Someone Is You

Loving The Same Person

I waited for the park. Who am I waiting for? I also don't know. I stood up when someone covered my eyes. "Donghae?" I said and he hugged me. I turned to see him smiling at me. "How's your week?" he asked. "I'm fine. Let's sit so we can talk more," and we sat down. "How's your week?" I asked him. "I don't remember much. I think I've been sleeping too much. I don't remember doing a lot of things too. I'm worried that I don't have time to care of you," he said and laid his head on my shoulder. "Donghae-ah, don't worry. I'm fine. Why don't you go out? You must be bored staying at home most of the time when you aren't with me." He shook his head. "It's funny how I don't remember much what's happening with my life. It's like I don't have control with myself. there will be days when I would wake up with bruises and more." I looked at him. "why are you looking at me like that?" he asked me. "nothing. Now, what do you want to do?"



"DONGHAE-AH!" I yelled as we go down the roller coaster. I held unto him as the whole ride happened. He laughed at my scared expression and I pouted. He then pinched my cheeks and I stuck my tongue out. We sat and ate ice cream. "_____-ah, do you miss me when I'm not around?" he asked in his cute natural way. "Of course I do," I smiled at him. "When I'm not around, who are with you then?" I choked at that moment. "Are you okay?" Donghae was worried. "Yeah. I'm fine," I told him. "So, answer my question," he smiled. "Your question? Oh yeah! You know, the girls!" I told him in a somewhat nervous voice. 


{Donghae's POV}

Why is she like that, acting so nervous like she' s hiding something? But I trust her. My feelings for _____-ah is unexplainable. Whatever I'm feeling for her, I like it. No, I love it. Being with her is the happiest moments of my life. Nothing is permanent. Not even me, not even this body. 


My head. NO. Not now. Let me finish this date with her. I don't want to faint now. I don't want her to worry about me. I know I have to tell her someday about my frequent faints, but not right now.

{End of POV}


"Donghae-ah, are you okay?" I asked him. He looks a little pale. "You look weak," I took hold of him. "No, I'm fine. I'm okay," he said. I know he's lying. I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but I'm worried for him. He could still manage to smile at me. I smiled back and just hugged him. "Donghae-ah, always take care. When you need someone, I'm always here for you. I'm your girlfriend. I love you," I said those words to him. He pulled away from the hug and took my hand. He placed my hand at his chest  and I could feel his heart that was beating so fast. "Feel this heart beating fast. It beats for you," he smiled. I smiled back. Now, I'm certain to say that Donghae now fully holds my heart. And Aiden, he has to accept that I love someone now.


While walking, we passed by a photo booth. "Donghae-ah, you want to go?" I asked him and he nodded. We took a step and we first started with simple poses until we got into wacky then to sweet poses. After that, we checked our photos. It's funny how I glared at Donghae as if he did something so evil and his face was like a scared child. And there was one where I closed my eyes and Donghae kissed my cheek. There was also where we have to pose with half hearts. And my favorite, was when we stare at each other's eyes. He then wrapped his arms around me. "Donghae-ah, what are you doing? People are looking," I tried pushing him away. But I'm so weak for him. Honestly, I don't want him to let go. "Is it wrong for me to hug my girlfriend? I want them to know that Lee Donghae loves Park ______!" He said in a loud voice. I blushed on what he said.


{Eunhyuk's POV}

I just brought Victoria home. This is one of the best day ever. While walking. I heard _____'s name echo. Maybe I was hearing a different name. I turned and saw ____ holding hands with someone. I was unsure of who it was. When they both turned, I was shocked to see him. They know each other. And worse, they're holding hands. Does this mean that ____ is dating him? I was surprised to see that they know each other, but it's more surprising to know that he is the guy that _____ loves. Didn't he just yell that he loves her?! This couldn't be. This can't happen. They'll only hurt themselves.

{end of POV}



*Long time no update. Exams gives you hell. Anyway, what does Eunhyuk know about Donghae? I give you a sneak peek of what goes through Donghae's mind. He might be just a playful child, but there's more to this lover boy.*

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 24: love it love it soo much...
this story was really nice
Chapter 24: sequel~~ hehehe ^^~ i love the story so may i request for sequel? hehehe :D
Great story
sacydevie #4
aww.. such a beautiful story:)
like!like!like! ..
snsd_yoonyulsic #5
Aww... This is so touching!
This is a wonderful story! Bravo!!
Love your story, it's so sweet.
Now that is a TRUE LOVE :)
babymitch #7
L - O - V - E