Just For Goodbye

Experimental Love



< Chaerin's POV >


It's Dara's birthday today, I'm planning to surprise her tonight.


Hmm. Home cooked dinner, wine, and that romantic film that she's been talking about, prolly some steamy lovemaking. Cheesy eh? And a getaway trip to Thailand on weekend! I grinned at myself.


But before that, an unregistered number popped on my phone.


"Lee Chaerin, speaking."


"Hi Chaerin. It's Yoona."


"Yoona, what is it?" I asked coldly.


"Aigoo. Don't be like that, Chaerin. Are you free today? Can we meet up? I'm leaving."


"You're leaving for real?"


"Yeah. So can I see you? It won't take long."


I agreed meeting her for lunch. We talked casually and she apologized to what she had done. I gladly accepted it and she told me she wanted to come clean. She's gonna start anew with her family and she had talked with Soo Hyuk.


In the middle of our lunch, she told me she was feeling queasy and kinda dizzy. I accompanied her to the restroom. She felt better then after. On our way outside, I was surprised when she pulled me in a tight embrace.


"Chaerin... I know I'm not in the position to ask for this, but can I ask you something?"


"What is it Yoong?" I asked her fondly.


"Can I kiss you?"


She clearly saw my hesitation as she continued, "Just for goodbye?"




Okay. I nodded and she slowly captured my lips, I let her be. This is goodbye anyways. Slowly she broke her kiss.


"I love you, Chaerin." She professed while still clinging at my neck. I wasn't the least affected and so was she. We both know this is closure.


"You know, I loved you Yoona, but Dara is my life now." I smiled sincerely at her.


"I know, Chae and I'm bonded with Soo Hyuk. The divorce will not happen. We're going to build a family soon in Boston." She knowingly rubbed her still flat belly after letting go of me.


"Y-you're pregnant?" Wow.


"Yeah." She nodded all smiles.


This time I hugged her briefly. "Congratulations."


"Thank you, I hope you know, you'll be in good terms with Soo Hyuk, as well as with Father."


"I hope so, too but it might not be that easy. Come, let's go back on our table."


I escorted her back, but then I saw Dara leaving the place. She was here, too? With whom? I scanned the room and saw Lee Soo Hyuk.


"Yoona, you're husband is here." I motioned his direction.


"Great timing! Let's go over him." She pulled me excitedly as I put bills on our table.


"Soo Hyuk, babe! Look who I dined with."


"Chaerin." He said politely, gone was the animosity. This is new. We were trying to grasp everything.


"Soo Hyuk, I see congratulations are in order." I raised my hand and he shook it.


"Thank you."


"Are you alone?" I asked as we sat across him.


"No, I actually had lunch with Dara. She just left. Hastily, I might say. Did she saw you?" His brows rose.


Jeez. Did she saw us? I noticed that she left in a rush.


"I don't know. What did you talk about?" I asked trying to hide being suspicious.


"Just purely business. I apologized too, and promise not to bug you two anymore." He said confidently as she glanced to Yoona. I've never seen him this calm before.


"Okay, I better get going then. I wish you two all the well. Goodbye."


Bidding goodbye, to start anew. 

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Chapter 24: Love it love it
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 24: It was a nice ending...hope you can make a part2 of it...like married life..hmmm tnx and congratz author you made it best....
Chapter 24: Woa so romantic ma baby Rin, proposed Darong on the bed :3 thanks fer update bby. It was awesome!! Kekeke :'/ will miss this story
bittersweetlover #4
Chapter 24: Woooaaahhh I can't believe this is finished already!!! I was just being overwhelmed with the fast updates and here it is, suddenly ending so sweet... I think you're sweet, authornim... Will you marry me?!? :)))
Chapter 24: Hahahaha! Chanyeol never failed to amuse me with his antics... Hehe thank you for this nice story authornim... :) hope to read more of your stories in the future... :)
Chapter 24: whoa! that was faster than I expected.thanks a lot author and I'll be waiting for another one. :)
Chapter 24: I believe the last time I checked, this was only in chapter 19 and now it's on its last!
Forever is a lie, but it is always the lie ChaeRa wants to believe. Happy ending! <3 Thank you author Elle13XIII!
Chapter 24: Chuuuuuuuu haahha i finish let's start another okay? :-) :-)
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 24: Soo sweeet
BlackJack_Ryeo101 #10
Chapter 24: Wow, that was fast.. But thanks for the great read!