Meeting Pop... for real.

Experimental Love

Chapter 12:


"Baby, are you okay? Why did you say that you were just my ---?" Chaerin looked with full of concern at her girlfriend.


"I'm okay Rin. Don't worry." Dara shrugged and gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry; I don't know what has gotten into me."


"I'm sorry, too. You know I didn't know Yoona is in the city. . I-I'm screwed am I? It’s my first ---" Chaerin looked torn and lost. She was afraid of what her girlfriend would have thought and felt.


Dara hushed her off by putting her finger in Chaerin's lips. "Hush it. You don't have to explain. We were both surprised."


Chaerin caught her hand. "Okay. Let's cut this now, but we'll talk later, okay?" She gave her peck on the lips. "Let's enjoy the night, if that's even possible. Pop is about to arrive."


Dara nodded. They are going to talk later.


As if on cue, an old man with a well-built physique wearing a business suit arrived. He looks familiar to Dara.


"Pudoong!" He reached out and gave Chaerin a bear hug that was warmly returned. "I almost didn't recognize you with that black hair." His eye-smile is a perfect replica of her granddaughter.


"Pop, don't call me Pudoong on public please. It’s not cool for my image." Chaerin jokingly countered his grandpa.


"Tsk. No matter what, you're still my Pudoong!" He goofed back, and then his gaze shifted back to the lady standing beside her granddaughter.


Seeing his curious gaze, Chaerin went to put her arms around Dara's waist. "Pop, meet my girl - Sandara Park, Dara. Baby, my Pop, Lee Junkyung." She proudly introduced them.


"A beautiful lady indeed. Riri was right then." He smiled with fondness in his eyes.


"Thank you. I'm pleased to meet you sir." Dara offered her hand, but instead of shaking hands Lee Junkyung pulled her into a brief hug. Dara was touched with his act.


"You can call me Pop too, Dara. Sir is very formal." Junkyung said. Chaerin slightly squeezed her girlfriend's shoulder when he let her go.


"Okay si -- Pop. Thank you." Dara smiled back. "Uhm, P-Pop, you looked familiar. Do you happen to be Lee Junkyung, as in LGC's Chairman?" She can't help but blurt out once they were settled. Lee Group of Companies or LGC is one of the biggest business empires in Korea and expands in Japan, China, Singapore and other countries. They have multimedia, clothing line, food and chemical products, telecommunications and department stores all over. "Pardon me, for asking." She hid her flushed face when the grandfather and granddaughter tandem chuckled at her.


 "Indeed, I am. This brat didn't tell you that?" Junkyung pointed at Chaerin.


Dara nudged and glared at her girlfriend. "No, she didn't." Chaerin said her grandftather is a businessman, but she didn't know that he is this rich.


"Sorry baby. I thought it was irrelevant. You forgive me right?" Chaerin did her puppy eyes aegyo which made the other two people laughing at her.


"Pudoong-yah, I've never seen this side of yours for many years." Junkyung said.


"Nah, Pop. I always do it!"


"No, you don't."


"Yes, I do."


"No, you don't." Dara was just eyeing the two of them being silly. She can hardly believe that these two - The So-Called Baddest Female and LGC's Chairman - is having this kind of banter in front of her.


"Yes I do. Ask my baby." Chaerin turned to her.


"Does she show this aegyo side of her to you Dara?" Junkyung asked her.


"Uhm, most of the time Pop." Dara answered which is the truth.




"I told you so." Chaerin smirked. "So, can we order now? My stomach's starting to have a revolution." She whined.


They made their orders and continued their jolly exchange. Dara and Chaerin put aside the incident earlier; they promise to tend it later.


Dara was enjoying the the time with the two Lees. She can hardly believe that she's seeing these sides of them; they are rich and famous yet humble and down to earth. Dara learned a lot about Chaerin's family background. Junkyung told her a lot of things and experiences about Chaerin.


"Sometimes I just wanna slap my son's head you know. It's been what? 7 years since he shooed Chae away. I swear his pride is bigger than his business." Junkyung said at one time. He is very much concerned about the way his son treat his own daughter.


"Pop…" Chaerin tensed and started to protest.


"Why? You haven't told Dara about it?" Junkyung said and turned to Dara.


