NICE GUY FF 'Another Ending'


Seo Eungi loves Maroo but her hatred for him isn't an easy thing to be forgotten.


They struggle for a love story.


A tragic one which they want to change into a sweet one.


Will they get their happiness? Will they hold each other again and against the world?


This is a fan fiction which I made with so many love for CHAEKI Shipper.


I remade the ending of NICE GUY since I can't hold my craziness about that drama. xoxo I don't own the characters but I own my love for them. Thank you for everyone in this drama which had done a good job. You got my heart guys and I am sorry for 're-imagining' the ending.


ARE YOU READY CHAEKI SHIPPER??? Oh yeah, please says "EUNMAROO" for three times and your memories of episode 16-20 will be gone.



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oladilia1310 #1
Chapter 19: Kenapa baru sekarang aku nemu drama Nice Guy? Sampe udah selese nontonpun malah nyari FFnya.. trus baca FF ini, kepalaku nyut"an gk ada beda sama pas nonton. Alur sama endingnya aja yg beda. Dan harusnya endingnya beginiiiiiiii :'D
Thankyou for making this FF!! Walopun telat tapi aku suka!! 정말 감사합니다~
I will wait your update for another story of EunMaru ㅋㅋ semangat kak! 파이팅!! ♡♡
Lots love, ChaeKi shipper
nandyana #2
Chapter 19: Omg i just found this ff today and read it in one go...i really wish the ending of the actual nice guy drama like this in your are really talented writer...
daragon48 #3
Chapter 19: daebak... andai saja ending drama nice guy kayak gini. TQ for this fanfic neomu joayo!
Chapter 19: eungil.. sempet2nya pengen tidur pas ngelahirin.. *eh wkwkwkwk

wuiiih mantep ikatan batin mereka. maru dan eungi sama2 pernah bermimpi ttg jungwoo

daebak daebak
thanks for making this eunma/chaeki fic/story
good luck utk karyanya ya.. semangat!!
Chapter 19: Aigoooo it's already the end! T.T I'm sad because i'll be missing your updates!
Thank you for creating such a wonderful story, I love how things went for our couple. They deserve all happiness. :) And what, 9 children still? I suppose not all children were born in the house? Haha! I'm also amazed by how you described the birth scene, woah! Keep writing Chaeki ffs please? You're a good authornim! :D
Chapter 18: daebak...
kalau ahn gak sadar2 tuh abis slh bunuh orang kebangetan dah... jd gemes >\\\\<
aku tuh klo bacanya... selalu ngerasa khawatir sm bayi eunmaru lol... takut knp2 apalagi tiap baca part yg eunginya tuh "gak bisa diem" hahaha
pokoknya aku tunggu endingnya yeay
alvionanda #7
Chapter 17: keren banget! ff nya kerenam bangeeeeeet. maaf bary comment dipart ini, soalnya aku saking penasaran jadi langsung klik next.
kenapa ending dramanya nggak kaya gini ajaaaaaa? ini lebih ngreget gitu. ditunggu kelanjutan ceritanya yyaaaaa ^^
charism #8
Chapter 17: ditunggu min lanjutan nya secepetnya yaaa . Deg degan nih bacanya .
Chapter 17: duuuh aku bacanya.... deg2an sambil makan. hahahaha
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