
Loving The Same Person

For the last 3 days, I and Donghae have been spending our time with each other, playing and tickling each other. "Aren't you seeing him after school?" Oppa asked me as I sat on the dinner table. "I don't know. It's a weekday. I rarely catch him during weekends," he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong oppa?" I asked him. He looks worried. "Where is Donghae when you don't see him? Does he even sends you a message? What school does he go to?" He's right. He said he doesn't go to school. I never asked him why. I just kept all my answers to myself. "I trust him oppa," was all I could say. "If you say so. You know, ever since you got Donghae with you, I never heard Aiden's name come from your mouth." I blinked and turned to him. "Well, I've been with Donghae a lot." He then looked at me in the eye. "Don't lie to oppa. Aiden and Donghae are alike. You liked Aiden in the beginning, but it seems that the people around you don't like that. Then you thought that by Donghae, you could forget your feelings for Aiden." I stood up with surprise. "Oppa. You're wrong. You're making that up. Sure they look like! They could even pass as twins. B-b-but they're different! Donghae is sweet and kind, like a child. The most caring boyfriend ever! While Aiden, he's.. he's rude! Irritating! And annoying! But tries his best for me to notice him. He's now nice and gentler..." Aiden is now becoming like Donghae. But no, it's like I'm cheating on my boyfriend. "____-ah," Oppa shook me. "What?" I looked at him. "I said. You're gonna be late for school." I nodded and waved goodbye. "Yes. Bye oppa!"


Today, school was normal. Except for the lovestruck Victoria we have. "So, tell us." Taeyeon cheered. "Well, I'm his girl now!" she said and blushed really hard. We were so happy for her. "That Eunhyuk guy is Aiden's friend, right?'" Seohyun asked and we nodded. "But he's different. He's like Aiden's guardian. He even gave me a ring." Victoria showed me the ring Eunhyuk gave her. I'm happy the girls are happily in love. Well, we all are. "congratulations on finally finding love!" I told her. We just giggled the rest of our break time.


Dismissal time already. Time really is fast. I looked to find my friends and I saw them in a hurry. "Hey Tae!" She was busy on the phone. "Later, ____'s here .Okay. See you later." She hid her phone now. "Date with my oppa?" She turned pink. "Tae, you know I'm happy that you and oppa are going out. Just next time, close the doors or hide yourselves. It's somewhat disgusting seeing the two of you kiss," I patted her head and she turned red. I looked for Seohyun. But even before I could call her, she's already hooked her arm with Yonghwa and his friends. Why do I even bother looking for this girl? I tried looking for Victoria. "Hey ____! Come with me!" Without getting a chance to refuse, she just dragged me to the entrance. And there stood a guy leaning on the wall. 


"OPPA!" Victoria wrapped her arms around Eunhyuk and he just showed his gummy smile. I was hoping he was with someone. "You might be looking for him. I don't know where he is." I shook my head. "If you think I'm looking for Aiden, no! No!" I was shaking so hard. "I didn't mention any name. Anyways, me and Victoria here are gonna eat now. You want to come?" I shook my head again. "I don't want to be a 3rd party to your date. I'm just gonna be at the park," I told them and walked away.


I sat at the usual bench, waiting for someone. Again. Suddenly, my eyes were covered. "Yah. I know who you are," I giggled. He then hugged me from my back. His arms on which I long to belong and be held unto. His clean polo that he wore before. I evened it out for him, with him still hugging me from my back, and me, still not looking at him. "I miss you. Did you miss me? I love you Donghae." And with those words, he withdrew his arms. I wonder why he pulled away. I looked up to him. "Donghae. His name is Donghae. Nice name. I thought you had no one." And with that, I realized it was Aiden. I looked at him and he looked different. Well, he isn't wearing that leather jacket of his. He's also not in black. He looks nice and clean. He looks more like Donghae. No. Better. Donghae likes loose and cute outfits. Aiden looks smart and casual.


