
Experimental Love

Why is the world swirling or about to collapse? Damn. Dara swayed a bit while walking her way to the restroom. She paused and leaned on the wall to calm her dizzying state.


"Hey miss! Are you alright? Do you need help?" A strong baritone voice interrupted her. She looked up and saw a charming tall man standing in front of her. If she was not mistaken he was the same guy she saw at the show few hours back!


"Uhm, no. I'm fine. I gotta go." She congratulated herself for not stuttering and quickly left the guy before he can protest. Her act might have been rude but he certainly crept her out. She arrived in the restroom, washed her face to cool the heat from the alcohol and did some retouch. She felt slightly better and less dizzy. After being satisfied, she went out in the restroom, but groaned in frustration when he saw the same guy leaning in the wall, clearly waiting for her.


She tried to act nonchalant and walked faster, but she was surprised when he caught her wrist and turned her around.


"Ya! What are you doing? Leggo of me!" She snapped at him and wriggled her wrist to be freed from his grip.


"Tch. I didn't know you could be so rude, Sandara-sshi." He remarked coolly.


Dara frowned. Confusion is clearly written all over her face. "What…? How…?"


"Oh, sorry. You left this a while ago." He showed her the personalized bracelet that Chaerin gave to her a few months back, the one adorned with her name. It might have fallen accidentally.


"I--- uhm I,.." She stammered in saying her apologies.


"No need to be sorry. I see you're kinda crept out with me. Here." She gave a sigh of relief when he handed her the bracelet. She quickly grabbed it and put it inside her pocket.


"Thank you ahjussi and I'm sorry for being rude." She slightly bowed. The man chuckled at her.


"Ahjussi is so formal. I'm ---"


"Lee Soo Hyuk." An icy cold voice interrupted his introductions. Chaerin suddenly appeared and possessively s her arms around Dara.


Dara looked up and saw the cold features in her girlfriend's face. She looks mad. Her gaze flickered back on the charming guy in front of them. She was surprised. So, this is her estranged brother. Lee Soo Hyuk. No wonder he scared her out in some way.


"Oh hey there Seoul City's Baddest Female." He said with a hint of mockery.


"What are you doing here?" She snapped at him with all animosity.


"Ugh. That hurts. Is that how you greet your brother?"


"Brother, my ." Chaerin hissed menacingly.


"Now, now that's being rude and we have a beautiful woman here witnessing this." He gestured a hand at Dara and winked at her.


"Stop bothering me… us. Lee Soo Hyuk. Get the outta here." Chaerin said. The truth is she wanna slap him and erase that smug look on his face. The presence of Dara beside her is the only thing holding her still. Dara is on the verge of freaking out, her girlfriend looks really angry. She doesn't know to console her so she just held on tightly and kept shut.


"Now, now. I'm not even doing anything and you're reacting like that? Huh. I'm officially invited in this event dear sister. Pssssh. Calm yourself will you? I think this beautiful lady here is about to freak out with your vicious manner." He slightly reaches out and touched Dara's cheeks, but Chaerin slapped his hands away.


"Don't you dare touch my girlfriend, Lee Soo Hyuk." Chaerin hissed again. She is really mad.


"You're girlfriend huh? Tsk. Tsk." Soo Hyuk scoffed. He knew it already. He knows what has been happening to her sister before he showed up.


"Yes. Mine. A little reminder big brother? Don't go around picking up what is mine. You look pathetic." Chaerin spoke clearly before turning her back and dragging Dara along.


Lee Soo Hyuk balled his fist as his gazed followed their retreating back.  Pathetic? That sly dared to call him pathetic?


'Let's see who's going to be pathetic, Lee Chaerin.' He murmured mostly to himself as he set his eyes at the enchanting beauty that was Sandara Park.



Chaerin only let go of Dara when they reach the parking lot.


"!" She frustratingly kicks the tires of her car and walked around in circle until finally sitting on the sidewalk. Dara was just looking at her. It pinches her heart as she how miserable Chaerin looked. After a few minutes, she dared herself to go near her.


"Are you okay, Rin?" She lightly touched her shoulders. She was hurt when she saw that wild look on her eyes. Her eyes shows spectrum of emotions.


Seeing the worried look on Dara's face, Chaerin tried to get a grip on herself. She stood up and held the older woman's hands. "I'm not gonna lie. I feel so frustrated Dy. I'm sorry if I freaked you out a while ago."


Dara gave a faint smile and caressed her cheeks. "I'm fine, Rin."


Chaerin pulled her to a tight embrace. "I'm scared, baby. Why does he have to show up? First it was Yoona... and now him. Can he just leave me alone? Can they just leave us alone? I'm not even doing anything to him." Her voice cracked a bit with all the emotions that she's trying to hold back.


Dara patted her back comfortingly and hugged her back with the same intensity. "Rin…"


Chaerin let go and stared at her girlfriend's eyes. "Promise me Dy, that you'll stay away from him. I know he's cooking something. He only shows up in front of me when he's into something. And right now, you're the important thing in my life. I'm sure he's going to snatch you so I ended up broken again like I was before."


