanced over to XinXin, Angel just nodded her head and mouthed, ‘She will be fine.’  He let out a sigh and nodded his head. She looked at HyoJin, who was hugging Hoya’s arm, and sighed as she turned back to face the front.

“Nam Woohyun, if you have something to say, please say it.” Angel says as she slightly turned her head to Woohyun, who sat behind her with Dongwoo.

“I had nothing to say.” Woohyun replied and looked out of the window, “I’m not staring at you but the front.”

Dongwoo elbow Woohyun’s side and scolded, “That’s enough, Woohyun. Stop behaving like this. You are the lady men, not the jerky.”

“I’m a lady men to every girl expect this jinx.” Woohyun smirked and Dongwoo punched his arm, “Stop it, I said.”

Angel turned to Dongwoo and says, “It is fine, Dongwoo-ssi. I don’t even bother about this person.” She smiled and says, “Thank you for helping me and sorry for wasting your breathe talking to him. You don’t need to do that anymore.”

Dongwoo chuckled at how she thought of Woohyun, he patted her head and replied, “I will stand by your side to bring down jerky Woohyun! Don’t need to be formal to me from now onward, Dongwoo will be fine since we’re in a team now!”.

Woohyun slapped Dongwoo’s arm, “Stop treating me like this!”.

He turned to Angel and scolded, “Turn to the front! I don’t want to see your face. You annoyed me a lot.”



Everyone stood by the bay of their school as they finally woke up from the long ride from the chalet to school, they started to dialed to their loved one. Sunggyu yawned and took Jess’s hand, “I will bring you home. Lets’ go!”

Jess blushed and pulled her hand away, “I-It’s fine. I can go home with the rest.” She looked over to NerdyNerd, who was looking with grin on their face. She looked down and cursed, she felt Sunggyu had his arm around her shoulder as he says, “I will be bringing her home, will that be fine?”.

NerdyNerd looked at each other and shouted, “Of course!! Feel free to take her away! Maybe you can stay one night over at her house too!”.

By this time, Jess’s face was painted with red as she looked up to her friends, “S-Stop saying weird thing! I will be going now!”. She took Sunggyu’s hand in hers and they both walked away to his car.

Josephine chuckled at this as SungJong took hers hand in his, he smiled softly yet warmly when her eyes met his, “Lets’ go home too.” She nodded her head and says to her friends, “I’m sorry, babe. I will be going first.”

“See you on tonight, if we’re going somewhere!” Yuki waved her goodbye with a grin hanging on her face. Josephine lightly punched her arm and says, “Don’t be dirty minded.” She covered her arm and pouted, “I’m not!”.

Soon, Yuki went home with L and Alicia went home with Sungyeol. XinXin looked over to Hoya but HyoJin stared at her and says, “What are you looking at? Don’t think that oppa will be bringing you home because he will be going with me to his house.”

Angel stood in front of XinXin and says, “That is enough. Don’t going around telling others all this things. That will only make you more y.” HyoJin clenched her fist and says, “Don’t tell me what to do.”

“So just shut up and get away.” Angel hissed at her, she looked to Hoya and says, “Go off with her before she hurt XinXin more.” He sighed and took one last look at XinXin before he went off with HyoJin.

Angel cursed under her breathe, “All this love thing is insane”.

Dongwoo sighed and says, “Love is hard.”

Angel nodded her head, “I know.”

She peeped up to Woohyun and looked away when she met his eyes. She put her arm around XinXin’s shoulder and says, “Lets’ go. Everything is going to be fine. Unnie will bring you to an awesome place now!”

Dongwoo poked Woohyun’s side and says, “Lets’ go with them!”. He shook his head and says, “I don’t want to go with her.” Dongwoo frowned and says, “I really don’t understand you. Yesterday you confessed your love toward her in front of us and now you turned away from her.”

“Yesterday was a lies.”


“It is up to you whether you believe or not.”

“I won’t believe it.”

Woohyun cursed and hide his face from his friend, “Up to you.”



“Mom, I’m home.” Hoya said as HyoJin shouted, “Aunties, I’m back!”. His mom ran out of the kitchen and hugged HyoJin, she stoked her head and cried, “It had been hard on you, HyoJin.. Come and live with us from now onward, arraso?”.

“Alright, go up to your room now. I had prepared it for you. Have some rest while I talk to Hoya.” HyoJin nodded her head and carried her things up to her well-prepare room. Hoya’s mom sat on the sofa and ordered Hoya, “Sit.”