"Aiden..." "Wow. Now you know who I am." He said sarcastically with tears forming at the corner of his eyes. I stood up, reaching out my hand to him. But he pushed it away. "_____, am I not enough for you? I don't see you with any other guy except me, Eunhyuk and your brother. And now, I hear another guy's name. Donghae!? Isn't that East Sea!? What type of parents would name his son East Sea!?" His voice was somehow cracked. "Aiden. I'm sorry. I thought it was Donghae and not you." I could also feel my tears on my eyes. "Of course. You'd rather wait for him. He is your boyfriend. What am I to you anyway but just a guy. Just tell me how long have you been together?" How long have I been with Donghae? Almost a month now. "3 weeks already." He closed his eyes. "It hurts when you said you have someone else. I thought that was the most painful thing I've heard. But no. I was wrong. Looking for him, and waiting for him. No. Thinking I was him was the most painful. I brought you to my mom 2  weeks ago probably. Was I too late? I guess so. I don't think I can see you anymore. No. You don't have to see me anymore. If I see you again, I hope your happy. Cause if I find out that that Donghae guy hurts you, I'll hurt him twice or even thrice more than what he did to you!" He tried to smile but he just couldn't. He just walked away.


I wanted to run to him. Chase him. Hold him and hug him. But I don't know why I just couldn't. I picked up my things before I could follow Aiden. I got my things and a picture fell. It was a picture of me and Donghae. The sweetest picture we had. Why does it hurt? Why am I hurting myself? Why did I love two guys who look exactly the same and yet so different? I'm supposed to be happy, right? I longed for Aiden to stop bugging me. And now, I can hang out with Donghae all I want. But after seeing Aiden, my heart was hurt. So much. It's like one of the worst feeling I've ever felt.


{Aiden's POV}

This... This... My heart... I never knew loving was so painful. I've dated a lot of girls before. But nothing was serious. For some reason, this girl, ______, made me fall for her so deep. Maybe because she wasn't as easy to get like the other girls. The others were so easy I got tired of them. But ____, she was hard to get. And it made me want her more. It made me love her more.


I was walking along with my head down. I dressed up clean and nice today. Maybe that's why he doesn't like me. I always wear black. I lived up to my bad boy name. I thought a lot of girls like bad boys?! Why doesn't she like me then?! I kicked a rock, wasting my time on it. Suddenly, a person in black blocked my way. I looked up to see TOP.


"What do you want now?" I asked. "Revenge."


{End of POV}



One week. One week has passed since that incident happened. I showed them that nothing happened, but every time I'd see Eunhyuk, he could tell something's wrong. And I could tell he knows something. I also haven't seen Donghae in a while. Today is finally our monthsary. It's a Saturday so I can spend a whole day with him.


I dressed up with my favorite outfit. "Wow. You look beautiful." Oppa said as I made my way to the door. I just thanked him and before I could open the door, the doorbell rung. I opened it to see a man in a semi-formal outfit with flowers and a bear came. "Donghae..." he just smiled. He gave me the gifts and we left my house. "Where are we going?" He just smiled. "I'm gonna take you somewhere I hope you like. It's not a fancy restaurant. It's not something expensive. I want this to be memorable. I'll take you somewhere and meet someone who is as special as you in my heart."


We walked for awhile. Something's weird. Like I've walked this same road. The same secret paths and turns. I know this neighborhood. This is Aiden's neighborhood. For some reason I was afraid. I was nervous. We then reached a house. Isn't this Aiden's house? I pulled Donghae's shirt. "Is this your house?" he nodded. "I wanted you to meet my omma. I know she'll be happy to know that I brought the girl I've been telling her about." He said. Maybe some house just look the same that's why.


"Omma! It's me! I brought _____ with me too!" He called out. And within a few seconds, I was surprised to see his omma. "My son, you brought her home. Let me see---" We were both shocked. Standing in front of me is Aiden's mother, who also happened to be Donghae's mother?



Are you somehow getting the story? Tell me if it's complicated. Comments are highly appreciated! Thanks to my 21 subscribers! Merry Christmas! ♥

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 24: love it love it soo much...
this story was really nice
Chapter 24: sequel~~ hehehe ^^~ i love the story so may i request for sequel? hehehe :D
Great story
sacydevie #4
aww.. such a beautiful story:)
like!like!like! ..
snsd_yoonyulsic #5
Aww... This is so touching!
This is a wonderful story! Bravo!!
Love your story, it's so sweet.
Now that is a TRUE LOVE :)
babymitch #7
L - O - V - E