Winning her heart

Loving The Same Person

"I'm sorry. You must be shocked because of my words," Aiden said. "I'm sorry, but I like my boyfriend," I told him and he finally released my hand. "I understand," he said with a smile. "But I'll be watching for a while. Anyway, I want to bring you somewhere," he said. 


He took my hand again and we walked away. "I want you to meet someone. If it's okay with you," he said. I just nodded. I felt nervous as I see houses on our way. I'm sensing where he's taking me. We finally stopped at a not so big house. "Omma," he called out. And coming out, is an ahjumma, who seems to be in her early 50's. "Aiden-ah, you're home early. Oh, you brought a friend home. Come inside, come inside," his omma welcomed me. I entered their small home and sat at the dinner table.


"I never thought that this would day would come that Aiden would bring home his girlfriend," I blushed. "Omma, she's not my girlfriend... yet," he raised his eyebrows at me. I gave him a glare. "Don't scare her," he added. "I'm sorry dear. It's just that I thought Aiden never treat girls seriously," his omma said. He just rolled his eyes. "Excuse me, I'll be going to the bathroom," he stood up and went away. "Excuse me, I was wondering, where is Aiden's dad?" I asked. "His dad? Don't tell him I told you but his father died years ago," his mom said. "Oh, I'm sorry," was all I could say. "Sorry for what?" Aiden returned. "Nothing. It's a girl thing. You wouldn't understand," I told him. 


The rest of the time I stayed at Aiden's house was wonderful. I helped his mom in cooking and cleaning the house. Before I left, she held my hand. "I wish Aiden would find someone like you. If not, I wish you would be the one. Just promise me that no matter what happens, don't leave my son," her eyes were filled with tears already. "Omma, stop crying please," he said and hugged his omma. I bid his omma goodbye and he walked with me home.


"So, am I still that bad to you?" Aiden suddenly asked. "Well, one day couldn't change my decision towards you. you're still the stubborn and mean boy before," I joked and stuck my tongue out. I ran away from him and he chased me. I was having fun with him. Honestly, he isn't as bad as before.


We arrived at my house and Leeteuk oppa was waiting for me. "___-ah, why are you with Aiden?" he raised his eye. "Uhm. He was just gonna drop me off. Bye Aiden," I told him. He bowed and left. I was shocked. "Did he just bow to me?" Oppa asked. "Oppa, let's not mind that anymore," I patted his back and went to my room. I laid down and remembered Aiden. He was fun to be with. It's funny how Aiden and Donghae both have the same story. They both have no father. But I know Aiden goes to school. 



It was already dismissal time, and I told the girls that I would wait for someone. I really don't know why, but I just wanted to stay until someone would come to pick me up. I closed my eyes and waited for him to come. I looked at my watch it's already past 5. I started to walk on my own. 


"_____-ah!" I turned to see Aiden walking towards me. "Aiden," I said. "Waiting for someone?" he said. I nodded. "It seems like he's not gonna come anymore. Mind if I walk you home? Or would you rather go to the park with me?" I chose to go to the park. If oppa sees him, he's gonna get into some trouble. "Where is he?" he asked again. "Who?" I pretended not to know anything. "I know you have someone else," he said. "I don't!" I lied. And I don't know why I have to do it. He gave me a big smile, one that looks like Donghae's. Oh no. He suddenly hugged me. "I hope you're not lying. Even if you don't someone, I'll do my best to prove to you that I can make you happy." It hurts. It's like I'm cheating on Donghae because I told Aiden I don't have someone. He pulled himself and he reminds me of Donghae so much.


We arrived at the park. I did my homework as Aiden watched me and helped me. He would also feed me and help me drink. "Look, it's the couple we always see here!" I heard a young girl say. "Always? I don't always go here. Maybe you do but I don't," he said. I just ignored it, pretending I didn't hear it.


When it was sunset time, he walked me home. We passed by a flower shop and he went inside the shop and bought me a small bouquet. "Thanks," I said. When we were near our house, we stopped. "You can leave me here. If oppa sees you again, something might happen," I said. He nodded. He turned around, but returned to me and gave me a quick a kiss on my forehead and left. I touched my forehead and rested at my room. 


"I don't why but of all the girls that I've liked, you captured my heart without trying. ____-ah, is this love?" Aiden said before really leaving to go home.

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 24: love it love it soo much...
this story was really nice
Chapter 24: sequel~~ hehehe ^^~ i love the story so may i request for sequel? hehehe :D
Great story
sacydevie #4
aww.. such a beautiful story:)
like!like!like! ..
snsd_yoonyulsic #5
Aww... This is so touching!
This is a wonderful story! Bravo!!
Love your story, it's so sweet.
Now that is a TRUE LOVE :)
babymitch #7
L - O - V - E