He took a sat not too close to his mom and says, “What is it, mom?”. He knew what is coming and he never want to hear it. Silent embraced the whole living room for a few minute before his mom voiced out her thoughts.

“Break up with your girlfriend right now and marry HyoJin.”Finally, the words had come. Hoya felt as if the whole world had crashed down at him, his eye widen and he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

His mom crossed her arm and says in a firm voice, “Do you hear what I say, son?”. He hanged his head low and says, “I don’t like HyoJin.” His mom frowned as her voice grew louder, “It doesn’t matter. Relationship could be built through marriage. No matter what, you are going to marry her like I say.”

“What if I don’t?” He asked with full of hope.

“I will force you to break off with your girlfriend no matter what. Trust me, son. I can and I will do that.”

He stood up and yelled at his mom, “I won’t allow you to touch her!”. She closed her eye and says calmly, “Than do as I say.”

Hoya clenched his fist and hissed at his mom, “I won’t do as you say. Let me repeat one more time. I don’t like HyoJin. I just treat her as my little sister and nothing else. No matter what, I won’t allow anyone, not even you, to touch my girlfriend nor breaking us apart.” He cursed under his breathe and ran out of the house, “Hoya! Come back at this moment! Hoya!”.

His mom voice just faded away as he carried on running for hours before he reached the place where XInXin and him had their first date ever. He looked at the swing that they had one sat during their first date, he smiled at the memories that linger inside his mind.



“Oppa.. Is there forever in this world?” XinXin looked down to the sand as she slowly swing,  the question took him by surprise and he just looked at XinXin without saying another word.  “Look at me.” Hoya says, “XinXin, look at me.”.

He got off from the swing and leaned down to her, she looked up to him to find their face were inched from each other, he smiled and says in the warmest voice, “If there is me and you, there will be forever in this world.”

Tear leaked down her cheeks as Hoya kissed her, her lip trembled from fear of her past, “Thank you, Hoya.”

“Why?” He asked as he pulled away from her. She pulled him into her embrace and gently says, “Life is better after you came into my world. My life isn’t as painful as it was in the past.” He hugged her tightly and smiled, “I will always be here for you. You won’t need to cry alone or went through those painful moments anymore because I will protect you from anything.”



Hoya chuckled bitterly as tears dropped to the floor, “And, now I hurt you. I let you cry alone and I can’t even protect you.. What a failure am I.”

His leg doesn’t have any more strength as he dropped to his knee, he cried and cried in front of the swing while calling her name. His head snapped up when he heard someone stepped onto a brunch, his eye widen and he used all his strength to stand up just to face her.

“X-Xin-“ He stepped toward her but she stepped back as tears leaked down her cheek, “Why are you here?” She asked him. He clenched his fist and dropped to his side with his head hanged down, “Because I miss you.”

He heard her chuckled bitterly, she trembled and clenched her fist by her side, “Why did you hurt me when you promised that you won’t?”. He opened his mouth to says something but XinXin looked up to him and shouted, “Forever isn’t real at all!”. She took one last look at him and ran off, leaving him standing there, recalling all the stuff.



Josephine checked her reflection before she went out of house to meet SungJong, who decided to take her on a date but when she went out, she saw her friends with their boyfriend. She slightly frowned at the thoughts that they will be following for a date too.

SungJong ran over to her and grabbed her hand, “I’m sorry, Jose. L, Sunggyu and Sungyeol hyung want to have a date with their girlfriend so they decided to make it into a group date.” She bite her lip and looked up with a smile, “It is okay, Jong!”

She took his hand in his and walked to the rest that had smile on their face as they leaned on their car, “Lets’ go to somewhere fun!”

Yuki pouted as she placed her finger on her chin, “Where shall we go?” . L placed his forehead against hers and says, “Anywhere will be fine as long as we are together.”

Sungyeol shivered and complained, “Stop all your romance, Myungsoo!” L rolled his eye and says, “Yeollie better care for yourself before saying me. You are not romantic at all.”

Sunggy chuckled and says, “Alright, guys. Stop all this thing and lets’ go.”

“But where?” SungJong asked and Josephine nodded her head in support of her boyfriend. Sunggyu smirked and says, “Just get into your car and follow ours.”



“Omma! What did you say?!” Woohyun shouted as he stood up from his sat. His mom basically rolled her eye and says, “I want to see my little Angel again. So, bring her home now.” He sat down and crossed his arm, “No. If you want to see her, just go over to her house. I won’t let her step into our house.”

