I Miss You

Experimental Love

Sandara Park's POV

The next three days I drowned myself to work. Chaerin was also busy, but she tries to call me in any way she can. And today I'm off to work. I owned chains of cafes around South Korea called Kaffein and Confections. Minzy became my business partner when I tried expanding. She also graduated from Stanford. Our cafe is very well known for serving the best espressos and pastries around. We had the best baristas and chefs. I myself took up Culinary Arts alongside my Masteral degree in Business Administration. Today, there is a scheduled interview for a new chef in our new branch, so I was kinda in a rush. I was a bit a distracted while maneuvering my car in the parking lot when someone suddenly appeared in front. I instinctively stepped on the brakes.


"Owww!" I heard someone groaned. I immediately went out to check the person. I saw a blonde guy massaging his assaulted shins.


"Gosh! I'm sorry Ahjusshi! I didn't notice you there. Where does it hurt? Is it bad? Let's go to the hospital!" I frantically said to him, but as I look at him there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.


"Hang on! I'm fine. Nothing serious. I'm sorry, too. I'm in a rush, so I wasn't being careful." He chuckled lightly. Eeeehhh. He looks like a character from a Japanese manga that came out alive. With blonde hair and gray eyes, his skin is even as fair as mine. I shook my head.


"Oh. Thank God." I breathe in relief, but then I heard cars honking behind. My car isn't properly parked yet that's why it’s blocking the way. "Uhm, are you sure you're okay? We can go to the hospital to have you properly treated."


"Yes, I'm fine. No need to go to the hospital. I still have an interview to catch."


"Uhm okay. I gonna go back to my car, but if you need anything. Please don't hesitate to call." I gave him my calling card. He nodded then retreated. I went back to properly park my car and parked it properly. Goodness. What a good way to start my day for work! I thought of the guy and hoped that nothing serious happened to him. I rushed to my cafe, it isn't formally opened yet but the structure is fully furnished. It was designed by my brother, Cheondung that's why it sorta have this European feels on it. And it was located near some entertainment companies. YGE is actually a twenty minute walk from here. We are only short of the chef before it will be formally opened.


"Good morning Miss Park!" The branch manager, Gayeon, greeted.


"Morning Gayeon! I'm a bit late. Is the applicant already here?" I tried fixing myself up.


"Ah, yes Miss. He's waiting right there." She pointed in one of the cafe's corner, a guy sat there with his back facing us. I took some papers from Gayeon before I went to him. I cleared my throat. "Uhm, good morning!"


The guy stood up and I nearly dropped my things. "You--!" I exclaimed. He was the same guy I accidentally bumped a while ago!


"Good morning to you too Miss Sandara Park?" He said coolly.


"Uhm. Yeah, hello Mister --"


"Kim Jaejoong." He offered his hand and I casually accepted it.


"Jaejoong-sshi, please take a seat." We took our seat facing each other. I'm quite uncomfortable because he was ogling at me with intensity. "I'm sorry for what happened a while ago. Are you sure there's no need for you to be checked up?"


"Ah, no. I'm good." He smiled charmingly.


"Okay. I won't insist anymore. So, you are applying for the head chef position here in Kaffein and Confections?" I asked formally while casually rummaging his files. He has good credentials.




"Tell me, why should I hire you? What can you offer for K&C?" I looked straight in his eyes.


"Well, I'm sure you have seen my credentials. I took up culinary arts in Italy, Paris and in US, but my specialization is on Classic Pastry and sweets. I am also a barista. What can I offer? Well, not bringing up my own chair but I know that I'm an amazing chef. I can create and re-create dishes that will be good in K&C. And I also have exemplary work ethics which is the most necessary aspect for this job." He answered coolly. This guy is really full of confidence, but I can see truth in his words. There were receipts in front of me. He is highly commendable. And he can pass to be a model or an idol for his looks.


"Uh-huh.You're good. But why K&C?" I asked out of curiosity.


"It's the best cafe around Seoul and highly recommended by a friend of mine. Your head chef in the main branch."


"Kim Junsu?"




"Oh.  Good." I smiled. "So, congratulations Jaejoong-sshi and welcome to K&C." We shook hands. "When can you start?"


"Thank you, Mademoiselle. I can start right away. I'm absolutely thrilled to work with a beautiful lady here." He winked. Hul. What a sweet talker. Is he trying to charm me? Uh-oh.


"Hul! You have a sweet tongue right there Mister!"


"A sweet tongue that only tells the truth. You're really beautiful Miss Sandara."


"Yeah yeah, I heard that a lot." I smirked playing along with him. I remembered Chaerin because she calls me 'beautiful'. "Let's get started then and no monkey business. I wanna have a good rapport with y'all." I'm really hands on when it comes to business. Some foods that are served in the cafe are actually my recipes.


"Okay, got it boss!" I chuckled when he saluted.


We worked harmoniously half that day after I left to check on the other branches. Kim Jaejoong was an easy going person and really comfortable to be with and he's really good at his job.



Los Angeles, California


It was already dawn when the photo shoot was wrapped, Chaerin immediately called Dara. She answered right away on the first ring.


"Hi'ya beautiful! How are you? How's your day?" Chaerin greeted cheerfully not minding the lethargy that's creeping in.


"Hey Rin. Everything's great here. How are you? Are you done for today? I'm calculating that it's prolly dawn there. You should rest." Dara said in one breath. She's still on her cafe, but will be home soon.


"Ya chill! I'm good. I'll rest later. I  misssssssss youuuuu." Chaerin might have not seen it, but she can imagine that Dara is already flushed.


