
Experimental Love

Chapter 10:


Few days later their schedule went hectic again. Chaerin was so busy in the launching of YG Entertainment's clothing line NONA9ON in partnership with Samsung's Fashion Division Line. She was the brand endorser along with Dong Youngbae or popularly known as Taeyang. There will be a launching event in a week's time and they were busy with the promotions.


On the other hand, Dara was also busy in the grand opening of K&C's new branch. Minzy was also around checking and helps in accomodating their guests. A lot of customers have visited their store already, but no matter how hectic it is, whenever Dara is around, Jaejoong never failed to bother her. He loves flirting around and likes to tease Dara since he started working in her cafe. Truth be told, he has a big crush on Dara and if given the chance he would gladly date her.


"Sandara-sshi ---"


"Don't start, Jaejoong." Dara cut him off before he can even finish his statement. He let out a hearty laugh.


"Aigoo. Why so grumpy, boss? I just wanna ask if you're boyfriend isn't gonna drop by, so I can prepare the best latte?" He inquired easily.


Dara snorted. "I didn't know you're a gossipy person, Jaejoong-sshi. You should have put it on your resume, so I would have known."


"You're so stingy, boss. Is it safe to assume that you don't have a boyfriend?"


"No need to assume there. I give you full confirmation that I don't have a boyfriend." Dara answered coolly.


"Wow. Fate do love me. So, can I ask you out --?"


"Hold it right there. There's an order of cappuccino and red velvet in table seven." Dara cut him off.


"Ugh. Spoilsport. I was just dropping off my line." He muttered under his breath which didn't escape Dara's hearing and she just let out a small chuckle. After serving, Jaejoong went back to disturb her again. Much to her dismay. "Hey, I'm back. So as I was saying, can I ask you out on a date Mademoiselle Park?"


"Aigoo, Kim Jaejoong-sshi, I'm sorry to say this, but I'm gonna decline your offer." Dara said.


"But why?" Jaejoong asked, he was surprised that she turned him down. But before she can answer, they were distracted when a Mercedes Benz parked in the driveway. Then a dashing guy came down and went to open the passenger seat, a gorgeous woman went out. If he wasn't mistaken, these a two are famous celebrity couple from YG Entertainment. Then he turned around when she heard Dara gasp. "You know them?"


"Of course. Wait. I'll go meet them." Dara went to greet Bom and Seunghyun. They had become the center of attention.


"Bommi~! Seunghyun~!" She hugged them and ushered them inside. "Glad you could come."


"Of course Darong-yah. Minzy is here right? Jiyong said he'll catch up later. He's still recording." Bom said as she strutted inside while holding her boyfriend.


"Yes, yes. Minzy is around here somewhere." Dara said.


"Chaerin said she'll try to come, she's squeezed in with sajangnim at the moment. They were finalizing details for NONA9ON." Seunghyun added in his drawling voice.


"Ah yes. She called a while ago." Her attention suddenly turned to Bom when she slightly nudged her. "What?"


"I didn't know you were keeping a handsome namja who looks like he came out on Japanese manga here. Who is he?" Bom whispered conspiratorially on her but her voice can still be heard. Dara rolled her eyes when Jaejoong winked and let out a wide grin.


"I'll take that as a compliment, madamme. Kim Jaejoong at your service, Kaffein and Confections head chef and barista and part-time waiter. Pleased to meet you~?"


"Park Bom. Bom." Bom giggled when she instead of shaking hands, Jaejoong kissed her hand.


"Of course. Lady Spring. You're very gorgeous up close and personal." He smiled at Bom while Dara rolled her eyes again and Seunghyun grunted.


"Well, thank you. Your chef does have a sweet tongue, Darong. And by the way, meet Choi Seunghyun."


"Her boyfriend." Seunghyun added sternly while he shook hands with Jaejoong.


"Of course, TOP. Stop that serious look. I ain't gonna steal your girl. Tsk. And still pulling up that facade like you didn't know me? Sleek." Jaejoong smirked at him.


Seunghyun broke off his serious look and grinned. "Did it work?"


"You know each other?" Dara exclaimed.


"Yes, of course. Practically grew together, right man?" Jaejoong said.


