Baby (Officially Together)

Experimental Love

Los Angeles, California


After having a good rest, Chaerin woke up and prepared her to stroll around the city. She dressed up casually and visits every store and boutiques to find gifts for all her friends and of course for Dara. Shopping is one of the things she likes to do whenever she's on other countries. She bought shoes, dresses, accessories and perfumes for her friends. But what would Dara like? She put the things she shopped in her rented blue Porsche as she looked for another shop. Dara wouldn't like uber expensive stuffs. Hmmmm. She slowly passed by the LA streets to look for something. Designer's boutiques from left to right. Na-uh. Until she stopped by a gift shop. Fluffy stuffed things were on the display. That's it! She immediately went inside. Cute things were there in every corner of the shop. She was approached by a smiling lady with Asian features.


"Hello! I'm Jenny. Welcome to our shop. How may I help you?" She greeted warmly and clearly awestrucked with the newcomer.


"Hi. Can I just look around? I'm not looking for something in particular." Chaerin replied.


"Of course. Go ahead." She smiled prettily.


"Thanks." Chaerin walked around the shop. It is filled with lots of stuffed toys from the biggest to smallest size with all colors. Hmmm. She casually glanced around, and can't decide which to buy. Teddy bears are so typical, so she looked for something else. What would Dara like? Until a particular thing caught her eye. She reached for it and felt the fluffiness. This would be perfect. A cute sky blue fluffy rabbit, not so big and not so small. She also reached for a carrot designed pillow. Then she approached Jenny.


"I'll get this Miss." She handed it to her.


"Is this for your niece, Miss?" Jenny asked her while carefully packing the two items.


"Ah, no. It's for my girlfriend." Chaerin answered while smiling cheekily. Jenny actually knows who Chaerin is. CL - The Baddest Female. She was tad disappointed when she found out that she already had a girlfriend.


"Oh! A rabbit and a carrot?" Jenny find it weird, but also sweet and romantic.


Chaerin chuckled. "It's cute though! She reminds of this and teddy bears are so typical."


"Ooooh. Your girlfriend is really lucky, Miss CL." Jenny handed her the two items after Chaerin paid.


"You know me?" She asked surprised.


"Who doesn't?"


Chaerin scratched her head. "Ugh. I should get going then."


"Have a nice day ahead!" Jenny waved her hand as Chaerin left the shop.


After packing and checking all her luggage and bringing back her rented car, she took a cab to the airport. Los Angeles to Seoul City is an excruciating thirteen hours of flight, but she's used to it. Calculating the time she's going to arrive in Korea at around two o'clock in the morning, so she doesn't bother her friends to fetch her up. The plane took off and she busied herself with her favorite comic book until she also dozed off.


Thirteen hours later, it landed in Incheon Airport. Chaerin hailed a cab to her home. Ten days. She missed her home. She missed Dara. She's going to surprise her later…



Early morning…


It's Saturday. Dara woke up early as usual. She checked her phone and was disappointed that she has no new message. Chaerin usually sends her sweet nothings. Oh well, she disregarded it and start up to cook her breakfast. It's still a few minutes more until six in the morning, so she busied herself in doing some house chores.


Ding Dong...


Dara frowned. Who might this be?


Ding Dong...


Ah. Maybe the delivery guy from the milk company.


Ding Dong...


He's a bit impatient huh. Dara went to open the door. She was stunned with what she saw. Expecting the intruder to be a uniformed delivery guy, but nah-uh. What she saw was a gorgeous blonde lady flashing her famous eye-smile and holding two stuffed toys. The girl whom she missed for the past ten days. Lee Chaerin standing in her doorstep, fresh and beautiful, illuminates from the day's early morn.


"Good morning beautiful! Missed me?" Chaerin cheekily greeted the dumbfounded lady in front of her.


Dara was still processing everything. She's not dreaming right? It is Chaerin in front of her, in flesh. Without any hesitation, she jumped on her embrace, feeling her warmth and not minding that she's squeezed in between the stuffed things. She hugged Chaerin tightly and she can almost hear the erratic beatings of her heart. She smelled the musky scent of her perfume which she's used to.


Chaerin was caught off-guard, but she smiled fondly at the girl who is hugging her. She snuggled her close.


"Wow. You really did miss me, Dy." She . She's fond of this woman who has now snucked a space in her heart.


"You have no idea." Dara breathed. She still is hugging Chaerin. She just wanna stay in this position forever. It felt so right, so good. They stayed liked that for a while, embracing each other in Dara's doorstep.