"Eeeeh... Lee Chaerin..." She whined from the other line while trying to hide her beet red cheeks. Even on phone, Chaerin never fails to make her feel giddy.


"Weo? Don't you miss me?" Chaerin sulked.


"You're acting cute. It won't work. Rest now, Rin."


"Na-uh. I won't until you say that you miss me, too."




"You don't really miss me? Fine. I'm not gonna go back in Seoul, I'm gonna live here in Los Angeles. There's a lot of pretty chics here anyways, blondes, brunettes, red---"


"Fine, fine. I miss you, too." Dara relented quietly. She got jealous when Chaerin mentioned about other pretty girls. No doubt about it because Hollywood is in LA. It will never be hard for her to hook up with other stunning celebs there.


"What? I didn't catch that last bit." Chaerin said, trying to hide her grin but the sparkle in her eyes is clearly evident. She didn't notice that someone was observing her.


Dara cleared before saying, "I miss you too, Rin. So much. Come back home soon." Chaerin's heart melted hearing those affectionate words from Dara.


"Don't worry Dy. I'll be home before you know it." She was actually planning to go home the next day after she buys gifts for her friends.


"Okay then. Please have some rest now."


"I will, boss." Chaerin said jokingly.


"I'm gonna hang up now. Beep me if you're in your hotel okay? Take care of yourself."


"Copy that. See you soon, Dy. I miss you. Annyeong!" The phone call ended and Chaerin was still smiling from ear to ear.


"And why does my boo have this foolish smile glued in her face?" Jeremy Scott entered the dressing room. They were currently in his shop. He was observing Chaerin quite a while. They are best friends and it's his first time seeing her with so much sparkle in her eyes.


"Jeremy! How long have you been there?" Chaerin was startled when he heard him talk. She was actually tidying her things, so she can go back to her hotel.


"Enough to hear you sweet talking boo. And you didn't even notice me? Wow. That's the first babe." He said while approaching her.


"I'm sorry, I was talking with Dara."


"Dara? New girlfriend?"


"Oh, no."


"No? Then why are you grinning like a hopelessly inlove person should be?" Jeremy raised his eyebrows.


"Well, uhm, I've been wooing her for than a month now. And nothing's official yet." Chaerin admitted.


"SEOUL CITY'S BADDEST FEMALE IS WOOING SOMEONE FOR REAL?" He exclaimed in an exaggerated manner.


"Well..." Chaerin shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly.


"Gosh babe. YOU. ARE. IN. LOVE. WITH. HER."


"Ah, you think so?" She's not even bothered a bit about it. Dara makes her heart flutters even just by hearing her voice. She's happy and everything is good with her around. If this is what falling in love is, she'll gladly welcome it with open arms.


"You really are babe. Cupid hit you big time. Now, tell me how this Dara looks like." Jeremy grabbed her with great dynamism.


"She's great, Jeremy. You should visit Seoul sometime and I'm gonna introduce you to each other. Right now, I have tight orders to get some rest." Chaerin said.


"Wow. You're already whipped by her. I should really go to Seoul and give Dara a big fat kiss and thank you for taming the stubborn baddest female." Jeremy said while accompanying her.


"Uh-huh. You should --" Chaerin stopped short when her eyes caught a particular clothing in one of the racks. She went to check it. "Hey Remy! Is this dress out already?" She grabbed a Spongebob printed long sleeved dress. It's so cute and it reminds her of Dara.


"Not yet. Why?"


"Can I buy it?"


"Is it for your Dara?"




"Don't you deny it. You can have it for free babe."




"No buts." Jeremy grabbed the dress and carefully put it in a box. He even wrote a notebefore handing it back to Chaerin. "Send my regards to the love of your life."


"Thank you, Jeremy." She hugged him and off she goes to her hotel room. After cleaning herself and preparing to sleep she sent a message to Dara.


To: DyDy. <3

Lee Chaerin is off to dreamland. See ya there beautiful!


AN: An update after 13 days of love and hate relationship with my life.\\ How beautiful is this life? How painful is this life?// I'm exhausted til the point that I can barely walk and in desperate need of sleep. And I'm stilll not used to it. \\ Rants again /// But I don't wanna give up this story. This is for y'all. Thank you for dropping by! Love love! <3

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Chapter 24: Love it love it
che21lo15 #2
Chapter 24: It was a nice ending...hope you can make a part2 of it...like married life..hmmm tnx and congratz author you made it best....
Chapter 24: Woa so romantic ma baby Rin, proposed Darong on the bed :3 thanks fer update bby. It was awesome!! Kekeke :'/ will miss this story
bittersweetlover #4
Chapter 24: Woooaaahhh I can't believe this is finished already!!! I was just being overwhelmed with the fast updates and here it is, suddenly ending so sweet... I think you're sweet, authornim... Will you marry me?!? :)))
Chapter 24: Hahahaha! Chanyeol never failed to amuse me with his antics... Hehe thank you for this nice story authornim... :) hope to read more of your stories in the future... :)
Chapter 24: whoa! that was faster than I expected.thanks a lot author and I'll be waiting for another one. :)
Chapter 24: I believe the last time I checked, this was only in chapter 19 and now it's on its last!
Forever is a lie, but it is always the lie ChaeRa wants to believe. Happy ending! <3 Thank you author Elle13XIII!
Chapter 24: Chuuuuuuuu haahha i finish let's start another okay? :-) :-)
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 24: Soo sweeet
BlackJack_Ryeo101 #10
Chapter 24: Wow, that was fast.. But thanks for the great read!