"Yep. Just got separated in pursuing our careers. We live on the same village back then. Family friends. I didn't know your back in the country, Jae. No one informed me." Seunghyun said to Jaejoong.


"I just got back really. I'm trying to settle things up before anything else, you know. Where's --?" He wasn't able to finish his question because Bom was slightly whining at her boyfriend. "Oh, we're creating quite a commotion here. Allow me to accompany you on our best spot here." Jaejoong ushered them to the small man-made lagoon while Dara followed behind.


"What do you like Bommi, Seunghyun?" Dara chirped in after her surprise in knowing that Jaejoong and Seunghyun are close acquaintances.


"Your best pastry, Darong-ah." Bom answered.


"And for drinks?" Jaejoong butted in.


"Uhm, caramel macchiato for me and strong espresso roast for Toppy."


"Right away Ma'am. Let’s catch up some other time TOP! Its great seeing you again buddy." The two men shook hands and Jaejoong left to get the orders.


"Bommi, Seunghyun, I'll get back on my post. Thank you for dropping by. I'll be back later. Just do enjoy." Dara said and went back to check her other guests. She informed Minzy on their friends arrival and she stayed at the counter..


"Hey there boss! Didn't know you are close friends with the famous Alien Couple. Surely, they make a dazzling pair." Here goes her bothersome chef again.


"Tsk. Tsk. Alien Couple huh? To enlighten you, Bom is a cousin of mine. And why are you bothering me again? Don't you have anything to do?"


"Wow. No wonder you have the same beautiful genes. Unfortunately, no. I'm done. Gayeon will just call me if I'm needed in the kitchen. And Sandara-sshi, since we were interrupted a while ago, I'm still gonna ask you why you declined on going out with me?"


"Aigoo. You just won't give up, do you?"


"Na-uh. You're too beautiful to be ignored. So, why is it?"


"Hmm.You really is a sweet talker." Dara scratched her chin and pretended to be thinking. "Let's see, hmm, well, my girlfriend wouldn't like it a bit if I go out with you. So, a big NO, really."


Jaejoong was surprised. "You have a girlfriend?"




"For real?"




"You're not trolling?"




"Oh, c'mon. I don't believe you. Do you really dislike me that much that you'll make excuses like that?" Jaejoong retorted.


"Hul! I'm not making this up. I do have a girlfriend."


"Where is she then? We've been working together, but I never see her. You're just making this all up."


"She's a busy person. You should stop this nonsense, Jae. You might have a sweet tongue but you're good looking and a great chef. You should stop pestering me to go out with you."


"Omo. Did you just give a compliment?" Jaejoong joked around, but deep inside the rejection stung him. He can't believe Dara is in a relationship, much more with a girl. "Kidding aside, I had the biggest crush on you Miss Park. It’s a shame that I can't have a date with you."


"Aigoo, Jaejoong. Let's just be friends, okay?"


"Not until I meet your-so-called girlfriend." Jaejoong smirked at her. They didn't notice that they were closely leaning at each other and a pair of eyes had seen them. Chaerin had just gotten out from the company and drove her way directly to K&C. She caught sight of a jolly exchange between Dara and a handsome blonde man from the cafe's glass window. She slowly parked her black Lamborghini and went out. Dara turned to see the newcomer and was surprised to see that it was Chaerin. She suddenly became aware of how close she was posed with Jaejoong. Did she saw them like that? She suddenly felt tense when Chaerin entered unsmilingly with her dark aviators. She went directly to Dara.


"Hello baby~! Sorry I couldn't come earlier, was busy with sajang. Anyway, congratulations." Chaerin said gently but with a hint of serious note and planted a kiss on her cheeks. She tried to hide her annoyance on seeing Dara's skin ship with a man.


"It’s okay baby, I'm glad you could come." Dara replied timidly, she's trying to measure up and guess what Chaerin is thinking, but failed to do so. She was gonna open up to say something, but was interrupted.




Chaerin turned to Jaejoong with a puzzled expression trying to analyze him.


"Aww. I'm hurt. You don't know your Hero Oppa anymore, Pudoongie?" Jaejoong  faked a hurt expression.