His mom shook her head and sang, “And I remember someone says he want to go on a date with her when he was young.” She waved a little card in the air, by instantly he knew what it was and he tried to snatched it back, “Omma! Give it back to me!”.

She hided it behind her and says, “If you bring her over, I promise to give it back to you.” He frowned and says, “Arraso. But I don’t have her house address.”

His mom chuckled and gave him a paper, “What is this?”. She shoved it into his hand, “Angel’s address. Go and get her now.”

He eyes his mom in a weird way, “Did you stalk her or what? How do you know her address after we lost contact with them for so many years?”. She shrugged and says, “Sungyeol gave it to me.”

Woohyun crashed the paper in his hand and cursed, “Lee SungYeol..”.

His mom chased him out of his house and says, “Hurry up and bring her home!” He rolled his eye and says as the door slammed in his face, “Sometime I wonder if mom is my sister or mother.”



Angel went over to her little bothers’ room and gently knocked on his door, “Come in.” She opened the door and a wide smile spread across her face as she looked at his well grown brother, who was three years younger than her and he was in middle school for now. She ran over to him and hugged him tightly, he coughed and she instantly pulled away as she checked on him, “Are you okay, Sihyun? Are you feeling unwell?”.

He rolled his eye and says, “I’m fine, noona. Don’t worry too much about me!” He patted her head. Even he was younger than her, he was way too tall for his age. She nodded her head and says, “Did she bring you for a check-up?”

He chuckled and says, “I’m not a child anymore, Noona. I can go by myself and yes, I did go.”

She eyes him in a worried eyes, “Really?”. He nodded and gave her a wide smile that was similar to hers.

Even since that accident, Angel was really protective of Sihyun and both of them were always seem to stick together wherever they went. She don’t mind others making fun of their attachment to each other because they won’t ever understand the pain of losing their family and only one is left.

“Miss, someone is here to look for you.” One of the maid says and Angel nodded her head, “Alright, I will go down instantly. Thank you.” The maid bowed and went off to do her chore. Angel frowned and says, “Who could it be?”.

Angel looked out of the room and saw Woohyun waiting at the living room, she ran back into the room and begged Sihyun, “Sihyun-ah, please do noona a favor. Please tell that person who was waiting at the living room that I was not in.”

“Why??” Sihyun asked as Angel pushed him out of the room, “Just help me out, please!” He sighed and went down to the living room. Woohyun looked up and Sihyun knew what he was thinking about, “I am Sihyun, Angel’s little bother. She is not in at the current moments. Is there anything I can help you?”.

‘So this is Sihyun.’ Woohyun thoughts, “She is not in? The maid says she is in. My mother want to see her.”

Before Sihyun could opened his mouth, their adopted mother, came into the living room, “What is going on?” She looked over to Woohyun and frowned before she shouted, “You are the one living next to our house in the past. Am I right?”

Woohyun bowed to her and says, “My name is Woohyun. My mom wish to meet your daughter, will that be fine with you?” Their mom nodded their head as she grinned, “Of course! Sihyun, bring your sister down now.”

“But sh-“

Their mom hissed at him, “Enough! Bring her down now.” Woohyun narrowed his eye at how she treated them. She turned back to him with a smile and says, “Please take a seat, Woohyun-ssi. Look at how much you had grown since the last time I saw you!”

‘If I can get that little together with him, our family will get lots of money from him.’ She thought as she carried on smiling at him. He cleared his throat and thought, ‘Their mom are weird.’

Till now, he doesn’t know that this lady over here was Sihyun and Angel’s mom’s best friend and that their real parent had already passed away. His head snapped up to the voice of hers, “I don’t want to go!”

He stood up and their mom stood up and shouted at her, “Enough! You little bi-“ She cleared and corrected herself, “Angel! Behave yourself! Woohyun’s mom want to meet you. Don’t you remember that you had once stayed in their house before when you were young?”.

Angel bite her lip and says, “Yes, o-omma. I remembered.” Her mom smirked and says, “Than go with him.”

Woohyun couldn’t help but find all the situation weird, ‘How could their mom treat them in such a way?’. He noticed that she stiffened up and had her fist clenched into a ball beside her, “Arraso, mom.”



Angel looked out of his car window and frowned at the thoughts of been with him inside a car, he cleared his throat in awkwardness and focus on driving. Angel turned to him and says, “Laugh if you want.”

He turned to her in confusion, “At what?”.

She turned away and says, “At how my mom treated us.” He looked back to the front as he made a U-turn, “I won’t.”