Then Dara loosened up a bit and looked at Chaerin straight in the eyes.






"I'm saying YES." Dara said clearly. It was an unexpected turn out of events. She didn't plan for it, but it just happened. It happened that she fell in love with this adorable badass woman in front of her, standing dumbfounded.


"Y-yes what, Dy?" Chaerin asked stupidly. She heard it right, right?


"I'm saying yes, pabo." Dara lightly poked her forehead and gave a slight nervous chuckle. "I'm your girlfriend from today."


"…" Chaerin was still staring at Dara in awe. She was caught off-guard. She didn't expect it. She got speechless because of the overwhelming feelings that flooded her being.


Dara began to feel anxious because Chaerin was just staring at her. Not saying anything? She suddenly began to feel uncertain. What if she interpreted it wrong? That Chaerin was just being nice and friendly to her? Trying to cheer her up and she haven't popped her question to her. They were just comfortable and happy beside each other.


"…" Chaerin still haven't said a word.


"Rin, are you okay? I'm sorry if I startled you. U-uhmmm, I don't know what, where, when, and how it started, I-I think I'm falling in love with you. B-but it just happened. And I-I, maybe I interpreted but I, jeez, uhm. I-if I am wrong then I take back what I said---" Dara's stammering words were cut off.


She felt soft plush lips capturing hers. Sealing . Shutting her words and her whole system. Chaerin planted a sweet kiss on her lips while hugging her. Dara didn't know how to respond. It was actually her first, and she doesn't want to stop either. Chaerin was urging her to kiss back, so she encircled arms around her neck and tried to copy the way Chaerin lips. It tastes so sweet and felt so good. They were kissing in her doorstep in early morning, not minding anyone who might see them. Unsaid words and bottled up feelings where conveyed through that kiss, until they broke apart. Chaerin gazed at Dara lovingly and gave off a warm and sincere smile.


"I think I'm also falling for you, Dy." They hugged again. Dara can't fight it when a tear finally flowed from her eyes.


"Hey, why are you crying?" Chaerin asked worriedly.


"I'm just happy, Rinnie."


"So am I. And, oh, these are for you." Chaerin handed her the stuff toys.


"Really Rin? A rabbit and a carrot?" Dara was amused.


"Well, they're cute! And reminds me of you, baby." Chaerin said.


"Baby?" Dara's heart somersaulted at her endearment. She felt so loved.


"You're my baby now, right? No more taking back of what you said." Chaerin used her aegyo.


"Aigoo." She never complained. She loved hearing Chae call her baby and she can't resist her aegyo at all. Then she became aware that they were still standing at her doorstep. "Let's go inside, Rin. I'm gonna cook breakfast for us."


"Can I help baby?"


"Sure, baby Rin."




Yay! I'm really slow in updating. Tsk. Tsk. But here's an update for y'all beautiful readers! Please feel free to drop down comments or violent reactions. Hihi. I won't bite, I'm still a baby ya'know. Kkkk. Anyways, hope you enjoy reading! #IDon'tKnowWhen'sMyNextUpdateBecauseIt'sOurFinalsNextWeek :P

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Chapter 24: Love it love it
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 24: It was a nice ending...hope you can make a part2 of married life..hmmm tnx and congratz author you made it best....
Chapter 24: Woa so romantic ma baby Rin, proposed Darong on the bed :3 thanks fer update bby. It was awesome!! Kekeke :'/ will miss this story
bittersweetlover #4
Chapter 24: Woooaaahhh I can't believe this is finished already!!! I was just being overwhelmed with the fast updates and here it is, suddenly ending so sweet... I think you're sweet, authornim... Will you marry me?!? :)))
Chapter 24: Hahahaha! Chanyeol never failed to amuse me with his antics... Hehe thank you for this nice story authornim... :) hope to read more of your stories in the future... :)
Chapter 24: whoa! that was faster than I expected.thanks a lot author and I'll be waiting for another one. :)
Chapter 24: I believe the last time I checked, this was only in chapter 19 and now it's on its last!
Forever is a lie, but it is always the lie ChaeRa wants to believe. Happy ending! <3 Thank you author Elle13XIII!
Chapter 24: Chuuuuuuuu haahha i finish let's start another okay? :-) :-)
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 24: Soo sweeet
BlackJack_Ryeo101 #10
Chapter 24: Wow, that was fast.. But thanks for the great read!