"Jaejoong-oppa?! Is that really you?" It finally dawned to her.


"In flesh." They briefly hugged each other. "Wow. This looks like a reunion. TOP is also here and I was gonna ask you to him." He gestured Seunghyun and Bom's place.


"Wait. You really know each other?" Dara asked them. She was relieved that Chaerin didn't lash at them. She's pretty jealous at times.


"Yes baby. He was like a big bro bro of mine back then along with my other alien oppa right there." Chaerin laughed lightly as her arms s around Dara's waist, a mild sign of showing off what's hers. "And oppa, I'm on the verge of attacking you ya'know. Tsk. I didn't know you work here with Dy."


"Yeah. I was very protective of you then." He smirked. "I didn't believe it at first when Boss said she has girlfriend. Imagine my surprise when it was you. Wow. Small world. And I must admit you make a good couple together CL-roo. Thank God, you gave yourself another chance after what Yoona did to you." Chaerin's smile faltered a bit when she heard her name, but composed her. "So Sandara-sshi, friends’ right? I'm not gonna flirt anymore. Uhm, not unless your single again." He offered his hands to Dara who just rolled her eyes to him.


"Finally! I should have introduced you to each other before so I didn't have to bear all your flirting." Dara teasingly said. "C'mon baby. Let’s join Bommi and Seunghyun. You can join us too, Jae, if you really have nothing to do. But before that I'll prepare your Americano first, baby." Dara and Chaerin went to the barista table while Jaejoong's gaze followed them suit.


Jaejoong must admit that he was really surprised that Chaerin is Dara's so-called girlfriend. He adored Chaerin for his sister before, his younger sister Kim Yoona. He saw how in love Chaerin was with his sister. She pampered her and really cared for her. So, when Yoona betrayed Chaerin and left her for Lee Soo Hyuk, Jaejoong was really ashamed. He was mad at Yoona and he has no face to show to Chaerin anymore. Chaerin told him before that she's not mad him and it’s not his fault that her sister left her. But he still distanced himself from her; he jumped from country to country using his profession as an excuse. He knew that her sister destroyed her, but looking at the glow in Chaerin's face right now, he was thankful that Dara came into her life even if he wanted Dara for himself too. His travel down to memory lane was cut short when Dara called her and asked for some cheesecake. He quickly went to get it.


"How did you know Jaejoong, baby?" Dara carefully asked her girlfriend who was making cute faces while watching her in preparing the espresso.


"Uhm, we grew up together with Tabi." Chaerin answered. "And, ah, she's Yoona's brother."


"Ah." Dara nodded. She remembered Yoona as Chaerin's first love before. 'What a coincidence'. She thought inside.


Few minutes later, they were all settled in K&C's best spot. Their table was extended with a few more to the arrival of their other friends. Jiyong, Daesung, Seungri, Mino, and Jinwoo joined them, catching up just like the old times. Jaejoong got at ease with them.


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Chapter 24: Love it love it
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 24: It was a nice ending...hope you can make a part2 of it...like married life..hmmm tnx and congratz author you made it best....
Chapter 24: Woa so romantic ma baby Rin, proposed Darong on the bed :3 thanks fer update bby. It was awesome!! Kekeke :'/ will miss this story
bittersweetlover #4
Chapter 24: Woooaaahhh I can't believe this is finished already!!! I was just being overwhelmed with the fast updates and here it is, suddenly ending so sweet... I think you're sweet, authornim... Will you marry me?!? :)))
Chapter 24: Hahahaha! Chanyeol never failed to amuse me with his antics... Hehe thank you for this nice story authornim... :) hope to read more of your stories in the future... :)
Chapter 24: whoa! that was faster than I expected.thanks a lot author and I'll be waiting for another one. :)
Chapter 24: I believe the last time I checked, this was only in chapter 19 and now it's on its last!
Forever is a lie, but it is always the lie ChaeRa wants to believe. Happy ending! <3 Thank you author Elle13XIII!
Chapter 24: Chuuuuuuuu haahha i finish let's start another okay? :-) :-)
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 24: Soo sweeet
BlackJack_Ryeo101 #10
Chapter 24: Wow, that was fast.. But thanks for the great read!