Silent hanged in the car before he opened his mouth, “I’m just curious about why she treated you and your brother in that way.” She turned to look at him and he looked at her with an empathy expression, “I want to learn more about your life.”

She bite her lip and turned away from him, “You don’t have to do so.”

He stopped the car in front of his house and asked, “Do what?”. She hanged her head down and says, “You don’t have to pity me.”

“I’m no-“

“Your mom is waiting.” She got out of the car and saw Woohyun’s mom running out of the house and hugged Angel, “It been years since I last saw you, my little Angel!” Angel hugged her back and says, “It been years, imo. How are you?”

“I’m fine. What about you?” Angel hesitated before she replied, “I’m fine too.”

Woohyun’s mom looked over to his son and scolded, “Take care of her, sonny! Lets’ go in. Everyone is waiting.”

Angel looked over to Woohyun and asked, “Everyone?” He shrugged and says, “Who knows what my mom is doing. Lets’ go.” She nodded and followed behind Woohyun.

“Surprise!” All of their friends shouted. Woohyun frowned and asked, “Why are you guys here?”.

Sunggyu put his arm around Woohyun and says, “Don’t be like this! We came here to have a taste of your skill on cooking.”

“So you came here for free lunch?” He asked in annoyed. Sungyeol chuckled and says, “That’s what Sunggyu say. He mentioned that we will be able to have a tasty meal if we come over and we learned that you went to Angel’s house.”

Woohyun looked over to his mom, “Omma!”.

“Just cook for them! Angel haven’t had a taste of your cooking since young, right?” Everyone looked at her waiting for her answers, even Woohyun. She lightly nodded her head and says, “I guess.” Even thou she had already tasted his culinary skills, she knew that the rest wanted to taste it too, so she nodded her head for others.

Everyone cheered and Woohyun looked away and says, “A-Arraso!”. Everyone cheered and says, “I will help you out!”.

Everyone rushed into the kitchen with Woohyun and his mom took Angel’s hand and pulled her up to the room where she once lived in.



“Jonggie!” SungJong turned to Josephine and received a handful of flour threw onto his face. He frowned and screamed, “YAH!!” He took two handful of flour and threw at her and it hit Sunggyu. The leader turned to the maknae, “What are you doing, Lee SungJong.”

SungJong yelled, “Ahhh~~~!! I didn’t do anything!!” He ran off and Sunggyu chased after him, “Yah, Lee SungJong. Lee SungJong!”

Woohyun sighed and turned to them, “It will be best if you guys wait at the living room.” Sunggyeol noticed how annoyed his cousin was so he asked everyone to leave the kitchen and leave his cousin alone.



XinXin looked over to her phone that had been ringing for hours, she pressed end call once again. She covered her face with her pillow and  let her mind went to sleep before another call woke her up. She groaned and looked at the caller, it was Yuki.


“Xin! You need to come over to Woohyun’s house now!” Yuki screamed into the phone and XinXin pulled it off from her ear and asked, “Why?”.

“He is cooking some tasty food! You need to come!”

XinXin kept quiet and hesitate whether she should go or not because she knew that Hoya will be there too. “Hoya isn’t here.” Yuki says and XinXin widen her eyes wondering how does Yuki know what she is thinking.

“He isn’t at here so you can come over.” Yuki said again with a much more firm voice. XinXin sighed and says, “Arraso. I will be there soon.”


❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ  ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ  ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ  ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ  ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ  ❤ ❥ ♡ ♥ ღ ɞ  ❤ ❥

Updated by PinkyLoveMusic


When Infinite met tall women...

Model: I would like to meet you guys up close

*Most of them sat down*: No it's okay!!

Woohyun: My leg is hurting so much!!

*Model walks away*

Woohyun: My legs got better all of a sudden.



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Smileonce133 #1
Chapter 35: Good one update ^_^ pls
Nice match making..
Love the group names haha
Chapter 34: WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA THATS SOO CUTE XD THAT MODEL THING and i would be exactly like xinxin >.<
omg damn it i wanna read the next chapter alreadyy
but ill wait ;3
Chapter 33: T.T
Chapter 32: OMG OMG OMG!!! What the hell is happening?! O_O... I already hate that cousin of Hoya >.> Please update soon!!!
ailisu #6
Chapter 28: MGMM SUNGJONG <3
Chapter 28: Wait. I'm once again confused. What are Yuki and L talking about?
Chapter 27: I still find myungsoo incredibly handsome. WOOHYUN, WHY YOU A JERK?! = u ="
maknae-nim #9
Aww love triangle keke coco -> sungjong <- josephine haha