"Chaerin... Calm-"


"Please promise me baby." There was a hint of desperation in her voice.


"I promise, Rin." Dara relented. She cupped her cheeks and pecks a kiss. "You have my word." She put her forehead to Chaerin's and looked at her straight in the eyes.


Chaerin gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you, baby. And I'm sorry. I know we just talked about trusting each other and this happened."


"Yes, things like these just happen. Let's just believe that everything will be better in the end."


They stayed like that for a moment until Dara's phone started ringing.


"Bommi? What is it?" Dara answered the call.


"Darong-ah! Where are you two?!" Bom shrieked on the other line, Chaerin chuckled.


"Aigoo! Don't scream. We're just outside the club." Dara said.


"Heol! Are you going back here?" Bom asked again. Dara glanced at Chaerin. The latter shook her head.


"Uhm, no. We're heading home actually. Something came up, but it's all sorted."


"Something? Hope it's not all your hormones talking." She snorted. "Party poopers. The night's still young! Anyway, tell Chaerin to not overdo you okay?" Bom giggled on the phone. Chaerin burst out laughing; she clearly heard what she said while Dara was very embarrassed.


"Ya! ert Bommi! We're not like you and Seunghyun!" Dare defended herself. Thank God, Chaerin cannot see her red face or else she'll get another round of tease from here.


"Rada rada... I'm hanging up now! Take care! Ta-ta!" She finally hangs up.


Chaerin was still giggling.


"What?!" Dara spat at her.


"Look at you, you're the reddest tomato ever." Chaerin even though she can't see it; she knows the older woman is probably blushing furiously.


Dara smacked her lightly to hide her embarrassment.


"Owwww! I'm just kidding!" Chaerin caught her hands to stop from smacking. She pulled her and gave a passionate kiss…


They were breathless until…




A blinding flash ruined their heating moment. Realizing what had happened, Chaerin protectively covered Dara and her eyes searched for the culprit. She was expecting paparazzi or a bevy of fan girls, but what she saw was running guy back to the entrance, laughing heartily. Lee Seungri.


"Grrr! Damn that ert!" She cursed while bringing Dara inside her car.


"What happened, baby?" Dara was in a dazed. First from the Lee Soo Hyuk incident, then the kiss and someone taking a picture of them and the effects of alcohol are kicking back although she's already sober.


But before she can answer, her phone beeped notifying an incoming message.


It came from Seungri. There was an attached picture of them kissing heatedly not minding anything. "LOOK CL, YOU'RE GOING TO BE ON THE HEADLINES TOMORROW. AHAHAHA (insert silly emoticons here)"


"That silly Panda! I'm going to get him tomorrow. I bet he's going to show it off with the gang." She murmured still checking out the picture. Gawd, she didn't think that they would look hot kissing like that. She passed her phone to Dara and automatically the older girl reddened at the passionate picture.


"Omo. Bommi will never hear the end of it. We, making out in the parking lot. In the public." Dara added.


They look at each other. "WE'RE DEAD." They said in unison and laughed out loud at their silliness. Finally, they left the place in good feelings.


Chaerin drive directly to Dara's house. The older woman was nearly dozing off. After parking the car, Chaerin went to the passenger side and carried her. Dara stirred from her bemused state and smiled cutely at her.


"I can walk Rin." She said.


"Aigoo. You're sleepy already. Lemme carry you okay?" Dara didn't have time to protest as Chaerin lifted her up. She slightly slammed the door as the car has automatic lock security.


Dara snuggled close to Chaerin as she was carrying her. As they get inside the house, she directly brought her down on her bed.


"There you go." Chaerin was about to turn her back but Dara pulled her. She landed right in the bed, beside her. Dara positioned herself on top of Chaerin, her two arms on the sides, supporting her weight.


"Where are you going?" She asked above her.


"I'm just going to get something to freshen you up." Chaerin answered as she caressed Dara's cheeks. She then rolled and reversed their position. She started kissing Dara lightly. "Are you feeling well now?" She asked in between kisses.


"Yeah. I think so. Just… kiss me." Dara moaned, Chaerin being obedient, deepened their kiss. Their tongue battled, nibbling their lips. They were both touching each other. Dara caressed Chaerin's waist and flat tummy. In flash she undressed Chaerin's shirt and Chaerin removed hers too.


Chaerin's kisses trailed off to her earlobes down to her neck. She nibbled her sweet spot right there, making the older woman moan harder. She unclasps her bra and tossed it anywhere. She pulled out a bit and admired her beautiful mounds, the rosy s stands erect.


"These are just beautiful baby." She softly the left one and her hand caressed the right one eliciting a sound of pleasure from the older girl. She did this alternately, giving more pleasure.


"Chaerin-ah…" Dara pulled her closer. Tingling sensations were filling her senses... She wanted more.


Chaerin pulled Dara's pants and ; she also undressed her own garments. They are both completely now, admiring each other’s perfection. They were both glistening with their own juices. Chaerin kissed her again; the urgency and desire are intensifying. Her hands trailed all over Dara's body until it reached her sensitive area. She slowly rubbed her and her lower lips. Kissing her senselessly, Dara was writhing with so much pleasure beneath her.