Puzzled, Dara answered her little knowledge about Chaerin and her father's rift. "Uhm, all Chaerin said was she run away because of some misunderstanding and you took care of her Pop." She said and looked at her girlfriend. She reached for her hand and slightly squeezed it and gave her a reassuring smile.


Junkyung sighed, she felt sad that Chaerin is still holding back. Looking at the two of them right now, they looked good together. Dara has this calming aura that helps ease the tension. She liked Dara for Chaerin. She looks like someone who can help her open up more. He had met Yoona before, Chaerin's so called first love. Chaerin was happy with her back then, until the third party incident. Lee Junkyung is not the kind that dwells with the affairs of his grandchildren. It's true that he favors Chaerin a lot, but Soo Hyuk's act was uncalled for. Lee Soo Hyuk was a perfect son and grandson. He is one of his heirs, but he is always the jealous boy. All he wants to do is ruin his sister's life and his greed for power and fame.


Chaerin's phone suddenly rang. She excused seeing that it was her boss. Dara and Junkyung were left on the table.


"Dara, how long have you known Chaerin?" He asked her.


"More than two years now, Pop. I'm kinda bothered that I still know only few things about her." Dara sighed and let out her worries on him.


"Don't be. Please trust her okay? She has been through a lot even when she was still young."


"Can you tell me what happened to them?"


"I want to, but it’s much better if you know it from Chaerin. I'm sure she will open it up to you. I'm very thankful that you brought back Chaerin, she looks more happy now. She looks more comfortable and at ease around with you. Thank you, Sandara." He sincerely expressed his gratitude.


"Thank you, Pop. I am happy with Chaerin, too. She is very sweet and thoughtful; I just can't help but fall for her charms." Dara said.


Few minutes later, Chaerin went back.


"What were you two talking about?" She said as she sat down and slings her arms around Dara's shoulders.


"I was just asking Dara if it’s true that you are whipped just like what Seungri told me." Junkyung mocked her.


"Euh! So you're indeed talking behind my back. Hul." Chaerin sulked childishly which garnered another around of tease from the other two.


They talk a bit more until it’s a bit late and they have to bid goodbye.


"I had a great time with you two, Dara and Pudoong. I'm going to be back in China tomorrow early so I hoped to see you two soon. Take care, okay?" He hugged them again.


"Your girl is a keeper. Don't let her go, okay? I like her for you." Junkyung whispered on Chaerin. She let out a wide smile and thanked her grandpa.


"Oh and before I forgot. Chaerin I hope you can join us in Japan before the year ends. Please. Just this once."


He said then he left.


Dara looked up questioningly at Chaerin. She has a lot of questions from Yoona to her family issues. Chaerin seems to know what's on her mind, she reached Dara's hand.




"I know you have a lot of questions baby..."


Dara gave her a hopeful glance.


"I think it's about time I give answers to them." Chaerin said.


A/N: Ayaaaaah. Finally had the chance to update. Rawrrrr! Short and not much. Still trying to search my mind to continue this. It's 2015 and my laziness has gotten worse. I seriously need to wrap this story up before the gazillion schoolwroks starts eating my remaining sanity. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR! And  love you all. 

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Chapter 24: Love it love it
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 24: It was a nice ending...hope you can make a part2 of married life..hmmm tnx and congratz author you made it best....
Chapter 24: Woa so romantic ma baby Rin, proposed Darong on the bed :3 thanks fer update bby. It was awesome!! Kekeke :'/ will miss this story
bittersweetlover #4
Chapter 24: Woooaaahhh I can't believe this is finished already!!! I was just being overwhelmed with the fast updates and here it is, suddenly ending so sweet... I think you're sweet, authornim... Will you marry me?!? :)))
Chapter 24: Hahahaha! Chanyeol never failed to amuse me with his antics... Hehe thank you for this nice story authornim... :) hope to read more of your stories in the future... :)
Chapter 24: whoa! that was faster than I expected.thanks a lot author and I'll be waiting for another one. :)
Chapter 24: I believe the last time I checked, this was only in chapter 19 and now it's on its last!
Forever is a lie, but it is always the lie ChaeRa wants to believe. Happy ending! <3 Thank you author Elle13XIII!
Chapter 24: Chuuuuuuuu haahha i finish let's start another okay? :-) :-)
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 24: Soo sweeet
BlackJack_Ryeo101 #10
Chapter 24: Wow, that was fast.. But thanks for the great read!