The Lonely Crab

The Ninth Tale

White was the colour of purity and innocence...

Just like fresh snow that had just fallen on the ground.

A white rose was a symbol of loyalty—it strengthens the bonds of those closest to you.

Slipping his fingers onto her own, he felt the surprising warmth of her left hand—where a cold circular metal rested on her ring finger.

Winter does not last long, neither does the autumn that comes before or the spring that comes after.

We all know that white, alongside roses, do not last very long.

White was easily tainted and stained by other colours, and roses wilted sooner or later.

Intoxicated and lightheaded, he fell into the lust of an unknown woman—a sin that a married man should've never done.

What was once a seamless white fabric was now tattered and tainted, and what was once blooming roses were now lifeless and withered. 

Just like a blank slate on an empty canvas, she splattered paint all over their memories; shattered and forgotten... 

Woohyun stayed on the remaining white of the canvas, remorse-laden and waiting hopelessly for the woman that would never return again.

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Chapter 33: That's so cute.
JYPFan113 #2
Chapter 44: This is so cool! Though I'm a bit confused but still so awesome :)
Hunny_chan210 #3
Chapter 24: Whut the whut!! This left me in a state of confusion. /shivers/ Her smiling in the end tho
Hunny_chan210 #4
Chapter 4: This is so sad! I will destroy them for you Jongup! You do belong somewhere! And that is in my arms, kuekuekue (eue)
Hunny_chan210 #5
Chapter 3: Huehue I like this one ;) Well done! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GUYS!
helloshineeworld #6
wow nice one