Rrrrrinnnng! Dara's phone suddenly rang on the bedside table. They both ignored it as they were drowned to each other.








But the person on the other line was persistent.


"Who might be calling you at this time baby? It's past midnight." Chaerin groaned and slumped on the bed.


"I dunno." Dara's voice is slightly hitched. She reached for her phone that is now silent, not minding her ness. The younger girl was eyeing her with great desire; Dara is just so beautiful plus her marks all over her still aroused body. "Hey why are you grinning like that?"


"I'm just admiring how beautiful you are. Come here." Chaerin pulled her back to embrace. They were lying in the bed, both .


"Hul. Sweet talker." She let herself be pulled as she checked her call logs. "Ugh. I-It's Channie." She stuttered when she felt Chaerin's hand were in between her thighs. "Chaerin-ah…"


"Hmm. Oh, its Chanyeol?" She softly bit Dara's shoulder and planted wet kisses.


"Y-yes. . H-he's going t-to call again. Y-you better stop."


"Stop what? I'm not doing anything." But her fingers were still rubbing her sensitive , teasing her entrance. As if on cue, the phone started ringing again. "Just answer it Dy."


Dara knew it better; Chanyeol won't stop calling until she answer and Chaerin won't stop what she's doing, although admittedly she enjoys what her younger lover is doing right now.


She cleared her voice and answered. "Hey Yeolie-ah!"


"Noooooona! I've been ringing you gazillion times already. How are you? What have you been up to?" Came the cheerful reply from the other line.


"Ahhhh... I'm fine. I just got home, ah, uhm from a show and party with, ah, friends." Dara was trying to hide her moans as Chaerin continuously her.


"I see. Are you sure you're okay? I mean, something's off with your voice or is it the connection..." Chanyeol commented. He swears he hears her noona's voice was huskier.


"I really am fine Channie, ahhh, maybe from the booze." Dara was muffling her moans as Chaerin her and rub her furiously. "Gawd..." She gasped when something is building up in her abdomen.


"Baby, your brother is still on the other line..." Chaerin whispered to her as she nibbled her ear lobes and still pleasuring her with her own hands.


"." Dara hang up her phone and let it fall from her hand. Screw it. She grabbed Chaerin and kissed her passionately.


"Chaerin... I'm ..." With final , her juices flowed in Chaerin's hand.


"That was awesome baby." Chaerin grinned atop Dara. She then slumped and snuggled Dara closely to her.


"Awesome my . Don’t do anything when I’m talking to someone on phone baby." Dara snorted, but grinned up at her.


Chanyeol on the other line was flabbergasted. What the hell happened? He scratched his head. A conclusion formed in his head. But maybe it’s not what it is? Hmmm. He's going to ring his noona again.




"Omaigah. That kiddo~!" Dara grunted.


"Would you mind if I answer it for you?" Chaerin asked.


Dara eyed her. "We're prolly busted anyway, so go ahead. Suit yourself."


Chaerin grinned and answered the phone.


"NOONA WERE YOU HAVING S---?!" Chanyeol shrieked.


Chaerin burst out laughing while Dara buried her head in her chest. "Hello there, Chanyeol."


Chanyeol was surprised when he heard a much huskier voice that certainly didn't belong to his noona. "Uhm, Chaerin-noona?"


Chaerin grinned. "Yeah. Sorry, I kept your noona busy. Kkkk." Dara smacked her lightly.


“Busy huh? He retorted but was answered by jolly laughs from the two people from the other line. He was really glad that her sister sounded happy.


A few minutes later, the two of them had fun conversation over the phone. Chanyeol was teasing them endlessly until he finally let them rest near dawn…


I finally hit the 'add chapter' button after more than a month.

Lah. This is for my unnies. Unnies!!! I have updated! Throw me to the other planet!

And for my readers, too. ^^,

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Chapter 24: Love it love it
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 24: It was a nice ending...hope you can make a part2 of married life..hmmm tnx and congratz author you made it best....
Chapter 24: Woa so romantic ma baby Rin, proposed Darong on the bed :3 thanks fer update bby. It was awesome!! Kekeke :'/ will miss this story
bittersweetlover #4
Chapter 24: Woooaaahhh I can't believe this is finished already!!! I was just being overwhelmed with the fast updates and here it is, suddenly ending so sweet... I think you're sweet, authornim... Will you marry me?!? :)))
Chapter 24: Hahahaha! Chanyeol never failed to amuse me with his antics... Hehe thank you for this nice story authornim... :) hope to read more of your stories in the future... :)
Chapter 24: whoa! that was faster than I expected.thanks a lot author and I'll be waiting for another one. :)
Chapter 24: I believe the last time I checked, this was only in chapter 19 and now it's on its last!
Forever is a lie, but it is always the lie ChaeRa wants to believe. Happy ending! <3 Thank you author Elle13XIII!
Chapter 24: Chuuuuuuuu haahha i finish let's start another okay? :-) :-)
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 24: Soo sweeet
BlackJack_Ryeo101 #10
Chapter 24: Wow, that was fast.. But thanks for the great read!